Leistungsdichtespektrum aus Messwerten erstellen
Beiträge: 1
Anmeldedatum: 11.06.17
Wohnort: ---
Version: ---
Verfasst am : 11.06.2017, 22:33
Titel : Leistungsdichtespektrum aus Messwerten erstellen
Hallo Leute!
Dies ist mein erster Eintrag in diesem Forum und ich hoffe ihr könnt mir weiterhelfen.
Ich habe natürlich schon die Suche benutzt und auch einige Stunden auf Google zugebracht.
Ich habe Beschleunigungsmesswerte, welche mit einer App aufgenommen wurden. Diese sind in einer Exceldatei gespeichert mit den Spalten "Zeit" "Beschleunigung X" "Beschleunigung Y" "Beschleunigung Z".
Das Ziel wäre es, mit diesen Messwerten eine windowed FFT zu machen und dann ein Leistungsdichtespektrum zu ermitteln, um später Energie aus den Vibrationen zu abzugreifen.
Da ich noch ein Scilab-Neuling bin wollte ich fragen ob jemand das schon einmal gemacht hat oder mir grundlegend erklären kann, wie ich das angehe.
Zunächst dachte ich daran die Datei im CSV-Format abzuspeichern und dann über den read_input_file-Block in xcos einzulesen. Doch so wie ich es hier in einigen Beiträgen gesehen habe, wäre es wohl besser die Datei über den Konsolenbefehl xls_read einzulesen?
Vielen Dank schon mal und liebe Grüße!
Beiträge: 21
Anmeldedatum: 01.09.16
Wohnort: Düsseldorf
Version: Matlab R2015b
Verfasst am : 15.06.2017, 23:59
Titel :
Klicke hier , um den Artikel bei Amazon.de anzuschauen.
Hallo ollisch90
auf meiner Internetseite derbrummton.de habe ich kleine Scripts mit Scilab eingestellt.
Vielleicht hilft das?
Scilab ist ein tolles Programm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
mclose( 'all ') ;
zi=struct ( 'pfad ','','dateiname ','','fe ','','sr ',0 ,'start1 ',0 ,'start2 ',0 ,'info ',0 ,'lz ',0 ,'so ',0 ,'yF ',0 ,'afft ',0 ,'afftl ',0 ,'g ',0 ,'f ',0 ,'l ',0 ,'r ',0 ,'h1 ',0 ,'h2 ',0 ,'h3 ',0 ,'h4 ',0 ,'v ',1 ) ;
// formular
zi.f =gcf ( ) ;//
zi.f .color_map = jetcolormap( 1000 ) ; //Colormap festlegen
zi.f .visible = "on";
zi.f .figure_position = [ 20 ,20 ] ;
zi.f .figure_size = [ 1400 ,900 ] ;
zi.f .figure_name ="Wav - Zeit- Frequenz - FFT - Analyse";
zi.f .BackgroundColor =[ 1 1 1 ] ;
zi.tag ='Formular ';
zi.so =0 ;
// controls
u1=uicontrol ( zi.f ,"style","pushbutton", 'position ', [ 500 40 60 30 ] ,'string ','Neu ','callback ','[ zi] =neu( zi) ') ;
u2=uicontrol ( zi.f ,"style","pushbutton", 'position ', [ 570 40 50 30 ] ,'string ','<< ','callback ','[ zi] =links( zi) ') ;
u3=uicontrol ( zi.f ,"style","text",'HorizontalAlignment ','center ' ,'position ', [ 635 40 90 30 ] ,'string ','0 . Sek . ') ;
u4=uicontrol ( zi.f ,"style","pushbutton", 'position ', [ 740 40 50 30 ] ,'string ','>> ','callback ','[ zi] =rechts( zi) ') ;
u5=uicontrol ( zi.f ,"style","pushbutton", 'position ', [ 800 40 60 30 ] ,'string ','Exit ','callback ','close ') ;
u6=uicontrol ( zi.f ,"style","text",'HorizontalAlignment ','left ' ,'position ', [ 100 5 1200 30 ] ,'string ',zi.fe ) ;
u7=uicontrol ( zi.f ,"style","spinner", 'position ', [ 660 100 50 40 ] ,'HorizontalAlignment ','center ','VerticalAlignment ','middle ','min ',1 ,'max ',10 ,'SliderStep ',[ 1 ,10 ] ,'SliderStep ',[ 1 ,10 ] ,'Title_position ','top ','callback ','[ zi] =verst( zi) ') ;
u8=uicontrol ( zi.f ,"style","text",'HorizontalAlignment ','left ' ,'position ', [ 658 145 60 20 ] ,'string ','Verstärkung ') ;
// functionen
function [ zi] =neu( zi)
if zi.so >0 then
delete ( zi.h1 )
delete ( zi.h2 )
delete ( zi.h3 )
delete ( zi.h4 )
// WAV Datei auswählen
[ zi.dateiname ,zi.pfad ] =uigetfile ( '*.wav ','D:\Mdaten ') ; //WAV Datei wählen
if isequal ( zi.dateiname ,'') ; //Ist eine Date gewählt?
zi.fe =zi.pfad +'\ '+zi.dateiname ; //Vollständigen Pfad erstellen
zi.info = wavread ( zi.fe ,'info ') ; //WAV Info`s laden
disp ( '////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ')
disp ( 'WAV-Datei: '+zi.fe ) ; //Ausgabe vollständiger Pfad
disp ( 'Kanäle: '+string( zi.info ( 2 ) ) ) ; //Ausgabe Anzahl der Kanäle
disp ( 'Samplerate: '+string( zi.info ( 3 ) ) ) ; //Ausgabe Samplerate
disp ( 'Dateilänge : '+string( zi.info ( 8 ) ) ) ; //Ausgabe Dateilänge
disp ( 'Laufzeit : '+string( zi.info ( 8 ) /zi.info ( 3 ) ) +' Sekunden ') ; //Laufzeit in Sek.
disp ( '////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ')
zi.lz =floor ( zi.info ( 8 ) /zi.info ( 3 ) ) ; // lauzeit in sekunden
zi.sr =zi.info ( 3 ) ; //Samplerate der Audiodatei
set ( u6,'string ',zi.fe ) ;
zi.start1 =1 ;
zi.start2 =zi.sr ;
zi.so =1 ;
set ( u3,'string ',string( zi.so ) +'. Sek . ') ;
[ zi] =wlana( zi) ;
[ zi] =linkeseite( zi) ;
[ zi] =rechteseite( zi) ;
function [ zi] =wlana( zi)
if zi.start2 < zi.info ( 8 ) then
zi.yF =wavread ( zi.fe ,[ zi.start1 zi.start2 ] ) ;
zi.yF =zi.yF ( 1 ,:) ;
zi.yF =zi.yF*zi .v ;
yFFT=fft ( zi.yF ,-1 ,'nonsymmetric ') ; //Die FFT wird berechnen
yFFT=yFFT/zi.sr ;
zi.g =abs ( yFFT( 1 ) ) *1000 ;
yFFT=yFFT( 2 :zi.sr -1 ) ;
yFFT1=abs ( yFFT) ; // nur positive Zahlen
yFFT1=yFFT1*2000 ; // amplitude normieren
zi.afft ( 1 :500 ) =yFFT1( 1 :500 ) ; //Ergebnisse ins Array
// powerspektrum
yFFTL=yFFT.* conj ( yFFT) ; //Powerspektrum der FFT berechnen
yFFTL=abs ( yFFTL) ; // realteil
yFFTL=yFFTL*4000 ; // amplitude normieren
zi.afftl ( 1 :500 ) =yFFTL( 1 :500 ) ; //Ergebnisse ins Array
end ;
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////7 /////
function [ zi] =linkeseite( zi)
scf( zi.f ) ;
subplot ( 121 ) ;
v=zi.yF ;
plot ( v,'red ','thickness ',3 ) ;
zi.h1 =gce( )
zi.l =gca ( ) ;
zi.l .visible = "on";
zi.l .axes_visible = [ "on","on","on"] ;
zi.l .axes_reverse = [ "off","off","off"] ;
zi.l .auto_ticks = [ "off","off","off"] ;
zi.l .grid = [ 1 ,1 ] ;
zi.l .grid_thickness = [ 1 ,1 ] ;
zi.l .grid_style = [ 1 ,1 ] ;
zi.l .grid_position = "background";
zi.l .title .font_size =2 ;
zi.l .title .text ="WAV Signal";
zi.l .x_label .font_size =2 ;
zi.l .x_label .text ="Zeit in Millisekunden";
zi.l .x_label .visible ="on";
zi.l .y_label .font_size =2 ;
zi.l .y_label .text ="Amplitude";
zi.l .y_label .visible ="on";
zi.l .auto_scale ="off";
// zeitachse
zi.l .x_ticks =tlist( [ 'locations ','labels '] ,[ 0 ,4800 ,9600 ,14400 ,19200 ,24000 ,28800 ,33600 ,38400 ,43200 ,48000 ] ,[ "0 ","100 ","200 ","300 ","400 ","500 ","600 ","700 ","800 ","900 ","1000 "] ) ;
// amplitudenachse
zi.l .y_ticks =tlist( [ 'locations ','labels '] ,[ -1 ,-0.9 ,-0.8 ,-0.7 ,-0.6 ,-0.5 ,-0.4 ,-0.3 ,-0.2 ,-0.1 ,0 ,0.1 ,0.2 ,0.3 ,0.4 ,0.5 ,0.6 ,0.7 ,0.8 ,0.9 ,1 ] ,[ "-1 ","-0.9 ","-0.8 ","-0.7 ","-0.6 ","-0.5 ","-0.4 ","-0.3 ","-0.2 ","-0.1 ","0 ","0.1 ","0.2 ","0.3 ","0.4 ","0.5 ","0.6 ","0.7 ","0.8 ","0.9 ","1 "] ) ;
zi.l .sub_tics =[ 9 ,9 ,9 ] ;
zi.l .box = "back_half";
zi.l .background = -2 ;
zi.l .tight_limits = [ "on","on"] ;
zi.l .cube_scaling = "on";
zi.l .isoview = "off";
// mit den folgenden einstellungen der drei achsen kann die Anzeige angepasst werden
zh=zi.l .data_bounds ;
zh( 1 ,2 ) =-1 ;
zh( 2 ,2 ) =1 ;
zh( 1 ,1 ) =1 ;
zh( 2 ,1 ) =zi.sr ;
zi.l .data_bounds =zh;
zi.l .tag ='Links ';
function [ zi] =rechteseite( zi)
scf( zi.f ) ;
subplot ( 122 ) ;
v=zi.afft ;
w=zi.afftl ;
plot ( v,'blue ','thickness ',3 ) ;
zi.h2 =gce( )
bar ( 0 ,zi.g ,1 ,'magenta ') ;
zi.h3 =gce( )
plot ( w,'red ','thickness ',3 ) ;
zi.h4 =gce( )
zi.r =gca ( ) ;
zi.r .visible = "on";
zi.r .axes_visible = [ "on","on","on"] ;
zi.r .axes_reverse = [ "off","off","off"] ;
zi.r .auto_ticks = [ "off","off","off"] ;
zi.r .grid = [ 1 ,1 ] ;
zi.r .grid_thickness = [ 1 ,1 ] ;
zi.r .grid_style = [ 1 ,1 ] ;
zi.r .grid_position = "background";
zi.r .title .font_size =2 ;
zi.r .title .text ="FFT ( blau) & FFT-Leistung ( rot) ";
zi.r .x_label .font_size =2 ;
zi.r .x_label .text ="Frequenz";
zi.r .x_label .visible ="on";
zi.r .y_label .font_size =2 ;
zi.r .y_label .text ="Amplitude";
zi.r .y_label .visible ="on";
zi.r .auto_scale ="off";
// frequenzaschse
zi.r .x_ticks =tlist( [ 'locations ','labels '] ,[ 0 ,10 ,20 ,30 ,40 ,50 ,60 ,70 ,80 ,90 ,100 ,110 ,120 ,130 ,140 ,150 ,160 ,170 ,180 ,190 ,200 ,210 ,220 ,230 ,240 ,250 ,260 ,270 ,280 ,290 ,300 ,310 ,320 ,330 ,340 ,350 ,360 ,370 ,380 ,390 ,400 ,410 ,420 ,430 ,440 ,450 ,460 ,470 ,480 ,490 ,500 ] ,[ "0 ","10 ","20 ","30 ","40 ","50 ","60 ","70 ","80 ","90 ","100 ","110 ","120 ","130 ","140 ","150 ","160 ","170 ","180 ","190 ","200 ","210 ","220 ","230 ","240 ","250 ","260 ","270 ","280 ","290 ","300 ","310 ","320 ","330 ","340 ","350 ","360 ","370 ","380 ","390 ","400 ","410 ","420 ","430 ","440 ","450 ","460 ","470 ","480 ","490 ","500 "] ) ;
// amplitudenachse
zi.r .y_ticks =tlist( [ 'locations ','labels '] ,[ 0 ,100 ,200 ,300 ,400 ,500 ,600 ,700 ,800 ,900 ,1000 ] ,[ "0 ","0.1 ","0.2 ","0.3 ","0.4 ","0.5 ","0.6 ","0.7 ","0.8 ","0.9 ","1 "] ) ;
zi.r .sub_tics =[ 9 ,9 ,9 ] ;
zi.r .box = "back_half";
zi.r .background = -2 ;
zi.r .tight_limits = [ "off","off"] ;
zi.r .cube_scaling = "on";
zi.r .isoview = "off";
// mit den folgenden einstellungen der drei achsen kann die Anzeige angepasst werden
zh=zi.r .data_bounds ;
zh( 1 ,2 ) =0 ;
zh( 2 ,2 ) =1000 ;
zh( 1 ,1 ) =0 ;
zh( 2 ,1 ) =250 ;
zi.r .data_bounds =zh;
zi.r .tag ='Rechts ';
function [ zi] =rechts( zi)
if zi.so ==zi.lz then
delete ( zi.h1 )
delete ( zi.h2 )
delete ( zi.h3 )
delete ( zi.h4 )
zi.so =zi.so +1 ;
set ( u3,'string ',string( zi.so ) +'. Sek . von '+string( zi.lz ) ) ;
zi.start1 =zi.start1 +zi.sr ;
zi.start2 =zi.start2 +zi.sr ;
[ zi] =wlana( zi) ;
[ zi] =linkeseite( zi) ;
[ zi] =rechteseite( zi) ;
function [ zi] =links( zi)
if zi.so <=1 then
delete ( zi.h1 )
delete ( zi.h2 )
delete ( zi.h3 )
delete ( zi.h4 )
zi.so =zi.so -1 ;
set ( u3,'string ',string( zi.so ) +'. Sek . von '+string( zi.lz ) ) ;
zi.start1 =zi.start1 -zi.sr ;
zi.start2 =zi.start2 -zi.sr ;
[ zi] =wlana( zi) ;
[ zi] =linkeseite( zi) ;
[ zi] =rechteseite( zi) ;
function [ zi] =verst( zi)
zi.v =u7.value ;
if zi.so >0 then
delete ( zi.h1 )
delete ( zi.h2 )
delete ( zi.h3 )
delete ( zi.h4 )
[ zi] =wlana( zi) ;
[ zi] =linkeseite( zi) ;
[ zi] =rechteseite( zi) ;
Und noch eins
mclose( 'all ') ;
clear ;
xdel( ) ;
// 3d grafik
//inline definition ( see function )
function my3dlin( v,t1,t2,px,py)
m=size ( v) ; //angezeigter frequenzbereich
[ xx,yy,zz] =genfac3d( 1 :m( 1 ) ,1 :m( 2 ) ,v( ) ) ;
plot3d( xx,yy,list( zz,zz) ,theta=-20 ,alpha=16 ,flag=[ -1 ,2 ,2 ] ) ;
f=gcf ( ) ; //
f.color_map = jetcolormap( 1000 ) ; //Colormap festlegen
f.visible = "on";
f.figure_position = [ px,py] ;
f.figure_size = [ 1400 ,900 ] ;
f.figure_name =t1;
//Handle of type "Plot3d" with properties :
a=gca ( ) ;
a.visible = "on";
a.axes_visible = [ "on","on","on"] ;
a.axes_reverse = [ "on","off","off"] ;
a.auto_ticks = [ "off","off","off"] ;
a.grid = [ 1 ,1 ,1 ] ;
a.grid_thickness = [ 1 ,1 ,1 ] ;
a.grid_style = [ 1 ,1 ,1 ] ;
a.grid_position = "background";
a.title .font_size =2 ;
a.title .text =t2;
a.x_label .font_size =2 ;
a.x_label .text ="Sekunden";
a.x_label .visible ="on";
a.y_label .font_size =2 ;
a.y_label .text ="Frequenz";
a.y_label .visible ="on";
a.z_label .font_size =2 ;
a.z_label .text ="Amplitude";
a.z_label .visible ="on";
a.auto_scale ="off";
// sekundenachse
a.x_ticks =tlist( [ 'locations ','labels '] ,[ 1 ,40 ,80 ,120 ,160 ,200 ,240 ,280 ,320 ,360 ,400 ,440 ,480 ,520 ,560 ,600 ,640 ,680 ,720 ,760 ,800 ,840 ,880 ,920 ,960 ,1000 ,1040 ,1080 ,1120 ,1160 ,1200 ,1240 ,1280 ,1320 ,1360 ,1400 ,1440 ,1480 ,1520 ,1560 ,1600 ,1640 ,1680 ,1720 ,1760 ,1800 ,1840 ,1880 ,1920 ,1960 ,2000 ] ,[ "0 ","10 ","20 ","30 ","40 ","50 ","60 ","70 ","80 ","90 ","100 ","110 ","120 ","130 ","140 ","150 ","160 ","170 ","180 ","190 ","200 ","210 ","220 ","230 ","240 ","250 ","260 ","270 ","280 ","290 ","300 ","310 ","320 ","330 ","340 ","350 ","360 ","370 ","380 ","390 ","400 ","410 ","420 ","430 ","440 ","450 ","460 ","470 ","480 ","490 ","500 "] ) ;
// frequenzaschse
a.y_ticks =tlist( [ 'locations ','labels '] ,[ 0 ,10 ,20 ,30 ,40 ,50 ,60 ,70 ,80 ,90 ,100 ,110 ,120 ,130 ,140 ,150 ,160 ,170 ,180 ,190 ,200 ,210 ,220 ,230 ,240 ,250 ,260 ,270 ,280 ,290 ,300 ,310 ,320 ,330 ,340 ,350 ,360 ,370 ,380 ,390 ,400 ,410 ,420 ,430 ,440 ,450 ,460 ,470 ,480 ,490 ,500 ] ,[ "0 ","10 ","20 ","30 ","40 ","50 ","60 ","70 ","80 ","90 ","100 ","110 ","120 ","130 ","140 ","150 ","160 ","170 ","180 ","190 ","200 ","210 ","220 ","230 ","240 ","250 ","260 ","270 ","280 ","290 ","300 ","310 ","320 ","330 ","340 ","350 ","360 ","370 ","380 ","390 ","400 ","410 ","420 ","430 ","440 ","450 ","460 ","470 ","480 ","490 ","500 "] ) ;
// amplitudenachse
a.z_ticks =tlist( [ 'locations ','labels '] ,[ 0 ,100 ,200 ,300 ,400 ,500 ,600 ,700 ,800 ,900 ,1000 ] ,[ "0 ","100 ","200 ","300 ","400 ","500 ","600 ","700 ","800 ","900 ","1000 "] ) ;
a.sub_tics =[ 9 ,9 ,9 ] ;
a.box = "back_half";
//a.background = color ( 255 ,248 ,220 ) ;
a.background = -2 ;
a.tight_limits = [ "on","off","off"] ;
a.cube_scaling = "on";
a.isoview = "off";
a.rotation_angles = [ 9.5 ,4.25 ] ;
// mit den folgenden einstellungen der drei achsen kann die Anzeige angepasst werden
zh=a.data_bounds ;
// zeitachse
//zh( 1 ,1 ) =1 ;
//zh( 2 ,1 ) =199 ;
// frequenzachse
//zh( 1 ,2 ) =0 ;
//zh( 2 ,2 ) =150 ;
// amplitudenachse
zh( 1 ,3 ) =1 ;
zh( 2 ,3 ) =1000 ;
a.data_bounds =zh;
//a.log_flags = "nnn"
//b.parent : Axes
//b.children : [ ]
//b.visible = "on"
//b.surface_mode = "on"
//b.foreground = -1
//b.thickness = 1
//b.mark_mode = "off"
//b.mark_style = 0
//b.mark_size_unit = "tabulated"
//b.mark_size = 0
//b.mark_foreground = -1
//b.mark_background = 0
//b.data .x = matrix 1x712
//b.data .y = matrix 1x500
//b.data .z = matrix 4x1000
//b.color_mode = -1
//b.color_flag = 1
//b.hiddencolor = 4
//b.clip_state = "clipgrf"
//b.clip_box = [ ]
//b.ambient_color = [ 1 ,1 ,1 ]
//b.diffuse_color = [ 1 ,1 ,1 ]
//b.specular_color = [ 1 ,1 ,1 ]
//b.use_color_material = "on"
//b.material_shininess = 2
//b.user_data = [ ]
//b.tag =
function my3dlog( v,t1,t2,px,py)
m=size ( v) ; //angezeigter frequenzbereich
[ xx,yy,zz] =genfac3d( 1 :m( 1 ) ,1 :m( 2 ) ,v( ) ) ;
plot3d( xx,yy,list( zz,zz) ,theta=-20 ,alpha=16 ,flag=[ -1 ,2 ,2 ] ) ;
f=gcf ( ) ; //
f.color_map = jetcolormap( 1000 ) ; //Colormap festlegen
//colorbar ( 1 ,1000 ,[ 0 1000 ] ,fmt='%.1f ') ;
f.visible = "on";
f.figure_position = [ px,py] ;
f.figure_size = [ 1400 ,900 ] ;
f.figure_name =t1;
//Handle of type "Plot3d" with properties :
a=gca ( ) ;
a.visible = "on";
a.axes_visible = [ "on","on","on"] ;
a.axes_reverse = [ "on","off","off"] ;
a.auto_ticks = [ "off","off","off"] ;
a.grid = [ 1 ,1 ,1 ] ;
a.grid_thickness = [ 1 ,1 ,1 ] ;
a.grid_style = [ 1 ,1 ,1 ] ;
a.grid_position = "background";
a.title .font_size =2 ;
a.title .text =t2;
a.x_label .font_size =2 ;
a.x_label .text ="Sekunden";
a.x_label .visible ="on";
a.y_label .font_size =2 ;
a.y_label .text ="Frequenz";
a.y_label .visible ="on";
a.z_label .font_size =2 ;
a.z_label .text ="Amplitude";
a.z_label .visible ="on";
a.auto_scale ="off";
// sekundenachse
a.x_ticks =tlist( [ 'locations ','labels '] ,[ 1 ,40 ,80 ,120 ,160 ,200 ,240 ,280 ,320 ,360 ,400 ,440 ,480 ,520 ,560 ,600 ,640 ,680 ,720 ,760 ,800 ,840 ,880 ,920 ,960 ,1000 ,1040 ,1080 ,1120 ,1160 ,1200 ,1240 ,1280 ,1320 ,1360 ,1400 ,1440 ,1480 ,1520 ,1560 ,1600 ,1640 ,1680 ,1720 ,1760 ,1800 ,1840 ,1880 ,1920 ,1960 ,2000 ] ,[ "0 ","10 ","20 ","30 ","40 ","50 ","60 ","70 ","80 ","90 ","100 ","110 ","120 ","130 ","140 ","150 ","160 ","170 ","180 ","190 ","200 ","210 ","220 ","230 ","240 ","250 ","260 ","270 ","280 ","290 ","300 ","310 ","320 ","330 ","340 ","350 ","360 ","370 ","380 ","390 ","400 ","410 ","420 ","430 ","440 ","450 ","460 ","470 ","480 ","490 ","500 "] ) ;
// frequenzaschse
a.y_ticks =tlist( [ 'locations ','labels '] ,[ 0 ,10 ,20 ,30 ,40 ,50 ,60 ,70 ,80 ,90 ,100 ,110 ,120 ,130 ,140 ,150 ,160 ,170 ,180 ,190 ,200 ,210 ,220 ,230 ,240 ,250 ,260 ,270 ,280 ,290 ,300 ,310 ,320 ,330 ,340 ,350 ,360 ,370 ,380 ,390 ,400 ,410 ,420 ,430 ,440 ,450 ,460 ,470 ,480 ,490 ,500 ] ,[ "0 ","10 ","20 ","30 ","40 ","50 ","60 ","70 ","80 ","90 ","100 ","110 ","120 ","130 ","140 ","150 ","160 ","170 ","180 ","190 ","200 ","210 ","220 ","230 ","240 ","250 ","260 ","270 ","280 ","290 ","300 ","310 ","320 ","330 ","340 ","350 ","360 ","370 ","380 ","390 ","400 ","410 ","420 ","430 ","440 ","450 ","460 ","470 ","480 ","490 ","500 "] ) ;
// amplitudenachse
a.z_ticks =tlist( [ 'locations ','labels '] ,[ 0 ,50 ,100 ,150 ,200 ,250 ,300 ,350 ,400 ,450 ,500 ,550 ,600 ,650 ,700 ,750 ,800 ,850 ,900 ,950 ,1000 ] ,[ "-100 ","-95 ","-90 ","-85 ","-80 ","-75 ","-70 ","-65 ","-60 ","-55 ","-50 ","-45 ","-40 ","-35 ","-30 ","-25 ","-20 ","-15 ","-10 ","-5 ","-0 "] ) ;
a.sub_tics =[ 9 ,9 ,4 ] ;
a.box = "back_half";
//a.background = color ( 255 ,248 ,220 ) ;
a.background = -2 ;
a.tight_limits = [ "on","off","off"] ;
a.cube_scaling = "on";
a.isoview = "off";
//a.rotation_angles = [ 9.5 ,4.25 ] ;
a.rotation_angles = [ 0.1 ,0 ] ;
// mit den folgenden einstellungen der drei achsen kann die Anzeige angepasst werden
zh=a.data_bounds ;
// zeitachse
//zh( 1 ,1 ) =1 ;
//zh( 2 ,1 ) =199 ;
// frequenzachse
//zh( 1 ,2 ) =0 ;
//zh( 2 ,2 ) =150 ;
// amplitudenachse
zh( 1 ,3 ) =1 ;
zh( 2 ,3 ) =1000 ;
a.data_bounds =zh;
//a.log_flags = "nnn"
//b.parent : Axes
//b.children : [ ]
//b.visible = "on"
//b.surface_mode = "on"
//b.foreground = -1
//b.thickness = 1
//b.mark_mode = "off"
//b.mark_style = 0
//b.mark_size_unit = "tabulated"
//b.mark_size = 0
//b.mark_foreground = -1
//b.mark_background = 0
//b.data .x = matrix 1x712
//b.data .y = matrix 1x500
//b.data .z = matrix 4x1000
//b.color_mode = -1
//b.color_flag = 1
//b.hiddencolor = 4
//b.clip_state = "clipgrf"
//b.clip_box = [ ]
//b.ambient_color = [ 1 ,1 ,1 ]
//b.diffuse_color = [ 1 ,1 ,1 ]
//b.specular_color = [ 1 ,1 ,1 ]
//b.use_color_material = "on"
//b.material_shininess = 2
//b.user_data = [ ]
//b.tag =
function my2dlin( v,t1,t2,px,py) ; // linear 2d
m=size ( v) ; //angezeigter frequenzbereich
plot ( v,'blue ','thickness ',3 ) ;
f=gcf ( ) ; //
f.color_map = jetcolormap( 1000 ) ; //Colormap festlegen
f.visible = "on";
f.figure_position = [ px,py] ;
f.figure_size = [ 1400 ,900 ] ;
f.figure_name =t1;
f.BackgroundColor =[ 1 1 1 ] ;
//Handle of type "Plot3d" with properties :
a=gca ( ) ;
a.visible = "on";
a.axes_visible = [ "on","on","on"] ;
a.axes_reverse = [ "off","off","off"] ;
a.auto_ticks = [ "off","off","off"] ;
a.grid = [ 1 ,1 ] ;
a.grid_thickness = [ 1 ,1 ] ;
a.grid_style = [ 1 ,1 ] ;
a.grid_position = "background";
a.title .font_size =2 ;
a.title .text =t2;
a.x_label .font_size =2 ;
a.x_label .text ="Frequenz";
a.x_label .visible ="on";
a.y_label .font_size =2 ;
a.y_label .text ="Amplitude";
a.y_label .visible ="on";
a.auto_scale ="off";
// frequenzaschse
a.x_ticks =tlist( [ 'locations ','labels '] ,[ 0 ,10 ,20 ,30 ,40 ,50 ,60 ,70 ,80 ,90 ,100 ,110 ,120 ,130 ,140 ,150 ,160 ,170 ,180 ,190 ,200 ,210 ,220 ,230 ,240 ,250 ,260 ,270 ,280 ,290 ,300 ,310 ,320 ,330 ,340 ,350 ,360 ,370 ,380 ,390 ,400 ,410 ,420 ,430 ,440 ,450 ,460 ,470 ,480 ,490 ,500 ] ,[ "0 ","10 ","20 ","30 ","40 ","50 ","60 ","70 ","80 ","90 ","100 ","110 ","120 ","130 ","140 ","150 ","160 ","170 ","180 ","190 ","200 ","210 ","220 ","230 ","240 ","250 ","260 ","270 ","280 ","290 ","300 ","310 ","320 ","330 ","340 ","350 ","360 ","370 ","380 ","390 ","400 ","410 ","420 ","430 ","440 ","450 ","460 ","470 ","480 ","490 ","500 "] ) ;
// amplitudenachse
a.y_ticks =tlist( [ 'locations ','labels '] ,[ 0 ,100 ,200 ,300 ,400 ,500 ,600 ,700 ,800 ,900 ,1000 ] ,[ "0 ","100 ","200 ","300 ","400 ","500 ","600 ","700 ","800 ","900 ","1000 "] ) ;
a.sub_tics =[ 9 ,9 ,9 ] ;
a.box = "back_half";
a.background = -2 ;
a.tight_limits = [ "off","off"] ;
a.cube_scaling = "on";
a.isoview = "off";
// mit den folgenden einstellungen der drei achsen kann die Anzeige angepasst werden
zh=a.data_bounds ;
zh( 1 ,2 ) =1 ;
zh( 2 ,2 ) =1000 ;
a.data_bounds =zh;
function my2dlog( v,t1,t2,px,py) ; // linear 2d
m=size ( v) ; //angezeigter frequenzbereich
plot ( v,'blue ','thickness ',3 ) ;
f=gcf ( ) ; //
f.color_map = jetcolormap( 1000 ) ; //Colormap festlegen
f.visible = "on";
f.figure_position = [ px,py] ;
f.figure_size = [ 1400 ,900 ] ;
f.figure_name =t1;
f.BackgroundColor =[ 1 1 1 ] ;
//Handle of type "Plot3d" with properties :
a=gca ( ) ;
a.visible = "on";
a.axes_visible = [ "on","on","on"] ;
a.axes_reverse = [ "off","off","off"] ;
a.auto_ticks = [ "off","off","off"] ;
a.grid = [ 1 ,1 ] ;
a.grid_thickness = [ 1 ,1 ] ;
a.grid_style = [ 1 ,1 ] ;
a.grid_position = "background";
a.title .font_size =2 ;
a.title .text =t2;
a.x_label .font_size =2 ;
a.x_label .text ="Frequenz";
a.x_label .visible ="on";
a.y_label .font_size =2 ;
a.y_label .text ="Amplitude";
a.y_label .visible ="on";
a.auto_scale ="off";
// frequenzaschse
a.x_ticks =tlist( [ 'locations ','labels '] ,[ 0 ,10 ,20 ,30 ,40 ,50 ,60 ,70 ,80 ,90 ,100 ,110 ,120 ,130 ,140 ,150 ,160 ,170 ,180 ,190 ,200 ,210 ,220 ,230 ,240 ,250 ,260 ,270 ,280 ,290 ,300 ,310 ,320 ,330 ,340 ,350 ,360 ,370 ,380 ,390 ,400 ,410 ,420 ,430 ,440 ,450 ,460 ,470 ,480 ,490 ,500 ] ,[ "0 ","10 ","20 ","30 ","40 ","50 ","60 ","70 ","80 ","90 ","100 ","110 ","120 ","130 ","140 ","150 ","160 ","170 ","180 ","190 ","200 ","210 ","220 ","230 ","240 ","250 ","260 ","270 ","280 ","290 ","300 ","310 ","320 ","330 ","340 ","350 ","360 ","370 ","380 ","390 ","400 ","410 ","420 ","430 ","440 ","450 ","460 ","470 ","480 ","490 ","500 "] ) ;
// amplitudenachse
a.y_ticks =tlist( [ 'locations ','labels '] ,[ 0 ,50 ,100 ,150 ,200 ,250 ,300 ,350 ,400 ,450 ,500 ,550 ,600 ,650 ,700 ,750 ,800 ,850 ,900 ,950 ,1000 ] ,[ "-100 ","-95 ","-90 ","-85 ","-80 ","-75 ","-70 ","-65 ","-60 ","-55 ","-50 ","-45 ","-40 ","-35 ","-30 ","-25 ","-20 ","-15 ","-10 ","-5 ","-0 "] ) ;
a.sub_tics =[ 9 ,9 ,9 ] ;
a.box = "back_half";
a.background = -2 ;
a.tight_limits = [ "off","off"] ;
a.cube_scaling = "on";
a.isoview = "off";
zh=a.data_bounds ;
zh( 1 ,2 ) =1 ;
zh( 2 ,2 ) =1000 ;
a.data_bounds =zh;
// Analyse2-Show2
mode ( 0 ) ;
// Hier werden Analyse-Daten angezeigt
// Die Daten enthalten die Variablen
// 'afft ' 'afftm ' 'afftg ' 'afftl ' 'afftlm ' 'afftlg '
// afft > Ergebnisse der FFT
// afftm > Mittelwerte der FFT
// afftg > Ergebnisse der FFT logarythmisch
// afftl > Leitungsspektrum der FFT
// afftlm > Mittelwerte des Leistungsspektrum
// afftlg > Leistungsspektrum logarythmisch
// dat Datei auswählen
[ dateiname,pfad] =uigetfile ( '*.dat ','D:\Mdaten ') ; //dat Datei wählen
if isequal ( dateiname,0 ) ; //Ist eine Date gewählt?
fe=pfad+'\ '+dateiname; //Vollständigen Pfad erstellen
load ( fe) ;
disp ( '//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ')
disp ( 'Scilab-Datei: '+ fe) ; //Ausgabe vollständiger Pfad
disp ( '//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ')
h1=scf( 1 ) ;
scf( h1) ;
// fft
disp ( 'Zeige Fast Fourier Transformation 3d ') ;
v=afft( :,1 :500 ) ;
v=v*1000 ;
t1='Fenster 1 ';
t2='FFT ';
px=10 ;
py=10 ;
my3dlin( v,t1,t2,px,py) ;
// fft mittelwert
h2=scf( 2 ) ;
scf( h2) ;
disp ( 'Zeige Fast Fourier Transformation Mittelwerte 2d ') ;
v=afftm( :,1 :500 ) ;
v=v*1000 ;
t1='Fenster 2 ';
t2='FFT Mittelwerte ';
px=20 ;
py=20 ;
my2dlin( v,t1,t2,px,py) ;
// fft logarythmisch
h3=scf( 3 ) ;
scf( h3) ;
disp ( 'Zeige Fast Fourier Transformation logarythmisch 3d ') ;
v=afftg( :,1 :500 ) ;
v=v*10 +1000 ;
t1='Fenster 3 ';
t2='FFT log ';
px=30 ;
py=30 ;
my3dlog( v,t1,t2,px,py) ;
h4=scf( 4 ) ;
scf( h4) ;
disp ( 'Zeige Fast Fourier Transformation logarythmisch Mittelwerte 2d ') ;
v=afftgm( :,1 :500 ) ;
v=v*10 +1000 ;
t1='Fenster 4 ';
t2='FFT log Mittelwerte ';
px=40 ;
py=40 ;
my2dlog( v,t1,t2,px,py) ;
h5=scf( 5 ) ;
scf( h5) ;
disp ( 'Zeige Leistungsspektrum 3d ') ;
v=afftl( :,1 :500 ) ;
v=v*1000 ;
t1='Fenster 5 ';
t2='Leistungsspektrum ';
px=50 ;
py=50 ;
my3dlin( v,t1,t2,px,py) ;
h6=scf( 6 ) ;
scf( h6) ;
disp ( 'Zeige Leistungsspektrum Mittelwerte 2d ') ;
v=afftlm( :,1 :500 ) ;
v=v*1000 ;
t1='Fenster 6 ';
t2='Leistungsspektrum Mittelwerte ';
px=60 ;
py=60 ;
my2dlin( v,t1,t2,px,py) ;
h7=scf( 7 ) ;
scf( h7) ;
disp ( 'Zeige Leistungsspektrum logarythmisch 3d ') ;
v=afftlg( :,1 :500 ) ;
v=v*10 +1000 ;
t1='Fenster 7 ';
t2='Leistungsspektrum log ';
px=70 ;
py=70 ;
my3dlog( v,t1,t2,px,py) ;
h8=scf( 8 ) ;
scf( h8) ;
disp ( 'Zeige Leistungsspektrum logarythmisch Mittelwerte 2d ') ;
v=afftlgm( :,1 :500 ) ;
v=v*10 +1000 ;
t1='Fenster 8 ';
t2='Leistungsspektrum log Mittelwerte ';
px=80 ;
py=80 ;
my2dlog( v,t1,t2,px,py) ;
//subplot ( 10 ,1 ,1 ) ;
//plot ( afftlm( 1 :100 ) ) ;
//gca .grid = [ 1 ,1 ,1 ] ;
//gca .x_ticks =tlist( [ 'locations ','labels '] ,[ 0 ,5 ,10 ,15 ,20 ,25 ,30 ,35 ,40 ,45 ,50 ,55 ,60 ,65 ,70 ,75 ,80 ,85 ,90 ,95 ,100 ] ,[ "0 ","5 ","10 ","15 ","20 ","25 ","30 ","35 ","40 ","45 ","50 ","55 ","60 ","65 ","70 ","75 ","80 ","85 ","90 ","95 ","100 "] ) ;
//gca .sub_tics =[ 4 ,9 ] ;
//gca .x_location ='top ';
Beiträge: 21
Anmeldedatum: 01.09.16
Wohnort: Düsseldorf
Version: Matlab R2015b
Verfasst am : 16.06.2017, 00:16
Titel :
Bei dem zweiten Skript aus dem vorigen Beitrag kann es zu Störungen im Ablauf kommen.
Der Grund, bei dem Wechsel zwischen linearer und logarithmischer Darstellung im Plot kann es zu Irritationen kommen.
Daher habe ich die Darstellungen in zwei Skripte aufgeteilt, einmal lineare und einmal logarithmische Plots.
Die Programme analysieren Wav Dateien. In deinem fall muss lediglich die Eingabe und Samplefrequenz angepasst werden. Bei Wav Dateien wird die maximale Amplitude bei dem Eingangssignal als 1 angesehen.
Also mit einigen Anpassungen im Skript kann dein Problem gelöst werden.
Log Darstellung
mclose( 'all ') ;
clear ;
xdel( ) ;
// 3d grafik
//inline definition ( see function )
function my3dlin( v,t1,t2,px,py)
m=size ( v) ; //angezeigter frequenzbereich
[ xx,yy,zz] =genfac3d( 1 :m( 1 ) ,1 :m( 2 ) ,v( ) ) ;
plot3d( xx,yy,list( zz,zz) ,theta=-20 ,alpha=16 ,flag=[ -1 ,2 ,2 ] ) ;
f=gcf ( ) ; //
f.color_map = jetcolormap( 1000 ) ; //Colormap festlegen
f.visible = "on";
f.figure_position = [ px,py] ;
f.figure_size = [ 1400 ,900 ] ;
f.figure_name =t1;
//Handle of type "Plot3d" with properties :
a=gca ( ) ;
a.visible = "on";
a.axes_visible = [ "on","on","on"] ;
a.axes_reverse = [ "on","off","off"] ;
a.auto_ticks = [ "off","off","off"] ;
a.grid = [ 1 ,1 ,1 ] ;
a.grid_thickness = [ 1 ,1 ,1 ] ;
a.grid_style = [ 1 ,1 ,1 ] ;
a.grid_position = "background";
a.title .font_size =2 ;
a.title .text =t2;
a.x_label .font_size =2 ;
a.x_label .text ="Sekunden";
a.x_label .visible ="on";
a.y_label .font_size =2 ;
a.y_label .text ="Frequenz";
a.y_label .visible ="on";
a.z_label .font_size =2 ;
a.z_label .text ="Amplitude";
a.z_label .visible ="on";
a.auto_scale ="off";
// sekundenachse
a.x_ticks =tlist( [ 'locations ','labels '] ,[ 1 ,40 ,80 ,120 ,160 ,200 ,240 ,280 ,320 ,360 ,400 ,440 ,480 ,520 ,560 ,600 ,640 ,680 ,720 ,760 ,800 ,840 ,880 ,920 ,960 ,1000 ,1040 ,1080 ,1120 ,1160 ,1200 ,1240 ,1280 ,1320 ,1360 ,1400 ,1440 ,1480 ,1520 ,1560 ,1600 ,1640 ,1680 ,1720 ,1760 ,1800 ,1840 ,1880 ,1920 ,1960 ,2000 ] ,[ "0 ","10 ","20 ","30 ","40 ","50 ","60 ","70 ","80 ","90 ","100 ","110 ","120 ","130 ","140 ","150 ","160 ","170 ","180 ","190 ","200 ","210 ","220 ","230 ","240 ","250 ","260 ","270 ","280 ","290 ","300 ","310 ","320 ","330 ","340 ","350 ","360 ","370 ","380 ","390 ","400 ","410 ","420 ","430 ","440 ","450 ","460 ","470 ","480 ","490 ","500 "] ) ;
// frequenzaschse
a.y_ticks =tlist( [ 'locations ','labels '] ,[ 0 ,10 ,20 ,30 ,40 ,50 ,60 ,70 ,80 ,90 ,100 ,110 ,120 ,130 ,140 ,150 ,160 ,170 ,180 ,190 ,200 ,210 ,220 ,230 ,240 ,250 ,260 ,270 ,280 ,290 ,300 ,310 ,320 ,330 ,340 ,350 ,360 ,370 ,380 ,390 ,400 ,410 ,420 ,430 ,440 ,450 ,460 ,470 ,480 ,490 ,500 ] ,[ "0 ","10 ","20 ","30 ","40 ","50 ","60 ","70 ","80 ","90 ","100 ","110 ","120 ","130 ","140 ","150 ","160 ","170 ","180 ","190 ","200 ","210 ","220 ","230 ","240 ","250 ","260 ","270 ","280 ","290 ","300 ","310 ","320 ","330 ","340 ","350 ","360 ","370 ","380 ","390 ","400 ","410 ","420 ","430 ","440 ","450 ","460 ","470 ","480 ","490 ","500 "] ) ;
// amplitudenachse
a.z_ticks =tlist( [ 'locations ','labels '] ,[ 0 ,100 ,200 ,300 ,400 ,500 ,600 ,700 ,800 ,900 ,1000 ] ,[ "0 ","100 ","200 ","300 ","400 ","500 ","600 ","700 ","800 ","900 ","1000 "] ) ;
a.sub_tics =[ 9 ,9 ,9 ] ;
a.box = "back_half";
//a.background = color ( 255 ,248 ,220 ) ;
a.background = -2 ;
a.tight_limits = [ "on","off","off"] ;
a.cube_scaling = "on";
a.isoview = "off";
a.rotation_angles = [ 9.5 ,4.25 ] ;
// mit den folgenden einstellungen der drei achsen kann die Anzeige angepasst werden
zh=a.data_bounds ;
// zeitachse
//zh( 1 ,1 ) =1 ;
//zh( 2 ,1 ) =199 ;
// frequenzachse
//zh( 1 ,2 ) =0 ;
//zh( 2 ,2 ) =150 ;
// amplitudenachse
zh( 1 ,3 ) =1 ;
zh( 2 ,3 ) =1000 ;
a.data_bounds =zh;
//a.log_flags = "nnn"
//b.parent : Axes
//b.children : [ ]
//b.visible = "on"
//b.surface_mode = "on"
//b.foreground = -1
//b.thickness = 1
//b.mark_mode = "off"
//b.mark_style = 0
//b.mark_size_unit = "tabulated"
//b.mark_size = 0
//b.mark_foreground = -1
//b.mark_background = 0
//b.data .x = matrix 1x712
//b.data .y = matrix 1x500
//b.data .z = matrix 4x1000
//b.color_mode = -1
//b.color_flag = 1
//b.hiddencolor = 4
//b.clip_state = "clipgrf"
//b.clip_box = [ ]
//b.ambient_color = [ 1 ,1 ,1 ]
//b.diffuse_color = [ 1 ,1 ,1 ]
//b.specular_color = [ 1 ,1 ,1 ]
//b.use_color_material = "on"
//b.material_shininess = 2
//b.user_data = [ ]
//b.tag =
function my3dlog( v,t1,t2,px,py)
m=size ( v) ; //angezeigter frequenzbereich
[ xx,yy,zz] =genfac3d( 1 :m( 1 ) ,1 :m( 2 ) ,v( ) ) ;
plot3d( xx,yy,list( zz,zz) ,theta=-20 ,alpha=16 ,flag=[ -1 ,2 ,2 ] ) ;
f=gcf ( ) ; //
f.color_map = jetcolormap( 1000 ) ; //Colormap festlegen
//colorbar ( 1 ,1000 ,[ 0 1000 ] ,fmt='%.1f ') ;
f.visible = "on";
f.figure_position = [ px,py] ;
f.figure_size = [ 1400 ,900 ] ;
f.figure_name =t1;
//Handle of type "Plot3d" with properties :
a=gca ( ) ;
a.visible = "on";
a.axes_visible = [ "on","on","on"] ;
a.axes_reverse = [ "on","off","off"] ;
a.auto_ticks = [ "off","off","off"] ;
a.grid = [ 1 ,1 ,1 ] ;
a.grid_thickness = [ 1 ,1 ,1 ] ;
a.grid_style = [ 1 ,1 ,1 ] ;
a.grid_position = "background";
a.title .font_size =2 ;
a.title .text =t2;
a.x_label .font_size =2 ;
a.x_label .text ="Sekunden";
a.x_label .visible ="on";
a.y_label .font_size =2 ;
a.y_label .text ="Frequenz";
a.y_label .visible ="on";
a.z_label .font_size =2 ;
a.z_label .text ="Amplitude";
a.z_label .visible ="on";
a.auto_scale ="off";
// sekundenachse
a.x_ticks =tlist( [ 'locations ','labels '] ,[ 1 ,40 ,80 ,120 ,160 ,200 ,240 ,280 ,320 ,360 ,400 ,440 ,480 ,520 ,560 ,600 ,640 ,680 ,720 ,760 ,800 ,840 ,880 ,920 ,960 ,1000 ,1040 ,1080 ,1120 ,1160 ,1200 ,1240 ,1280 ,1320 ,1360 ,1400 ,1440 ,1480 ,1520 ,1560 ,1600 ,1640 ,1680 ,1720 ,1760 ,1800 ,1840 ,1880 ,1920 ,1960 ,2000 ] ,[ "0 ","10 ","20 ","30 ","40 ","50 ","60 ","70 ","80 ","90 ","100 ","110 ","120 ","130 ","140 ","150 ","160 ","170 ","180 ","190 ","200 ","210 ","220 ","230 ","240 ","250 ","260 ","270 ","280 ","290 ","300 ","310 ","320 ","330 ","340 ","350 ","360 ","370 ","380 ","390 ","400 ","410 ","420 ","430 ","440 ","450 ","460 ","470 ","480 ","490 ","500 "] ) ;
// frequenzaschse
a.y_ticks =tlist( [ 'locations ','labels '] ,[ 0 ,10 ,20 ,30 ,40 ,50 ,60 ,70 ,80 ,90 ,100 ,110 ,120 ,130 ,140 ,150 ,160 ,170 ,180 ,190 ,200 ,210 ,220 ,230 ,240 ,250 ,260 ,270 ,280 ,290 ,300 ,310 ,320 ,330 ,340 ,350 ,360 ,370 ,380 ,390 ,400 ,410 ,420 ,430 ,440 ,450 ,460 ,470 ,480 ,490 ,500 ] ,[ "0 ","10 ","20 ","30 ","40 ","50 ","60 ","70 ","80 ","90 ","100 ","110 ","120 ","130 ","140 ","150 ","160 ","170 ","180 ","190 ","200 ","210 ","220 ","230 ","240 ","250 ","260 ","270 ","280 ","290 ","300 ","310 ","320 ","330 ","340 ","350 ","360 ","370 ","380 ","390 ","400 ","410 ","420 ","430 ","440 ","450 ","460 ","470 ","480 ","490 ","500 "] ) ;
// amplitudenachse
a.z_ticks =tlist( [ 'locations ','labels '] ,[ 0 ,50 ,100 ,150 ,200 ,250 ,300 ,350 ,400 ,450 ,500 ,550 ,600 ,650 ,700 ,750 ,800 ,850 ,900 ,950 ,1000 ] ,[ "-100 ","-95 ","-90 ","-85 ","-80 ","-75 ","-70 ","-65 ","-60 ","-55 ","-50 ","-45 ","-40 ","-35 ","-30 ","-25 ","-20 ","-15 ","-10 ","-5 ","-0 "] ) ;
a.sub_tics =[ 9 ,9 ,4 ] ;
a.box = "back_half";
//a.background = color ( 255 ,248 ,220 ) ;
a.background = -2 ;
a.tight_limits = [ "on","off","off"] ;
a.cube_scaling = "on";
a.isoview = "off";
//a.rotation_angles = [ 9.5 ,4.25 ] ;
a.rotation_angles = [ 0.1 ,0 ] ;
// mit den folgenden einstellungen der drei achsen kann die Anzeige angepasst werden
zh=a.data_bounds ;
// zeitachse
//zh( 1 ,1 ) =1 ;
//zh( 2 ,1 ) =199 ;
// frequenzachse
//zh( 1 ,2 ) =0 ;
//zh( 2 ,2 ) =150 ;
// amplitudenachse
zh( 1 ,3 ) =1 ;
zh( 2 ,3 ) =1000 ;
a.data_bounds =zh;
//a.log_flags = "nnn"
//b.parent : Axes
//b.children : [ ]
//b.visible = "on"
//b.surface_mode = "on"
//b.foreground = -1
//b.thickness = 1
//b.mark_mode = "off"
//b.mark_style = 0
//b.mark_size_unit = "tabulated"
//b.mark_size = 0
//b.mark_foreground = -1
//b.mark_background = 0
//b.data .x = matrix 1x712
//b.data .y = matrix 1x500
//b.data .z = matrix 4x1000
//b.color_mode = -1
//b.color_flag = 1
//b.hiddencolor = 4
//b.clip_state = "clipgrf"
//b.clip_box = [ ]
//b.ambient_color = [ 1 ,1 ,1 ]
//b.diffuse_color = [ 1 ,1 ,1 ]
//b.specular_color = [ 1 ,1 ,1 ]
//b.use_color_material = "on"
//b.material_shininess = 2
//b.user_data = [ ]
//b.tag =
function my2dlin( v,t1,t2,px,py) ; // linear 2d
m=size ( v) ; //angezeigter frequenzbereich
plot ( v,'blue ','thickness ',3 ) ;
f=gcf ( ) ; //
f.color_map = jetcolormap( 1000 ) ; //Colormap festlegen
f.visible = "on";
f.figure_position = [ px,py] ;
f.figure_size = [ 1400 ,900 ] ;
f.figure_name =t1;
f.BackgroundColor =[ 1 1 1 ] ;
//Handle of type "Plot3d" with properties :
a=gca ( ) ;
a.visible = "on";
a.axes_visible = [ "on","on","on"] ;
a.axes_reverse = [ "off","off","off"] ;
a.auto_ticks = [ "off","off","off"] ;
a.grid = [ 1 ,1 ] ;
a.grid_thickness = [ 1 ,1 ] ;
a.grid_style = [ 1 ,1 ] ;
a.grid_position = "background";
a.title .font_size =2 ;
a.title .text =t2;
a.x_label .font_size =2 ;
a.x_label .text ="Frequenz";
a.x_label .visible ="on";
a.y_label .font_size =2 ;
a.y_label .text ="Amplitude";
a.y_label .visible ="on";
a.auto_scale ="off";
// frequenzaschse
a.x_ticks =tlist( [ 'locations ','labels '] ,[ 0 ,10 ,20 ,30 ,40 ,50 ,60 ,70 ,80 ,90 ,100 ,110 ,120 ,130 ,140 ,150 ,160 ,170 ,180 ,190 ,200 ,210 ,220 ,230 ,240 ,250 ,260 ,270 ,280 ,290 ,300 ,310 ,320 ,330 ,340 ,350 ,360 ,370 ,380 ,390 ,400 ,410 ,420 ,430 ,440 ,450 ,460 ,470 ,480 ,490 ,500 ] ,[ "0 ","10 ","20 ","30 ","40 ","50 ","60 ","70 ","80 ","90 ","100 ","110 ","120 ","130 ","140 ","150 ","160 ","170 ","180 ","190 ","200 ","210 ","220 ","230 ","240 ","250 ","260 ","270 ","280 ","290 ","300 ","310 ","320 ","330 ","340 ","350 ","360 ","370 ","380 ","390 ","400 ","410 ","420 ","430 ","440 ","450 ","460 ","470 ","480 ","490 ","500 "] ) ;
// amplitudenachse
a.y_ticks =tlist( [ 'locations ','labels '] ,[ 0 ,100 ,200 ,300 ,400 ,500 ,600 ,700 ,800 ,900 ,1000 ] ,[ "0 ","100 ","200 ","300 ","400 ","500 ","600 ","700 ","800 ","900 ","1000 "] ) ;
a.sub_tics =[ 9 ,9 ,9 ] ;
a.box = "back_half";
a.background = -2 ;
a.tight_limits = [ "off","off"] ;
a.cube_scaling = "on";
a.isoview = "off";
// mit den folgenden einstellungen der drei achsen kann die Anzeige angepasst werden
zh=a.data_bounds ;
zh( 1 ,2 ) =1 ;
zh( 2 ,2 ) =1000 ;
a.data_bounds =zh;
function my2dlog( v,t1,t2,px,py) ; // linear 2d
m=size ( v) ; //angezeigter frequenzbereich
plot ( v,'blue ','thickness ',3 ) ;
f=gcf ( ) ; //
f.color_map = jetcolormap( 1000 ) ; //Colormap festlegen
f.visible = "on";
f.figure_position = [ px,py] ;
f.figure_size = [ 1400 ,900 ] ;
f.figure_name =t1;
f.BackgroundColor =[ 1 1 1 ] ;
//Handle of type "Plot3d" with properties :
a=gca ( ) ;
a.visible = "on";
a.axes_visible = [ "on","on","on"] ;
a.axes_reverse = [ "off","off","off"] ;
a.auto_ticks = [ "off","off","off"] ;
a.grid = [ 1 ,1 ] ;
a.grid_thickness = [ 1 ,1 ] ;
a.grid_style = [ 1 ,1 ] ;
a.grid_position = "background";
a.title .font_size =2 ;
a.title .text =t2;
a.x_label .font_size =2 ;
a.x_label .text ="Frequenz";
a.x_label .visible ="on";
a.y_label .font_size =2 ;
a.y_label .text ="Amplitude";
a.y_label .visible ="on";
a.auto_scale ="off";
// frequenzaschse
a.x_ticks =tlist( [ 'locations ','labels '] ,[ 0 ,10 ,20 ,30 ,40 ,50 ,60 ,70 ,80 ,90 ,100 ,110 ,120 ,130 ,140 ,150 ,160 ,170 ,180 ,190 ,200 ,210 ,220 ,230 ,240 ,250 ,260 ,270 ,280 ,290 ,300 ,310 ,320 ,330 ,340 ,350 ,360 ,370 ,380 ,390 ,400 ,410 ,420 ,430 ,440 ,450 ,460 ,470 ,480 ,490 ,500 ] ,[ "0 ","10 ","20 ","30 ","40 ","50 ","60 ","70 ","80 ","90 ","100 ","110 ","120 ","130 ","140 ","150 ","160 ","170 ","180 ","190 ","200 ","210 ","220 ","230 ","240 ","250 ","260 ","270 ","280 ","290 ","300 ","310 ","320 ","330 ","340 ","350 ","360 ","370 ","380 ","390 ","400 ","410 ","420 ","430 ","440 ","450 ","460 ","470 ","480 ","490 ","500 "] ) ;
// amplitudenachse
a.y_ticks =tlist( [ 'locations ','labels '] ,[ 0 ,50 ,100 ,150 ,200 ,250 ,300 ,350 ,400 ,450 ,500 ,550 ,600 ,650 ,700 ,750 ,800 ,850 ,900 ,950 ,1000 ] ,[ "-100 ","-95 ","-90 ","-85 ","-80 ","-75 ","-70 ","-65 ","-60 ","-55 ","-50 ","-45 ","-40 ","-35 ","-30 ","-25 ","-20 ","-15 ","-10 ","-5 ","-0 "] ) ;
a.sub_tics =[ 9 ,9 ,9 ] ;
a.box = "back_half";
a.background = -2 ;
a.tight_limits = [ "off","off"] ;
a.cube_scaling = "on";
a.isoview = "off";
zh=a.data_bounds ;
zh( 1 ,2 ) =1 ;
zh( 2 ,2 ) =1000 ;
a.data_bounds =zh;
// Analyse2-Show2
mode ( 0 ) ;
// Hier werden Analyse-Daten angezeigt
// Die Daten enthalten die Variablen
// 'afft ' 'afftm ' 'afftg ' 'afftl ' 'afftlm ' 'afftlg '
// afft > Ergebnisse der FFT
// afftm > Mittelwerte der FFT
// afftg > Ergebnisse der FFT logarythmisch
// afftl > Leitungsspektrum der FFT
// afftlm > Mittelwerte des Leistungsspektrum
// afftlg > Leistungsspektrum logarythmisch
// dat Datei auswählen
[ dateiname,pfad] =uigetfile ( '*.dat ','D:\Mdaten ') ; //dat Datei wählen
if isequal ( dateiname,0 ) ; //Ist eine Date gewählt?
fe=pfad+'\ '+dateiname; //Vollständigen Pfad erstellen
load ( fe) ;
disp ( '//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ')
disp ( 'Scilab-Datei: '+ fe) ; //Ausgabe vollständiger Pfad
disp ( '//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ')
// fft logarythmisch
h3=scf( 3 ) ;
scf( h3) ;
disp ( 'Zeige Fast Fourier Transformation logarythmisch 3d ') ;
v=afftg( :,1 :500 ) ;
v=v*10 +1000 ;
t1='Fenster 3 ';
t2='FFT log ';
px=10 ;
py=10 ;
my3dlog( v,t1,t2,px,py) ;
h4=scf( 4 ) ;
scf( h4) ;
disp ( 'Zeige Fast Fourier Transformation logarythmisch Mittelwerte 2d ') ;
v=afftgm( :,1 :500 ) ;
v=v*10 +1000 ;
t1='Fenster 4 ';
t2='FFT log Mittelwerte ';
px=20 ;
py=20 ;
my2dlog( v,t1,t2,px,py) ;
h7=scf( 7 ) ;
scf( h7) ;
disp ( 'Zeige Leistungsspektrum logarythmisch 3d ') ;
v=afftlg( :,1 :500 ) ;
v=v*10 +1000 ;
t1='Fenster 7 ';
t2='Leistungsspektrum log ';
px=30 ;
py=30 ;
my3dlog( v,t1,t2,px,py) ;
h8=scf( 8 ) ;
scf( h8) ;
disp ( 'Zeige Leistungsspektrum logarythmisch Mittelwerte 2d ') ;
v=afftlgm( :,1 :500 ) ;
v=v*10 +1000 ;
t1='Fenster 8 ';
t2='Leistungsspektrum log Mittelwerte ';
px=40 ;
py=40 ;
my2dlog( v,t1,t2,px,py) ;
//subplot ( 10 ,1 ,1 ) ;
//plot ( afftlm( 1 :100 ) ) ;
//gca .grid = [ 1 ,1 ,1 ] ;
//gca .x_ticks =tlist( [ 'locations ','labels '] ,[ 0 ,5 ,10 ,15 ,20 ,25 ,30 ,35 ,40 ,45 ,50 ,55 ,60 ,65 ,70 ,75 ,80 ,85 ,90 ,95 ,100 ] ,[ "0 ","5 ","10 ","15 ","20 ","25 ","30 ","35 ","40 ","45 ","50 ","55 ","60 ","65 ","70 ","75 ","80 ","85 ","90 ","95 ","100 "] ) ;
//gca .sub_tics =[ 4 ,9 ] ;
//gca .x_location ='top ';
Lin Darstellung
mclose( 'all ') ;
clear ;
xdel( ) ;
// 3d grafik
//inline definition ( see function )
function my3dlin( v,t1,t2,px,py,cm)
m=size ( v) ; //angezeigter frequenzbereich
[ xx,yy,zz] =genfac3d( 1 :m( 1 ) ,1 :m( 2 ) ,v( ) ) ;
plot3d( xx,yy,list( zz,zz) ,theta=-20 ,alpha=16 ,flag=[ -1 ,2 ,2 ] ) ;
f=gcf ( ) ; //
f.color_map = jetcolormap( cm) ; //Colormap festlegen
f.visible = "on";
f.figure_position = [ px,py] ;
f.figure_size = [ 1400 ,900 ] ;
f.figure_name =t1;
//Handle of type "Plot3d" with properties :
a=gca ( ) ;
a.visible = "on";
a.axes_visible = [ "on","on","on"] ;
a.axes_reverse = [ "on","off","off"] ;
a.auto_ticks = [ "off","off","off"] ;
a.grid = [ 1 ,1 ,1 ] ;
a.grid_thickness = [ 1 ,1 ,1 ] ;
a.grid_style = [ 1 ,1 ,1 ] ;
a.grid_position = "background";
a.title .font_size =2 ;
a.title .text =t2;
a.x_label .font_size =2 ;
a.x_label .text ="Sekunden";
a.x_label .visible ="on";
a.y_label .font_size =2 ;
a.y_label .text ="Frequenz";
a.y_label .visible ="on";
a.z_label .font_size =2 ;
a.z_label .text ="Amplitude";
a.z_label .visible ="on";
a.auto_scale ="off";
// sekundenachse
a.x_ticks =tlist( [ 'locations ','labels '] ,[ 1 ,40 ,80 ,120 ,160 ,200 ,240 ,280 ,320 ,360 ,400 ,440 ,480 ,520 ,560 ,600 ,640 ,680 ,720 ,760 ,800 ,840 ,880 ,920 ,960 ,1000 ,1040 ,1080 ,1120 ,1160 ,1200 ,1240 ,1280 ,1320 ,1360 ,1400 ,1440 ,1480 ,1520 ,1560 ,1600 ,1640 ,1680 ,1720 ,1760 ,1800 ,1840 ,1880 ,1920 ,1960 ,2000 ] ,[ "0 ","10 ","20 ","30 ","40 ","50 ","60 ","70 ","80 ","90 ","100 ","110 ","120 ","130 ","140 ","150 ","160 ","170 ","180 ","190 ","200 ","210 ","220 ","230 ","240 ","250 ","260 ","270 ","280 ","290 ","300 ","310 ","320 ","330 ","340 ","350 ","360 ","370 ","380 ","390 ","400 ","410 ","420 ","430 ","440 ","450 ","460 ","470 ","480 ","490 ","500 "] ) ;
// frequenzaschse
a.y_ticks =tlist( [ 'locations ','labels '] ,[ 0 ,10 ,20 ,30 ,40 ,50 ,60 ,70 ,80 ,90 ,100 ,110 ,120 ,130 ,140 ,150 ,160 ,170 ,180 ,190 ,200 ,210 ,220 ,230 ,240 ,250 ,260 ,270 ,280 ,290 ,300 ,310 ,320 ,330 ,340 ,350 ,360 ,370 ,380 ,390 ,400 ,410 ,420 ,430 ,440 ,450 ,460 ,470 ,480 ,490 ,500 ] ,[ "0 ","10 ","20 ","30 ","40 ","50 ","60 ","70 ","80 ","90 ","100 ","110 ","120 ","130 ","140 ","150 ","160 ","170 ","180 ","190 ","200 ","210 ","220 ","230 ","240 ","250 ","260 ","270 ","280 ","290 ","300 ","310 ","320 ","330 ","340 ","350 ","360 ","370 ","380 ","390 ","400 ","410 ","420 ","430 ","440 ","450 ","460 ","470 ","480 ","490 ","500 "] ) ;
// amplitudenachse
a.z_ticks =tlist( [ 'locations ','labels '] ,[ 0 ,100 ,200 ,300 ,400 ,500 ,600 ,700 ,800 ,900 ,1000 ] ,[ "0 ","100 ","200 ","300 ","400 ","500 ","600 ","700 ","800 ","900 ","1000 "] ) ;
a.sub_tics =[ 9 ,9 ,9 ] ;
a.box = "back_half";
//a.background = color ( 255 ,248 ,220 ) ;
a.background = -2 ;
a.tight_limits = [ "on","off","off"] ;
a.cube_scaling = "on";
a.isoview = "off";
a.rotation_angles = [ 9.5 ,4.25 ] ;
// mit den folgenden einstellungen der drei achsen kann die Anzeige angepasst werden
zh=a.data_bounds ;
// zeitachse
//zh( 1 ,1 ) =1 ;
//zh( 2 ,1 ) =199 ;
// frequenzachse
//zh( 1 ,2 ) =0 ;
//zh( 2 ,2 ) =150 ;
// amplitudenachse
zh( 1 ,3 ) =0 ;
zh( 2 ,3 ) =1000 ;
a.data_bounds =zh;
//a.log_flags = "nnn"
//b.parent : Axes
//b.children : [ ]
//b.visible = "on"
//b.surface_mode = "on"
//b.foreground = -1
//b.thickness = 1
//b.mark_mode = "off"
//b.mark_style = 0
//b.mark_size_unit = "tabulated"
//b.mark_size = 0
//b.mark_foreground = -1
//b.mark_background = 0
//b.data .x = matrix 1x712
//b.data .y = matrix 1x500
//b.data .z = matrix 4x1000
//b.color_mode = -1
//b.color_flag = 1
//b.hiddencolor = 4
//b.clip_state = "clipgrf"
//b.clip_box = [ ]
//b.ambient_color = [ 1 ,1 ,1 ]
//b.diffuse_color = [ 1 ,1 ,1 ]
//b.specular_color = [ 1 ,1 ,1 ]
//b.use_color_material = "on"
//b.material_shininess = 2
//b.user_data = [ ]
//b.tag =
function my2dlin( v,t1,t2,px,py) ; // linear 2d
m=size ( v) ; //angezeigter frequenzbereich
plot ( v,'blue ','thickness ',3 ) ;
f=gcf ( ) ; //
f.color_map = jetcolormap( 1000 ) ; //Colormap festlegen
f.visible = "on";
f.figure_position = [ px,py] ;
f.figure_size = [ 1400 ,900 ] ;
f.figure_name =t1;
f.BackgroundColor =[ 1 1 1 ] ;
//Handle of type "Plot3d" with properties :
a=gca ( ) ;
a.visible = "on";
a.axes_visible = [ "on","on","on"] ;
a.axes_reverse = [ "off","off","off"] ;
a.auto_ticks = [ "off","off","off"] ;
a.grid = [ 1 ,1 ] ;
a.grid_thickness = [ 1 ,1 ] ;
a.grid_style = [ 1 ,1 ] ;
a.grid_position = "background";
a.title .font_size =2 ;
a.title .text =t2;
a.x_label .font_size =2 ;
a.x_label .text ="Frequenz";
a.x_label .visible ="on";
a.y_label .font_size =2 ;
a.y_label .text ="Amplitude";
a.y_label .visible ="on";
a.auto_scale ="off";
// frequenzaschse
a.x_ticks =tlist( [ 'locations ','labels '] ,[ 0 ,10 ,20 ,30 ,40 ,50 ,60 ,70 ,80 ,90 ,100 ,110 ,120 ,130 ,140 ,150 ,160 ,170 ,180 ,190 ,200 ,210 ,220 ,230 ,240 ,250 ,260 ,270 ,280 ,290 ,300 ,310 ,320 ,330 ,340 ,350 ,360 ,370 ,380 ,390 ,400 ,410 ,420 ,430 ,440 ,450 ,460 ,470 ,480 ,490 ,500 ] ,[ "0 ","10 ","20 ","30 ","40 ","50 ","60 ","70 ","80 ","90 ","100 ","110 ","120 ","130 ","140 ","150 ","160 ","170 ","180 ","190 ","200 ","210 ","220 ","230 ","240 ","250 ","260 ","270 ","280 ","290 ","300 ","310 ","320 ","330 ","340 ","350 ","360 ","370 ","380 ","390 ","400 ","410 ","420 ","430 ","440 ","450 ","460 ","470 ","480 ","490 ","500 "] ) ;
// amplitudenachse
a.y_ticks =tlist( [ 'locations ','labels '] ,[ 0 ,100 ,200 ,300 ,400 ,500 ,600 ,700 ,800 ,900 ,1000 ] ,[ "0 ","100 ","200 ","300 ","400 ","500 ","600 ","700 ","800 ","900 ","1000 "] ) ;
a.sub_tics =[ 9 ,9 ,9 ] ;
a.box = "back_half";
a.background = -2 ;
a.tight_limits = [ "off","off"] ;
a.cube_scaling = "on";
a.isoview = "off";
// mit den folgenden einstellungen der drei achsen kann die Anzeige angepasst werden
zh=a.data_bounds ;
zh( 1 ,2 ) =0 ;
zh( 2 ,2 ) =1000 ;
a.data_bounds =zh;
// Show2
mode ( 0 ) ;
// Hier werden Analyse-Daten angezeigt
// Die Daten enthalten die Variablen
// 'afft ' 'afftm ' 'afftg ' 'afftl ' 'afftlm ' 'afftlg '
// afft > Ergebnisse der FFT
// afftm > Mittelwerte der FFT
// afftg > Ergebnisse der FFT logarythmisch
// afftl > Leitungsspektrum der FFT
// afftlm > Mittelwerte des Leistungsspektrum
// afftlg > Leistungsspektrum logarythmisch
// dat Datei auswählen
[ dateiname,pfad] =uigetfile ( '*.dat ','D:\Mdaten ') ; //dat Datei wählen
if isequal ( dateiname,0 ) ; //Ist eine Date gewählt?
fe=pfad+'\ '+dateiname; //Vollständigen Pfad erstellen
load ( fe) ;
disp ( '//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ')
disp ( 'Scilab-Datei: '+ fe) ; //Ausgabe vollständiger Pfad
disp ( '//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ')
h1=scf( 1 ) ;
scf( h1) ;
// fft
disp ( 'Zeige Fast Fourier Transformation 3d ') ;
v=afft( :,1 :500 ) ;
v=v*1000 ;
t1='Fenster 1 ';
t2='FFT ';
px=10 ;
py=10 ;
cm=100 ;
my3dlin( v,t1,t2,px,py,cm) ;
// fft mittelwert
h2=scf( 2 ) ;
scf( h2) ;
disp ( 'Zeige Fast Fourier Transformation Mittelwerte 2d ') ;
v=afftm( :,1 :500 ) ;
v=v*10000 ;
t1='Fenster 2 ';
t2='FFT Mittelwerte ';
px=20 ;
py=20 ;
my2dlin( v,t1,t2,px,py) ;
h3=scf( 3 ) ;
scf( h3) ;
disp ( 'Zeige Leistungsspektrum 3d ') ;
v=afftl( :,1 :500 ) ;
v=v*1000 ;
t1='Fenster 3 ';
t2='Leistungsspektrum ';
px=30 ;
py=30 ;
cm=100 ;
my3dlin( v,t1,t2,px,py,cm) ;
h4=scf( 4 ) ;
scf( h4) ;
disp ( 'Zeige Leistungsspektrum Mittelwerte 2d ') ;
v=afftlm( :,1 :500 ) ;
v=v*10000 ;
t1='Fenster 4 ';
t2='Leistungsspektrum Mittelwerte ';
px=40 ;
py=40 ;
my2dlin( v,t1,t2,px,py) ;
//subplot ( 10 ,1 ,1 ) ;
//plot ( afftlm( 1 :100 ) ) ;
//gca .grid = [ 1 ,1 ,1 ] ;
//gca .x_ticks =tlist( [ 'locations ','labels '] ,[ 0 ,5 ,10 ,15 ,20 ,25 ,30 ,35 ,40 ,45 ,50 ,55 ,60 ,65 ,70 ,75 ,80 ,85 ,90 ,95 ,100 ] ,[ "0 ","5 ","10 ","15 ","20 ","25 ","30 ","35 ","40 ","45 ","50 ","55 ","60 ","65 ","70 ","75 ","80 ","85 ","90 ","95 ","100 "] ) ;
//gca .sub_tics =[ 4 ,9 ] ;
//gca .x_location ='top ';
Beiträge: 21
Anmeldedatum: 01.09.16
Wohnort: Düsseldorf
Version: Matlab R2015b
Verfasst am : 16.06.2017, 07:24
Titel :
Auf die Schnelle passieren immer schnell Fehler.
Bei den letzten beiden Skripts werden gespeicherte Scilab Daten eingelesen und angezeigt. Diese Vorgehensweise hat den Vorteile, alle zu analysierenden WAV Dateien werden mit dem folgenden Programm berechnet. Dabei werden alle möglichen Rechnungen durchgeführt. Anschließend werden die Rechenergebnisse im gleichen Ordner, da wo die zu analysierende Datei ist, die Scilab Daten gespeichert.
Das hat den Vorteil, cilab kann viel größere Wav Dateien berechnen da keine Grafik erzeugt werden muß. Erst nach den Rechnungen werden die berechneten Daten Angezeigt.
Also hier das Rechenprogramm.
Im vorigen Beitrag die beiden Programme mit denen die Scilab Daten zur Anzeige gebracht werden.
// Analyse 2
mode ( 0 ) ;
// Hier werden WAV Dateien analysiert
// Die Abtastrate muss 48000 sein
// Es wird nur 1 Kanal analysiert
// Überdeckung der Analyse 87 ,5 //
// Die Ergebnisse der berechneten Analyse werden als Scilab Variable gespeichert.
// Die Variablen werden im gleichen Ordner wie die WAV Datei gespeichert.
// Die Variablen:
// afft ist die FFT
// afftm ist die FFT Mittelwerte
// afftg ist die FFT logarhythmisch
// afftmg ist die FFT logarhythmisch Mittelwerte
// afftl ist das leistungsspektrum
// afftlm ist das Leistungsspektrum Mittelwerte
// afftlg ist das Leistungsspektrum logarhythmisch
//afftlgm ist das Leistungsspektrum logharythmisch Mittelwerte
mclose( 'all ') ;
clear ;
xdel( ) ;
// WAV Datei auswählen
[ dateiname,pfad] =uigetfile ( '*.wav ','D:\Mdaten ') ; //WAV Datei wählen
if isequal ( dateiname,0 ) ; //Ist eine Date gewählt?
fe=pfad+'\ '+dateiname; //Vollständigen Pfad erstellen
info = wavread ( fe,'info ') ; //WAV Info`s laden
fd=fileinfo( fe) ; //Datei Info`s laden
disp ( '//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ')
disp ( 'WAV-Datei: '+fe) ; //Ausgabe vollständiger Pfad
p='Kanäle: '+string( info( 2 ) ) ; //Ausgabe Anzahl der Kanäle
disp ( p) ; //Ausgabe Anzahl der Kanäle
p='Samplerate: '+string( info( 3 ) ) ; //Ausgabe Samplerate
disp ( p) ; //Ausgabe Samplerate
p='Dateilänge : '+string( fd( 1 ) ) ; //Ausgabe Dateilänge
disp ( p) ; //Ausgabe Dateilänge
p='Laufzeit : '+string( info( 8 ) /info( 3 ) ) ; //Laufzeit in Sek.
disp ( p) ; //Laufzeit in Sek.
disp ( '//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ')
if info( 3 ) ==48000 then //Stimmt die Samplerate der Audiodatei?
samplmax=info( 8 ) ; //Dateilänge als Obergrenze erfassen
start1=1 ; //Erstes Byte des Rechenzyklus
start2=48000 ; //Letztes Byte des Rechenzyklus************************
ueberdeckung=6000 ;//Überdeckungsabstand
kanal=1 ; //Nummer des Kanals der analysiert wird.
frequ1 =1 ; //Die FFT wird von dieser Frequenz an berechnet**********
frequ2=500 ; //Die FFT wird bis zu dieser Frequenz berechnet************
// aa=loadwave( fe) ;
w=0 ; //Zähler für das Ergebnis Array
yW=window( 'hn ',start2) ; // fenster fsetlegen
while start2<samplmax //Prüfe ob Ende der Audiodaten erreicht
w=w+1 ; //Zähler für das Ergebnis Array
yF=wavread ( fe,[ start1 start2] ) ; // Audio einlesen für Rechnzyklus
// window funktion berechenen hanning
yFW=yW.*yF ( 1 ,:) ; // Window anwenden
yFFT=fft ( yF,-1 ,'nonsymmetric ') ; //Die FFT wird berechnen
yFFT=yFFT/48000 ;
g( w) =yFFT( 1 ) ;
yFFT=yFFT( 2 :24001 ) ;
yFFT1=yFFT; // Nur der Realteil der FFT
yFFT1=abs ( yFFT1) ; // nur positive Zahlen
yFFT1=yFFT1*2 ; // amplitude normieren
afft( w,:) =yFFT1( frequ1:frequ2) ; //Ergebnisse ins Array
// powerspektrum
yFFTL=yFFT.* conj ( yFFT) ; //Powerspektrum der FFT berechnen
yFFTL=abs ( yFFTL) ; // realteil
yFFTL=yFFTL.* 4 ; // amplitude normieren
afftl( w,:) =yFFTL( frequ1:frequ2) ; //Ergebnisse ins Array
start1=start1 + ueberdeckung; //Der Startpunkt für den nächsten Zyklus
start2=start2 + ueberdeckung; //Der Endpunkt für den nächsten Zyklus
// mittelwerte bilden
afftm=mean ( afft,'r ') ; //Mittelwert der fft berechnen
afftlm=mean ( afftl,'r ') ; //Mittelwert der fftl berechnen
// log berechnen
afftg=log10 ( afft) ;
afftg=afftg.* 20 ; // die fft
afftlg=log10 ( afftl) ;
afftlg=afftlg.* 10 ; // das leistungsspektrum
// mittelwerte log bilden
afftgm=mean ( afftg,'r ') ; //Mittelwert der fft berechnen
afftlgm=mean ( afftlg,'r ') ; //Mittelwert der fftl berechnen
// werte speichern berechnete daten werden gespeichert
zo=strsplit ( dateiname,'. ') ;
zo=pfad+'/ '+zo( 1 ) +'_FFT.dat ';
save ( zo,'afft ','afftm ','afftg ','afftgm ','afftl ','afftlm ','afftlg ','afftlgm ') ;
mclose( 'all ')
disp ( 'F E R T I G ')
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