Plotting MTPA curve on Torque contours(elektrische Antriebe) |
msaad |
Beiträge: 1
Anmeldedatum: 18.10.18
Wohnort: ---
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Verfasst am: 18.10.2018, 12:39
Titel: Plotting MTPA curve on Torque contours(elektrische Antriebe)
First, sorry for English. Second, I have lookup tables (LUTs) of currents i_dq and flux psi_dq. I have plotted torque contours as shown in the figure below. Now I want to plot a maximum torque per ampere (MTPA) curve on that, a minimum i_dq current pair for each torque curve. I am struggling since quite a while, any help is highly appreciated. Thanks.
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t_contour.png |
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Jan S |
Beiträge: 11.057
Anmeldedatum: 08.07.10
Wohnort: Heidelberg
Version: 2009a, 2016b
Verfasst am: 23.10.2018, 15:24
Titel: Re: Plotting MTPA curve on Torque contours(elektrische Antri
Hi msaad,
Zitat: |
I have lookup tables (LUTs) of currents i_dq and flux psi_dq. |
What does this exactly mean? In which format?
Zitat: |
Now I want to plot a maximum torque per ampere (MTPA) curve on that, a minimum i_dq current pair for each torque curve. |
Please elaborate this.
Regards, Jan
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