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Black Scholes Merton




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     Beitrag Verfasst am: 03.06.2008, 18:34     Titel: Black Scholes Merton
  Antworten mit Zitat      
Ich stehe vor folgendem Problem. Ich soll eine Black Scholes Merton Funktion aufstellen mit den unten genannten INput Variablen. Kann mir da jemand behilflich sein?

Aufgabe 1 „Optionspreistheorie: Black-Scholes-Merton“
Schreiben Sie eine Funktion die den Preis einer europäischen Option nach Black-Scholes-Merton ermittelt. Die benötigten Input-Variablen sind:
Risikoloser Zins
Die Funktion soll dem Benutzer den Optionswert ausgeben.



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     Beitrag Verfasst am: 04.06.2008, 09:34     Titel:
  Antworten mit Zitat      
Hat keiner ne Ahnung von Black-Scholes? Ne Funktion könnte so aussehen:

function [] = BlackScholesMertonEuro(AssetP, Strike, RiskFree, DividendY, Time, Volatility)
% Computes the Black-Scholes-Merton European Call/Put Option Values based
% on the following inputs:
% AssetP            =       Underlying Asset Price
% Strike            =       Strike Price of Option
% RiskFree          =       Risk Free rate of interest
% DividendY         =       Dividend Yield of Underlying
% Time              =       Time to Maturity
% Volatility        =       Volatility of the Underlying
% Please note that the use of this code is not restricted in anyway.
% However, referencing the author of the code would be appreciated.
% To run this program, simply use the function defined in the 1st line.
% http://www.global-derivatives.com
% info@global-derivatives.com
% Kevin Cheng (Nov 2003)

dt = Volatility * sqrt(Time);                                
df = RiskFree - DividendY + 0.5 * Volatility ^ 2;            % Computes the drift term
d1 = (log( AssetP / Strike ) + df * Time ) / dt;             % Calculates the d1 term used in Black-Scholes
d2 = d1 - dt;                                                % Calculates the d2 term used in Black-Scholes

% The cumulative normal distribution functions for use in computing calls
nd1 = normcdf(d1);
nd2 = normcdf(d2);
% The cumulative normal distribution functions for use in computing puts
nnd1 = normcdf(-d1);
nnd2 = normcdf(-d2);

% Computes call price
CallPrice = AssetP * exp(-DividendY * Time) * nd1 - Strike * exp(-RiskFree * Time) * nd2
% Computes put price
PutPrice = Strike * exp(-RiskFree * Time) * nnd2 - AssetP * exp(-DividendY * Time) * nnd1
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