error message...can't run wav file... |
Mario123 |
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Version: ---
Verfasst am: 21.02.2014, 15:26
Titel: error message...can't run wav file...
Few months ago I worked for Octave script which basically thing was read wav file. Now I need to execute this script again and I get error message like this:
I give you files of script to chceck.
Please help and reply in English because I don't speak German!
Beschreibung: |
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Program.rar |
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104.81 KB |
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792 mal |
denny |

Beiträge: 3.853
Anmeldedatum: 14.02.08
Wohnort: Ulm
Version: R2012b
Verfasst am: 21.02.2014, 17:47
you must change the name of WAV-file in script to corresponded name of file which you want call.
Therefore replace attack.wav in script to audio.wav, or rename the file audio.wav to attack.wav
Mario123 |
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Version: ---
Verfasst am: 22.02.2014, 11:49
Sry I forgot change name of wav file cause I try earlier in another wav- "attack" . Now when I change name to "audio.wav" I get the same error like above.
denny |

Beiträge: 3.853
Anmeldedatum: 14.02.08
Wohnort: Ulm
Version: R2012b
Verfasst am: 22.02.2014, 17:19
I'm trying on my computer, it work's.
Do you change something on Octave installation?
Note: you have two places in your script "focus.m", where you must change wav file name. Look in the line 3 and 5, you are calling wavread two times there. If I change so, then it is working fine by me. Did you make that?
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