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conditionally executed subsystem hat direct feedthrough




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     Beitrag Verfasst am: 03.11.2011, 14:20     Titel: conditionally executed subsystem hat direct feedthrough
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i have to run a subsystem conditionally with a fixed step size and generate code for it. I descided to use an enabled subsystem. The subsystem has several inputs and outputs.
The problem i am stucking with is that this nonvirtual subsystem now defines a direct feethrough for all outputs (they need all inputs of the same timestep),
even if states are introduced inside the subsystem. So what happens is that I introduce an algebraic loop in the parent subsystem - this would not be the case without an enabled subystem.

Adding a unit delay block for the outputs of the enabled subsystem is not acceptable for me because my fixed-step simulation can get instable an inaccurate.

Has anybody any suggestion how to deal with this problem? Or at least an explanation why it is set up like this?

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