optimal control - Kalman estimator problem |
G. |
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Verfasst am: 30.09.2009, 14:51
Titel: optimal control - Kalman estimator problem
I will write in English as my technical German is not that good.
I have a problem with creating an optimal controller.
I have a state space system (sys) which is given.
It has 2 inputs and 2 outputs.
I want to create a kalman estimator but when I use the function:
the resulting estimator has only got 2 inputs: the sensor measurements a.k.a. the outputs of the original state space system.
The right thing would be to have 4 inputs for the estimator:
The 2 sensor measurements or outputs of the original system and the 2 actuator signals which would be the inputs of the original system.
Do you have any idea how i could solve the problem?
Thank you!
Thomas84 |
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Verfasst am: 13.10.2009, 12:26
you can calculate the output of the original system with lsim
[Y, X] = lsim(sys);
Or were you looking for something else?
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