Verfasst am: 17.11.2008, 17:41
Titel: fortran in matlab (dpgi/pgf90 to ifort)
Hi to everyone,
i try to implement fortran code from ansys to read binary files. I gladly wrote first programms with fortran code and mex-functions. Now, I try to implement some functions from ansys. The compiling words so far, but not the linking.
console output:
======================== Compile ResRd.F
ResRd.F(1525): (col. 13) remark: PARTIAL LOOP WAS VECTORIZED.
ResRd.F(1010): (col. 10) remark: LOOP WAS VECTORIZED.
ResRd.F(796): (col. 13) remark: LOOP WAS VECTORIZED.
/usr/local/intel/ifort/bin/ifort -c -mp -O2 -DPGI_COMPILER -DLINUXIA64_SYS -DFORTRAN -I/linux/software/ansys_inc/v110/ansys/customize/include ResRd.F
======================== Compile ResRdDemo.F
/usr/local/intel/ifort/bin/ifort -c -w -w90 -fpp -vms -KPIC -O2 -DLINUXIA64_SYS -DFORTRAN -DNOSPACEBALL -DNOSTDCALL -DARGTRAIL -I/linux/software/matlab/extern/include -I/linux/software/matlab/simulink/include -I/linux/software/ansys_inc/v110/ansys/customize/include ResRdDemo.F
======================== Link ResRdDemo.o and ResRd.o to ResRdDemo.e110
/linux/software/ansys_inc/v110/ansys/customize/misc/linem64t/binlib.a(bintst.o): In function `MAIN__':
bintst.F:(.text+0x2c): undefined reference to `__kmpc_begin'
bintst.F:(.text+0x3a): undefined reference to `__kmpc_global_thread_num'
bintst.F:(.text+0x256): undefined reference to `__kmpc_end'
I think, one problem is, that ansys expects dpgi compiler, that i know, is recommanded for the opteron processor, I work with. But there is no dpgi compiler. so I try to compile this things with ifort. So on intel32 systems, the commands to compile and link look like this from a ansys script:
As you can see above, I tried as long, until I got as few errors, as shown above. (for that, I used the linem64t/binlib.a, that is recommended for ifort from ansys)(I can compile the fortran programms without matlab with ifort) So, can you give me any hint? Do you think, installing the dpgi compiler / pgf90 will solve my problems? Or could you give me some advise for adjusting the compile commands?
(auch auf deutsch antworten kein problem)
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