Uchiha |
Beiträge: 39
Anmeldedatum: 20.08.14
Wohnort: warstein
Version: ---
Verfasst am: 31.10.2014, 15:15
Titel: Cascade object detector
Hey ihr !!
schaut euch mal bitte kurz diesen text an :
How to Use The trainCascadeObjectDetector Function to Create a Cascade Classifier
Cascade classifier training requires a set of positive samples and a set of negative images. You must provide a set of positive images with regions of interest specified to be used as positive samples. You can use the trainingImageLabeler app to label objects of interest with bounding boxes. The app outputs an array of structs to use for positive samples. You also must provide a set of negative images from which the function generates negative samples automatically. Set the number of stages, feature type, and other function parameters to achieve acceptable detector accuracy.
was ist denn bitte mit " set of negativ images" gemeint ???
ich moechte das dazu benutzen das mein programm es schafft jegliche art von schlüsseln zu erkennen.
liebe grüße
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