Fast Image-Matrix iteration |
F.Roemer |
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Verfasst am: 01.03.2015, 13:18
Titel: Fast Image-Matrix iteration
I have the following problem:
I have an int8 imagematrix in which I want to "draw" an objekt.
the object is described by a (x,2) matrix:
First column are the x indxes
Second column are the y indexes of the object
of course i can do this with a loop like:
in the white image the object will apear black
but this is very slow
I thought about something faster like this:
but it is not working.
I tried diffrent ways but it's not working
When I do something like:
an object is "drawn" in the image bur it's just an completly black rectangle like a boundingbox filled black.
Has anybody an idear?
F.Roemer |
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Verfasst am: 01.03.2015, 19:39
Titel: dissolved
I got it...
if someone ever will have the same problem to insert a scatterd element into a matrix the Keyword is "linear Indexing".
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