load hex data from a text file |
parafux |

Beiträge: 1
Anmeldedatum: 23.10.19
Wohnort: ---
Version: ---
Verfasst am: 23.10.2019, 07:03
Titel: load hex data from a text file
i use matlab and octave on Linux.
I have a file test.txt with this content:
0xA 0xB
0xC 0xD
I load the data in matlab with this command:
I get this result, seems that the programmer implemented a fridays 13th joke
>> x
x =
10 11
12 14
I also try this load command in Octave, but get this error:
octave:18> x=load("test.txt");
error: load: failed to read matrix from file 'test.txt'
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