C# matlab assembly / MWArray failed to be initialized |
Michael56 |

Beiträge: 4
Anmeldedatum: 03.04.18
Wohnort: ---
Version: ---
Verfasst am: 09.12.2019, 15:54
Titel: C# matlab assembly / MWArray failed to be initialized
I made a simple matlab function multiply and compiled it with matlabs Library compiler as .NET Assembly, adding Multiply.m to exported functions. The compiler works fine, but when I try to use the generated namespace 'MultiplyNative" in C#, I get an error 'MWArray assembly failed to be initialized' at the code position: 'mcr= new MWMCR("", ctfFilePath, embeddedCtfStream, true);' in the matlab generated file Class1Native.cs (the MultiplyNative.dll is added to the c# project as reference).
I googled a lot and therefore tried to force Visual studio to generate a x86-assembly, but could not solve the problem.
Has anybody an advice?
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