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Axis colors of matlab created PNG changes in Powepoint




Beiträge: 11
Anmeldedatum: 17.11.07
Wohnort: ---
Version: ---
     Beitrag Verfasst am: 08.10.2013, 14:45     Titel: Axis colors of matlab created PNG changes in Powepoint
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Hi everybody,

i'm post-processing data with MatLab saving the images in the png format. I tried both ways saving the images:



When putting the image into a powerpoint presentation everything looks fine, but after saving the presentation the color of the axis labels, the axis itself, the grid, etc. changes from black to some random color (but usually one i used for the lines)! See attached picture for getting an impression. Is this a problem of powerpoint (I also disabled image compression) or can i modify settings in MatLab to avoid these color changes?

Thanks, Simon


 Dateiname:  matlab_support.png
 Dateigröße:  113.72 KB
 Heruntergeladen:  434 mal


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Jan S


Beiträge: 11.057
Anmeldedatum: 08.07.10
Wohnort: Heidelberg
Version: 2009a, 2016b
     Beitrag Verfasst am: 08.10.2013, 15:30     Titel: Re: Axis colors of matlab created PNG changes in Powepoint
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Hi nofinkski,

You have hidden the important details by showing "..." instead:

Then your write "When putting the image into a powerpoint", but what does "putting" exactly mean here?

Please post the full code and explain the details.

I've been successful with PNGs in PowerPoit using GETFRAME and IMWRITE. Then e.g. the number of colors can be controlled by the BitDepth parameter and you can decide for writing an index or TrueColor PNG.

Kind regards, Jan
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Beiträge: 11
Anmeldedatum: 17.11.07
Wohnort: ---
Version: ---
     Beitrag Verfasst am: 08.10.2013, 15:43     Titel:
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Actually i don't use the command print anymore, and i can't remember excactly which options i used, but i think it was something easy like:




but i'm not sure about the value for the resolution. I switched back to saveas as the same color changes happend to the images.

When i say putting them into Powerpoint, i mean to drag and drop the out of the Windows explorer to some Powerpoint slide.

Thanks, Simon

Mathe ist kein Ar***loch!!!
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Beiträge: 11
Anmeldedatum: 17.11.07
Wohnort: ---
Version: ---
     Beitrag Verfasst am: 08.10.2013, 15:45     Titel:
  Antworten mit Zitat      
And thanks a lot for your reply, Jan!! I will check imwrite and getframe out.

Mathe ist kein Ar***loch!!!
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