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Linearizing a Neural Network




Beiträge: 1
Anmeldedatum: 21.10.16
Wohnort: ---
Version: ---
     Beitrag Verfasst am: 21.10.2016, 08:35     Titel: Linearizing a Neural Network
  Antworten mit Zitat      
I have created a Neural Network and obtained its block in Simulink. I would like to linearize it in order to be able to use it later in PID Tuner.

I try to do this linearization by means of the Linear Analysis Tool. However, I am having problems when setting the operating point (whether by trying to trim the model or by taking a simulation snapshot) because I do not understand well how it works. I have set the 2 inputs in Simulink as Open-Loop Inputs and the output as Open-Loop Output.

In case of taking a simulation snapshot: How can I choose the correct time in which I should take the snapshot?

In case of trimming: I do not obtain neither States nor Inputs nor Outputs to trim. When I click on Operating Point>Create New Operating Point>Trim Model it says that 'The Model does not have any Inputs, Outputs, states'. I have also tried to do this by using code, but I still have Problems when Setting the Operation Points. I set the Inputs and Outputs and compile the Simulink model, but then when I use 'findop' there are neither states nor Inputs and I get an error saying 'There are no free variables to optimize. Free either a state or an input.'.
How can I create/find operating Points?

% Das ist mein Programm
>> sim1

Model Compilation for sim1 successful.

>> sim1_io(1)=linio('sim1/From Workspace',1,'input');

>> sim1_io(2)=linio('sim1/NN',1,'output');

>> setlinio('sim1',sim1_io);

>> sim1

>> opsim = findop('sim1',1)

   Operating Point for the Model sim1.
   (Time-Varying Components Evaluated at time t=1)
States: None

Inputs: None
>> opspec=operspec('sim1');

>> opspec=operspec('sim1');

>> opspec=initopspec(opspec,opsim);

>> opss=findop('sim1',opspec);

There are no free variables to optimize.  Free either a state or an

How can I create operating Points?

Is there another way of importing my Neural Network Simulink block into PID Tuner?
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