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Matlab Funktion für Octave umschreiben




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     Beitrag Verfasst am: 08.07.2015, 09:07     Titel: Matlab Funktion für Octave umschreiben
  Antworten mit Zitat      
Hallo Zusammen,
worauf muss man achten, wenn man Funktionen von Matlab zu Octave umschreiben will.

Habe auch ein konkretes Problem:

function xprime=cola_lv(t,X)
% sample usage: [t,x]=ode15s('cola_lv',[0 5000],0.5*ones(1,82));
% cola_lv - Subroutine for simulation with LV-configuration.
% It calls the model colamod, and
% includes control of condenser and reboiler level
% using two P-controllers with the LV-configuration.
% Inputs are reflux (LT) and boilup (VB). Disturbances
% are feedrate and feed composition. These are set by directly
% altering 'cola_lv.m'. Outputs are liquid composition and
% liquid hold up for stages 1 through NT, given in x.

% Number of stages in the column

% Inputs and disturbances
LT=2.70629; % Reflux
VB=3.20629; % Boilup
F=1.0 + 0.00; % Feedrate
zF=0.5; % Feed composition
qF=1.0; % Feed liquid fraction

% P-Controllers for control of reboiler and condenser hold up.
KcB=10; KcD=10; % controller gains
MDs=0.5; MBs=0.5; % Nominal holdups - these are rather small
Ds=0.5; Bs=0.5; % Nominal flows
MB=X(NT+1); MD=X(2*NT); % Actual reboiler and condenser holdup
D=Ds+(MD-MDs)*KcD; % Distillate flow
B=Bs+(MB-MBs)*KcB; % Bottoms flow

% Store all inputs and disturbances
U(1)=LT; U(2)=VB; U(3)=D; U(4)=B; U(5)=F; U(6)=zF; U(7)=qF;

Danke schon mal für die Antworten



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     Beitrag Verfasst am: 08.07.2015, 09:53     Titel: A: Matlab Funktion für Octave umschreiben
  Antworten mit Zitat      
Der Code den du gepostet hast sollte so unter Octave funktionieren....
ob das für colamod gilt weiß ich nicht da nicht gepostet....

den solver ode15s gibt es unter octave noch nicht, verfügar sind im odepgk z.B. ode45, ode54, ode78 -> siehe unter http://octave.sourceforge.net/odepkg/overview.html

ansonsten das problem mit lsode versuchen lösen...


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     Beitrag Verfasst am: 08.07.2015, 10:16     Titel:
  Antworten mit Zitat      
hier ist die colamod

function xprime=colamod(t,X,U)
% colamod - This is a nonlinear model of a distillation column with
% NT-1 theoretical stages including a reboiler (stage 1) plus a
% total condenser ("stage" NT). The liquid flow dynamics are
% modelled by a simple linear relationship.
% Model assumptions: Two components (binary separation); constant
% relative volatility; no vapor holdup; one feed and two products;
% constant molar flows (same vapor flow on all stages);
% total condenser
% The model is based on column A in Skogestad and Postlethwaite
% (1996). The model has 82 states.
% Inputs: t - time in [min].
% X - State, the first 41 states are compositions of light
% component A with reboiler/bottom stage as X(1) and
% condenser as X(41). State X(42)is holdup in reboiler/
% bottom stage and X(82) is hold-up in condenser.
% U(1) - reflux L,
% U(2) - boilup V,
% U(3) - top or distillate product flow D,
% U(4) - bottom product flow B,
% U(5) - feed rate F,
% U(6) - feed composition, zF.
% U(7) - feed liquid fraction, qF.
% Outputs: xprime - vector with time derivative of all the states


% The following data need to be changed for a new column.
% These data are for "colmn A".
% Number of stages (including reboiler and total condenser:
% Location of feed stage (stages are counted from the bottom):
% Relative volatility
% Nominal liquid holdups
M0(1)=0.5; % Nominal reboiler holdup (kmol)
i=2:NT-1; M0(i)=0.5*ones(1,NT-2);% Nominal stage (tray) holdups (kmol)
M0(NT)=0.5; % Nominal condenser holdup (kmol)
% Data for linearized liquid flow dynamics (does not apply to reboiler and condenser):
taul=0.063; % time constant for liquid dynamics (min)
F0=1; % Nominal feed rate (kmol/min)
qF0 = 1; % Nominal fraction of liquid in feed
L0=2.70629; % Nominal reflux flow (from steady-state data)
L0b=L0 + qF0*F0; % Nominal liquid flow below feed (kmol/min)
lambda=0; % Effect of vapor flow on liquid flow ("K2-effect")
V0=3.20629;V0t=V0+(1-qF0)*F0;% Nominal vapor flows - only needed if lambda is nonzero
% End data which need to be changed

% Splitting the states
x=X(1:NT)'; % Liquid composition from btm to top
M=X(NT+1:2*NT)'; % Liquid hold up from btm to top

% Inputs and disturbances
LT = U(1); % Reflux
VB = U(2); % Boilup
D = U(3); % Distillate
B = U(4); % Bottoms

F = U(5); % Feedrate
zF = U(6); % Feed composition
qF = U(7); % Feed liquid fraction


% Vapor-liquid equilibria
i=1:NT-1; y(i)=alpha*x(i)./(1+(alpha-1)*x(i));

% Vapor Flows assuming constant molar flows
i=1:NT-1; V(i)=VB*ones(1,NT-1);
i=NF:NT-1; V(i)=V(i) + (1-qF)*F;

% Liquid flows assuming linearized tray hydraulics with time constant taul
% Also includes coefficient lambda for effect of vapor flow ("K2-effect").
i=2:NF; L(i) = L0b + (M(i)-M0(i))./taul + lambda.*(V(i-1)-V0);
i=NF+1:NT-1; L(i) = L0 + (M(i)-M0(i))./taul + lambda.*(V(i-1)-V0t);

% Time derivatives from material balances for
% 1) total holdup and 2) component holdup

% Column
dMdt(i) = L(i+1) - L(i) + V(i-1) - V(i);
dMxdt(i)= L(i+1).*x(i+1) - L(i).*x(i) + V(i-1).*y(i-1) - V(i).*y(i);

% Correction for feed at the feed stage
% The feed is assumed to be mixed into the feed stage
dMdt(NF) = dMdt(NF) + F;
dMxdt(NF)= dMxdt(NF) + F*zF;

% Reboiler (assumed to be an equilibrium stage)
dMdt(1) = L(2) - V(1) - B;
dMxdt(1)= L(2)*x(2) - V(1)*y(1) - B*x(1);

% Total condenser (no equilibrium stage)
dMdt(NT) = V(NT-1) - LT - D;
dMxdt(NT)= V(NT-1)*y(NT-1) - LT*x(NT) - D*x(NT);

% Compute the derivative for the mole fractions from d(Mx) = x dM + M dx
dxdt(i) = (dMxdt(i) - x(i).*dMdt(i) )./M(i);

% Output

funtioniert mit den solvern nicht.


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     Beitrag Verfasst am: 08.07.2015, 10:26     Titel:
  Antworten mit Zitat      
und noch mal die Funktion auf die Zugegriffen wird. ich komme einfach nicht darauf wo der Fehler steckt. Vermute, dass es irgendwas mit den Input- und Output-Dimensionen zu tun hat. Aber mir fehlt etwas die Erfahrung mit Octave.

function xprime=cola_lv(t,X)
% sample usage: [t,x]=ode15s('cola_lv',[0 5000],0.5*ones(1,82));
% cola_lv - Subroutine for simulation with LV-configuration.
% It calls the model colamod, and
% includes control of condenser and reboiler level
% using two P-controllers with the LV-configuration.
% Inputs are reflux (LT) and boilup (VB). Disturbances
% are feedrate and feed composition. These are set by directly
% altering 'cola_lv.m'. Outputs are liquid composition and
% liquid hold up for stages 1 through NT, given in x.

% Number of stages in the column

% Inputs and disturbances
LT=2.70629; % Reflux
VB=3.20629; % Boilup
F=1.0 + 0.00; % Feedrate
zF=0.5; % Feed composition
qF=1.0; % Feed liquid fraction

% P-Controllers for control of reboiler and condenser hold up.
KcB=10; KcD=10; % controller gains
MDs=0.5; MBs=0.5; % Nominal holdups - these are rather small
Ds=0.5; Bs=0.5; % Nominal flows
MB=X(NT+1); MD=X(2*NT); % Actual reboiler and condenser holdup
D=Ds+(MD-MDs)*KcD; % Distillate flow
B=Bs+(MB-MBs)*KcB; % Bottoms flow

% Store all inputs and disturbances
U(1)=LT; U(2)=VB; U(3)=D; U(4)=B; U(5)=F; U(6)=zF; U(7)=qF;



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     Beitrag Verfasst am: 08.07.2015, 10:40     Titel:
  Antworten mit Zitat      

also ich benutzte Octave 4.0 mit odepkg 0.85 und mit dem ode45 solvre und

der Eingabe von

[t,x]=ode45(@cola_lv,[0 5000],0.5*ones(1,82));

läuft es fehlerfrei durch....ohne irgendeine änderung deines codes.

der einzige unterschied du benutzt beim solveraufruf 'cola_lv', ersetzt das durch @cola_lv ...dann sollte es ohne weitere änderung laufen.

Im Anhang noch ein Bild vom plot(t,x) nachdem der ode45 fertig ist.


 Dateiname:  ode45result_cola_lv.PNG
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