Verfasst am: 15.06.2020, 17:16
Titel: N-BACK trial order
Liebe Alle,
ich versuche eine N-Back Task zu programmieren und habe einen Beispiel Code, um die "trial-order" zu berechnen. Allerdings funktioniert er nicht, sondern spuckt mir immer wieder diese Fehlermeldung aus: "Index exceeds the number of array elements (4).
Error in nBackCreateTrialList_v1_2 (line 56)
trialListBlock(1, 1:trialsPerBlock(n)) = randi(10,1, trialsPerBlock(n));
Weiß jemand vielleicht wie ich das auflösen kann..?
Vielen Dank
function[trialList, levels, blocks] = nBackCreateTrialList_v1_2(lowestLevel, highestLevel,trialsPerBlock ,targetsPerBlock, numOfBlocks)
%Creates stimuli list for n-back task.
% Version 1.2
% Experimental variables % Number of trials etc.
lowestLevel = 1; % n
highestLevel = 4;
numOfBlocks = 3;
targetsPerBlock = 6;
nonTargetsPerBlock = 14; % + n
trialsPerBlock = []; % Number of trials for a block per level
nTrial = []; % Total number of trials per level
for n = lowestLevel:highestLevel
trialsPerBlock(n) = nonTargetsPerBlock + targetsPerBlock + n;
nTrial(n) = trialsPerBlock(n)*numOfBlocks;
totalNTrial = sum(nTrial);
trialList = [];
levels = [];
blocks = [];
for n = lowestLevel:highestLevel
disp(horzcat('Creating trial list for level n = ', num2str(n))) % First try of creating trial list with targetsPerBlock for block = 1:numOfBlocks
targetCount = 0; % Variable counting the n-back targets in a block
levelsBlock = zeros(1, trialsPerBlock(n)) + n; % Indicating the level of every trial
blocksBlock = zeros(1, trialsPerBlock(n)) + block; % Indicating the block of every trial
trialListBlock(1, 1:trialsPerBlock(n)) = randi(10,1, trialsPerBlock(n)); % Indicating stimulus number
trialListBlock(2, 1:trialsPerBlock(n)) = zeros(1, trialsPerBlock(n)); % Indicating target status
% Counting the number of targetsPerBlock in trialListBlock for position = 1:length(trialListBlock) if position > n
if trialListBlock(1, position) == trialListBlock(1, position - n)
targetCount = targetCount + 1;
trialListBlock(2, position) = 1;
end end end
moreThanThree = 0;
for n = 1:length(trialListBlock) - 4% Checking whether a stimulus more than three times if trialListBlock(1, n + 1) == trialListBlock(1, n + 2) && trialListBlock(1, n + 3) == trialListBlock(1, n + 1) && trialListBlock(1, n + 1) == trialListBlock(1, n + 4)
moreThanThree = 1;
end end % Checking whether the number of targets in trialListBlock is % equal to targetsPerBlock if targetCount ~= targetsPerBlock || moreThanThree == 1% Not equal so do it again
while targetCount ~= targetsPerBlock || moreThanThree == 1
targetCount = 0;
moreThanThree = 0;
trialListBlock(1, 1:trialsPerBlock(n)) = randi(10,1, trialsPerBlock(n));
trialListBlock(2, 1:trialsPerBlock(n)) = zeros(1, trialsPerBlock(n));
for position = 1:length(trialListBlock) if position > n
if trialListBlock(1, position) == trialListBlock(1, position - n)
targetCount = targetCount + 1;
trialListBlock(2, position) = 1;
end end end for n = 1:length(trialListBlock) - 4% Checking whether a stimulus is repeated more than three times if trialListBlock(1, n + 1) == trialListBlock(1, n + 2) && trialListBlock(1, n + 3) == trialListBlock(1, n + 1) && trialListBlock(1, n + 1) == trialListBlock(1, n + 4)
moreThanThree = 1;
end end end end
levels = [levels levelsBlock];
blocks = [blocks blocksBlock];
trialList = [trialList trialListBlock];
end end end
meine Empfehlung: Haltepunkt in die Zeile setzen und die Dimensionen der beteiligten Variablen prüfen. Für weitere Unterstützung bitte auch den reproduzierbaren verwendeten Funktionsaufruf posten.
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