bargraph plot (barh stacked) |
Siegfried |
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Verfasst am: 02.09.2016, 18:43
Titel: bargraph plot (barh stacked)
Dear all,
I would like to display 12 horizontal bargraphs which shall consist of several (e.g. 30) elements.
The required data is defined in a matrix A e.g. [12, 30]. this are the 12 bars in the rows and the colums define the length of each bar-element.
This example can be found in the interent. (barh, stacked)
But I would also like to define the color of each element in a second matrix B[12, 30],
I haven't succeeded so far!
Does anyone have an idea?
Siegfried (austria)
Seban |
Beiträge: 600
Anmeldedatum: 18.01.12
Wohnort: ---
Version: ab R2014b
Verfasst am: 04.09.2016, 00:44
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