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I.P. TB: Recalculation of image size after shiftiing camera




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     Beitrag Verfasst am: 26.05.2014, 09:13     Titel: I.P. TB: Recalculation of image size after shiftiing camera
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I am doing some sort of image analysis.
I got an image from a water flowing inside a glass pipe (the water is forming a film at the inner wall of the glass pipe) using a laser sheet and a camera adjusted perpendicular (90 degree) to eachother. I have got also a rectangular correction box around the glass pipe which helps me to correct the image from being distorted. in between the correction box and the glass pipe I have filled it with liquid of the same refractive index with the correcting box and the glass pipe.

Now I have shiffted the angle between the camera and the laser sheet from 90 degree to 70 degree and did the imaging. I have got an image wider than the image done at 90 degree. Could you please help how this could happen.....may be mathmatically or any form of explanation?

Thanks in advance

(your explanation can be in English or Deutsch)


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