ich möchte aus zwei Distanzvektoren, die nicht die gleiche Länge haben, Abstände zwischen denk Punkten berechnen, um den kleinsten Abstand zu finden. Die Einträge der Vektoren sind der Größe nach von klein nach groß geordnet.
function dist = distancePoints3d(p1, p2, varargin)
%DISTANCEPOINTS3D compute euclidean distance between 3D Points
% D = distancePoints3d(P1, P2) return distance between points P1 and % P2, given as [X Y Z]. % % If P1 and P2 are two arrays of points, result is a N1*N2 array % containing distance between each point of P1 and each point of P2.
% D = distancePoints3d(P1, P2, NOR) % with NOR being 1, 2, or Inf, corresponfing to the norm used. Default is % 2 (euclidean norm). 1 correspond to manhattan (or taxi driver) distance % and Inf to maximum difference in each coordinate.
% See also : % distancePointsN, minDistancePoints
% ---------
% author : David Legland % INRA - TPV URPOI - BIA IMASTE % created the 18/02/2005.
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