dynamic field names at the beginning of a structure name |
ukusm |

Beiträge: 1
Anmeldedatum: 09.03.20
Wohnort: ---
Version: ---
Verfasst am: 09.03.2020, 16:52
Titel: dynamic field names at the beginning of a structure name
it is clear to me how to define a dynamic field name in a structure name, e.g.
dynName = ['test']
Setting.(dynName) = ...
But is it possible to create a dynamic struct field at the beginning (or not at the end) of a struct name? I tried this way:
dynName = ['test']
(dynName).Setting = ...
But this does not work.
I hope someone could help me out. Many thanks in advance.
Harald |

Beiträge: 24.496
Anmeldedatum: 26.03.09
Wohnort: Nähe München
Version: ab 2017b
Verfasst am: 09.03.2020, 17:16
this would be a dynamic variable name. While it can be done using eval, it is not recommended since you are forever stuck with eval afterwards. My recommendation would be to use something like "data" or "test" at the highest level.
P.S.: since this is a German language forum, please write in German if possible. If you don't speak German, MATLAB Answers may be a better alternative.
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