non linear ordinary differential equations ? |
Tommy7571 |
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Verfasst am: 18.10.2018, 09:55
Titel: non linear ordinary differential equations ?
I have a a system of 20 coupled nonlinear ordinary differential equations, each equation being of the type
dxi/dt =∑ ki*xi*xj
with i, j = 1 to 20 (and xi=xi(t) being the integrated function of dxi/dt).
As far as I understand, these equations are not linear ordinary differential equations anymore. They are also different from most equations I saw before.
To solve it, I tried lode45 but I got an error x(i) (=xi) out of bounds =1 after the first term. Since it is for linear differential equations, I suppose that no products of functions are aloud.
How can I solve this numerically with Octave?
Is there a solver available?
Tommy7571 |
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Verfasst am: 18.10.2018, 16:09
Titel: non linear ordinary differential equations ?
In fact I thought it is a problem due to the non linear terms of my system but I was wrong. I could resolve the Robertson problem (online for matlab) using ode15s.
I gave a value for x(6)0 as initial value so the term is similar to that of the Robertson System . I did not give a mass conseration in the options by 'mass' is this obligatory?
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