Schriftgröße für ein M-file in allen Figures ändern???
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function setfonts(hFig,SCALE) % SETFONTS Set the fontname and fontsizes used in the GUI. % SETFONTS(hFig,SCALE) sets the fonts of the figure hFig. The % 'Helvetica' font was chosen as the default for all text since % it resizes well. To change the font or font sizes, change the % constants in the code for this function.
% The SCALE parameter is a positive number used to SCALE the size % of the fonts in this file. Using SCALE = 1, or leaving the argument % out, means the font size will be determined exactly by the constants % given in the code. Using SCALE = 2 will double the font size. % % See also GETFONTSCALE
% Jordan Rosenthal, 04-Oct-1999
error(nargchk(1,2,nargin)); % Error check number of input arguments ifnargin == 1, SCALE = 1; end% Let SCALE = 1 if not given
FontNameAxes = 'Symbol';
FontNameUIControls = 'Helvetica';
% FONT SIZE (points)
AxisTickLabels = 12; % Axis Tick Labels
AxisXLabel = 10; % Axis X Labels
AxisYLabel = 10; % Axis Y Labels
AxisTitle = 10; % Axis Titles
CheckboxLabels = 10; % Labels for the checkboxes
DefaultLabel = 9; % All other labels
% Do not change code below this point.
% Get Handles for objects
hAxes = findall(hFig,'type','axes');
hXLabel = get(hAxes,'XLabel'); hXLabel = [hXLabel{:}]; %Comment 2nd part out
hYLabel = get(hAxes,'YLabel'); hYLabel = [hYLabel{:}]; % if more than one
hTitle = get(hAxes,'Title'); hTitle = [hTitle{:}];
hUIControls = findall(hFig,'type','uicontrol');
hCheckboxLabels = findall(hUIControls,'style','checkbox');
switchcomputer case 'MAC2'
% On MAC, baseline of text inside edit boxes remains at same % vertical position irregardless of change in font size. % To properly align text, here the old edit boxes are deleted % and new ones created with the proper size.
hEd = findall(gcf,'type','uicontrol','style','edit');
OldFontUnits = get(hEd,'FontUnits');
hEdNew = zeros(size(hEd));
warning off; % Turn off warning about units for i = 1:length(hEd)
Props = get(hEd(i));
Props = rmfield(Props,{'Extent','Type','FontSize','FontUnits'});
hEdNew(i) = uicontrol('FontUnits','Normalized','FontSize',0.35,Props);
end warning on;
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