Verfasst am: 21.05.2017, 16:32
Titel: Matlab yyplot label and plot
I want to plot e_eff5(2) the imaginary and real part as undotted, normal line and the e_eff5(1) the imaginary and real part as dotted. The real parts are on the left size(blue), the imaginary on the right side(red). Then i want tolabel the 4 lines, dotted blue, normal blue, dotted red, normal red.
plotyy(fGhz,e_eff5(1,:), fGhz,imag(e_eff5(1,:)));
legend(strcat('real T ={}', 20, '°C'), strcat('imag T ={}', 25, '°C'));
hold on;
[hAx,hLine1,hLine2] = plotyy(fGhz,e_eff5(2,:), fGhz,imag(e_eff5(2,:)));
set(hLine1,'LineStyle','--') set(hLine2,'LineStyle','--')
%title('Water Single Debye Model below 100 GHz as a function of temperature Manabe Fit');
title('Wasser Permittivität einzelnes Debye Model (gültig unter 100 GHz)');
xlabel('Frequenz [GHz]');
%ylabel('rel. Permittivität \epsilonr []');
ylabel(hAx(1),'rel. Permittivität Realteil \epsilonr []')% left y-axis ylabel(hAx(2),'rel. Permittivität Imaginarteil \epsilonr []')% right y-axis legend(strcat('real T ={}', 20, '°C'), strcat('imag T ={}', 25, '°C'));
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