Verfasst am: 23.04.2015, 21:18
Titel: Arbeiten mit Klassen/Unterklassen in Octave
Hi ich würde gerne mit der Klasse Heaps in octave arbeiten. Nun habe ich folgende Matlab implementierungen der Klassen gefunden:
die Unterklasse :MinHeap:
classdef MinHeap < Heap
% Class: MinHeap < Heap (& handle) % % Constructor: H = MinHeap(n); % H = MinHeap(n,x0); % % Properties: (none) % % Methods: H.InsertKey(key); % sx = H.Sort(); % min = H.ReturnMin(); % min = H.ExtractMin(); % count = H.Count(); % capacity = H.Capacity(); % bool = H.IsEmpty(); % bool = H.IsFull(); % H.Clear(); % % Description: This class implements a min-heap of numeric keys % % Author: Brian Moore % % % Date: January 16, 2014
% Public methods
methods(Access = public)
% Constructor
function this = MinHeap(varargin)
%----------------------- Constructor --------------------------
% Syntax: H = MinHeap(n); % H = MinHeap(n,x0); % % Inputs: n is the maximum number of keys that H can hold % % x0 is a vector (of length <= n) of numeric keys % to insert into the heap during initialization % % Description: Creates a min-heap with capacity n
% Call base class constructor
% Insert key
function InsertKey(this,key)
%------------------------ InsertKey ---------------------------
% Syntax: H.InsertKey(key); % % Inputs: key is a number % % Description: Inserts key into H
this.SetLength(this.k + 1);
this.x(this.k) = inf;
% Sort the heap
function sx = Sort(this)
%-------------------------- Sort ------------------------------
% Syntax: sx = H.Sort(); % % Outputs: sx is a vector taht contains the sorted % (ascending order) keys in H % % Description: Returns the sorted values in H
% Sort the heap
nk = this.k; % virtual heap size during sorting procedure for i = this.k:-1:2
nk = nk - 1;
this.x(1:this.k) = flipud(this.x(1:this.k));
sx = this.x(1:this.k);
% Return minimum element
functionmin = ReturnMin(this)
%------------------------ ReturnMin ---------------------------
% Syntax: min = H.ReturnMin(); % % Outputs: min is the minimum key in H % % Description: Returns the minimum key in H
% Extract minimum element
functionmin = ExtractMin(this)
%------------------------ ExtractMin --------------------------
% Syntax: min = H.ExtractMin(); % % Outputs: min is the minimum key in H % % Description: Returns the minimum key in H and extracts it % from the heap
this.SetLength(this.k - 1);
min = this.x(1);
this.x(1) = this.x(this.k + 1);
end end
% Private methods
methods(Access = private)
% Decrease key at index i
function DecreaseKey(this,i,key) if(i > this.k) % Index overflow error
elseif(key > this.x(i)) % Decrease key error
this.x(i) = key;
while((i > 1) && (this.x(Heap.parent(i)) > this.x(i)))
i = Heap.parent(i);
end end
% Build the min heap
function BuildMinHeap(this) for i = floor(this.k / 2):-1:1
end end
% Maintain the min heap property at a given node
function MinHeapify(this,i,size) % Parse inputs if(nargin < 3) size = this.k;
ll = Heap.left(i);
rr = Heap.right(i);
if((ll <= size) && (this.x(ll) < this.x(i)))
smallest = ll;
smallest = i;
end if((rr <= size) && (this.x(rr) < this.x(smallest)))
smallest = rr;
end if(smallest ~= i)
end end end
% Private static methods
methods(Access = private, Static = true)
% Decrease key error
function DecreaseKeyError() error('You can only decrease keys in MinHeap');
% Index overflow error
function IndexOverflowError() error('MinHeap index overflow');
end end end
classdef Heap < handle
% Abstract superclass for all heap classes
% Note: You cannot instantiate Heap objects directly; use MaxHeap or % MinHeap
% Protected properties
properties(Access = protected)
k; % current number of elements
n; % heap capacity
x; % heap array end
% Public methods
methods(Access = public)
% Constructor
function this = Heap(n,x0) % Initialize heap if(n == 0)
this.n = n;
this.x = nan(n,1);
if((nargin == 2) && ~isempty(x0)) % Insert given elements
k0 = numel(x0);
if(k0 > n) % Heap overflow
this.x(1:k0) = x0(:);
end else % Empty heap
end end
% Return number of elements in heap
function count = Count(this)
%-------------------------- Count -----------------------------
% Syntax: count = H.Count(); % % Outputs: count is the number of values in H % % Description: Returns the number of values in H
% Return heap capacity
function capacity = Capacity(this)
%------------------------- Capacity ---------------------------
% Syntax: capacity = H.Capacity(); % % Outputs: capacity is the size of H % % Description: Returns the maximum number of values that can % fit in H
% Check for full heap
function bool = IsFull(this)
%-------------------------- IsFull ----------------------------
% Syntax: bool = H.IsFull(); % % Outputs: bool = {true,false} % % Description: Determines if H is full
Habe diese zwei klassen in den selben ordner gesteckt wie meinen Algorithmus, und wenn ich darin dann MinHeap definieren will kommt folgende Fehlermeldung:
>> H=MinHeap(n)
parse error near line49 of file C:\Users\.....\Documents\OCTAVE\MinHeap.m
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