Hallo zusammen , ich möchte von 2 Bilder (link und recht ) ein Disparitätbild vom Matlab erzeugen , wobei man die SAD Funktion berechnet .
Hat jemand eine Idee , wie soll es gehen ?
Danke für ihre Antwort .
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Verfasst am: 12.07.2010, 13:24
Ich studiere gerade mit diesem Code , aber ein gute Ergebnis habe ich noch nicht . Mir ist bei ein paar Stelle in diesem Code noch nich klar
Ich hoffe , dass jemand mit mir dies Code zusammen studieren .
Inputs: Left Image(var: leftImage), Right Image(var: rightImage),
% Window Size (var: windowSize), Minimum Disparity (dispMin), Maximum % Disparity (dispMax) % Outputs: Disparity Map (var: dispMap), Time taken (var: timeTaken) % Example Usage of Function: [dispMap, timeTaken]=funcSADL2R('StereogramLeft.jpg', 'StereogramRight.jpg', 9, 0, 16); % ************************************************************************* function[dispMap, timeTaken]=funcSADL2R(leftImage, rightImage, windowSize, dispMin, dispMax) try % Grab the image information (metadata) of left image using the function imfinfo
% Since SADL2R is applied on a grayscale image, determine if the % input left image is already in grayscale or color if(getfield(leftImageInfo,'ColorType')=='truecolor') % Read an image using imread function, convert from RGB color space to % grayscale using rgb2gray function and assign it to variable leftImage
% Convert the image from uint8 to double
elseif(getfield(leftImageInfo,'ColorType')=='grayscale') % If the image is already in grayscale, then just read it.
% Convert the image from uint8 to double
else error('The ColorType of Left Imageis not acceptable. Acceptablecolor types are truecolor or grayscale.');
end end catch % if it is not an image but a variable
end try % Grab the image information (metadata) of right image using the function imfinfo
% Since SADL2R is applied on a grayscale image, determine if the % input right image is already in grayscale or color if(getfield(rightImageInfo,'ColorType')=='truecolor') % Read an image using imread function, convert from RGB color space to % grayscale using rgb2gray function and assign it to variable rightImage
% Convert the image from uint8 to double
elseif(getfield(rightImageInfo,'ColorType')=='grayscale') % If the image is already in grayscale, then just read it.
% Convert the image from uint8 to double
else error('The ColorType of Right Imageis not acceptable. Acceptablecolor types are truecolor or grayscale.');
end end catch % if it is not an image but a variable
end % Find the size (columns and rows) of the left image and assign the rows to % variable nrLeft, and columns to variable ncLeft [nrLeft,ncLeft] = size(leftImage);
% Find the size (columns and rows) of the right image and assign the rows to % variable nrRight, and columns to variable ncRight [nrRight,ncRight] = size(rightImage);
% Check to see if both the left and right images have same number of rows % and columns if(nrLeft==nrRight && ncLeft==ncRight) else error('Both left and right images should have the same number of rows and columns');
end % Check the size of window to see if it is an odd number. if(mod(windowSize,2)==0) error('The window size must be an odd number.');
end % Check whether minimum disparity is less than the maximum disparity. if(dispMin>dispMax) error('Minimum Disparity must be less than the Maximum disparity.');
end % Create an image of size nrLeft and ncLeft, fill it with zeros and assign % it to variable dispMap
dispMap=zeros(nrLeft, ncLeft);
% Find out how many rows and columns are to the left/right/up/down of the % central pixel based on the window size
tic; % Initialize the timer to calculate the time consumed. for(i=1+win:1:nrLeft-win) for(j=1+win+dispMax:1:ncLeft-win)
prevSAD = 65532;
bestMatchSoFar = dispMin;
for(a=-win:1:win) for(b=-win:1:win) if(j-win+dispRange > 0)
end end end if(prevSAD > sad)
prevSAD = sad;
bestMatchSoFar = dispRange;
end end
dispMap(i,j) = -bestMatchSoFar;
end end % Stop the timer to calculate the time consumed.
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