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How can I use an NxM matrix as intitial condition in 'pdepe'




Beiträge: 1
Anmeldedatum: 28.05.19
Wohnort: ---
Version: ---
     Beitrag Verfasst am: 28.05.2019, 17:32     Titel: How can I use an NxM matrix as intitial condition in 'pdepe'
  Antworten mit Zitat      
I'm using the pdepe solver to solve 4 PDEs simultaniously. Now I want to use the solution as an initial boundary condition for a next step, e.g. u0(1,:)= sol(end,:,1) This works pretty well, as long as I just use a single value for the initial condition, e.g. u0(1)=sol(end,end,1), but fails as soon as I try the whole vector.

This seems to be in fact quite similar, but didn't work in my case: https://stackoverflow.com/questions.....nitial-condition-in-pdepe


sol = pdepe(m,...,@(x)icfun(x,sol)...





What didn't work, was the hint from the link above in the way I interpreted it.


sol = pdepe(m,...,@(x)interp1(a,A',x,'pchip')'....


I expected to be able to use a vector as an intial boundary condition for just one pde, what gives an NxM matrix for the 4 PDEs. Instead, an error occurs, stating that the initial boundary conditions needs to be a column vector.

'Error using pdepe (line 231) Invalid output of ICFUN. ICFUN must return a column vector.'

How is it possible to hand over the whole vectors instead of single values?
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