Verfasst am: 22.07.2022, 13:24
Titel: Probleme ein Matlab-Script von GitHub in einem loop zu verwe
functionvarargout = ps_LST_lpa(varargin)
%ps_LST_lpa Lesion segmentation by a lesion predicialgorithm (LGA) % Part of the LST toolbox,
% ps_LST_lpa Lesion segmentation by the LPA requires a FLAIR image only. % However, the user is free to choose an additional image that serves as % a reference image during a coregistration step before the main lesion % segmentation. This may be helpful if the dimension of the FLAIR image % is low or if the goal of the lesion segmentation is to fill lesions in % T1 images. Beside that no additional parameters need to be set. No % other parameters need to be set by the user.
% This routine produces lesion probability maps (ples...), [coregistered] % bias corrected versions of the FLAIR inputs, a .mat-file with % information about the segmentation that is needed for a re-run of the % algorithm, and a HTML report along with a folder if this option has % been chosen desired. See the documentation for details. % % ps_LST_lpa asks the user for the input images (FLAIR and optional % reference images). A HTML report is produced by default.
% ps_LST_lpa(Vf2, Vref, html) performs lesion % segmentation for the FLAIR volumes given in Vf2 and reference volumes % given in Vref. The letter can be left empty. If specified, both must be % characters like a call from from spm_select. The last argument is a % dummy for the HTML reports. If the last argument ismissing it is % replaced by its default value, see above.
% ps_LST_lpa(job) Same as above but with job being a harvested job data % structure (see matlabbatch help).
% Check if user has writing permissions [~, struc] = fileattrib;
if ~struc.UserWrite fprintf(fileID, 'User has no writing permissions!');
error('You do not have writing permissions for the current folder.\n');
% Load some stuff load(fullfile(spm('dir'), 'toolbox', 'LST', 'LST_lpa_stuff.mat'))
% Warp TPMs and spatial effect to native space % --------------------------------------------
strout = 'Rough segmentation of FLAIR ';
fprintf(strout) tic
% Warp brain position of MNI space in native space fprintf(fileID, 'Warp brain position ...');
bp = ps_LST_lpa_mni2ns(bp_mni, 'bp', Vf2_tmp, [], [], []);
indx_brain = find(bp > 0);
fprintf(fileID, 'ok.\n');
cd ..
% Get TPMs in native space fprintf(fileID, 'TPMs in native space ...');
csf = ps_LST_bc_mni2ns(csf_mni, 'tissue', Vf2_tmp, bp_mni, indx_brain, bp);
gm = ps_LST_bc_mni2ns(gm_mni, 'tissue', Vf2_tmp, bp_mni, indx_brain, bp);
wm = ps_LST_bc_mni2ns(wm_mni, 'tissue', Vf2_tmp, bp_mni, indx_brain, bp);
fprintf(fileID, 'ok.\n');
% Rough segmentation of FLAIR into CSF, GM and WM % -----------------------------------------------
fprintf(fileID, 'Rough segmentation of FLAIR ...');
% For the calculation of the lesion belief maps we need a rough % segmentation of the FLAIR image. As the segmentation by SPM is % quite poor we use our one one. Here, we set up a simple mixture % model with one Gaussian per tissue class and keep the prior % probabilities (the TPMs) for these classes fixed.
% For the segmentation we smooth the FLAIR image with a Gaussian % kernel with FWHM at 1.5 mm
f2 = spm_read_vols(Vf2_tmp);
sf2 = 0 .* f2;
spm_smooth(f2, sf2, [1, 1, 1] .*1.5);
f2_vec = sf2(indx_brain);
clear sf2;
% Prior probabilities are the TPMs
prior = [csf(indx_brain), gm(indx_brain), wm(indx_brain)];
clear gm;
prior = bsxfun(@times, prior, 1 ./ sum(prior, 2));
post = 0 .* prior;
[m, I] = max(prior, [], 2);
st = 0;
counter = 0;
% Main loop of rough segmentation while ~st
counter = counter + 1;
% Mean and SD of Gaussians
m = [mean(f2_vec(I == 1)), ... mean(f2_vec(I == 2)), ... mean(f2_vec(I == 3))];
s = [std(f2_vec(I == 1)), ... std(f2_vec(I == 2)), ... std(f2_vec(I == 3))];
% Posterior probabilities for j = 1:3
%post(:,j) = normpdf(f2_vec, m(j), s(j)) .* prior(:,j);
post(:,j) = ps_dnorm(f2_vec, m(j), s(j)) .* prior(:,j);
post = bsxfun(@times, post, 1 ./ sum(post, 2));
% New class labels [~, I_new] = max(post, [], 2);
% Correct missclassified voxels, i.e. voxels that are segmented % as CSF but have intensities larger than the mean of GM
I_new(f2_vec > m(2) & I_new == 1) = 2;
% Check if the label of any voxels have been changed. ifisequal(I, I_new)
st = 1;
I = I_new;
end end% END while ~st
% One last iteration. Here we use the last posterior probability as % the prior probabilities. This helps in identifying CSF voxels % better. for j = 1:3
%post(:,j) = normpdf(f2_vec, m(j), s(j)) .*mean(I_new == j);
post(:,j) = ps_dnorm(f2_vec, m(j), s(j)) .*mean(I_new == j);
post = bsxfun(@times, post, 1 ./ sum(post, 2));
[~, I_new] = max(post, [], 2);
I_new(f2_vec > m(2) & I_new == 1) = 2;
seg = 0.*f2;
seg(indx_brain) = I_new;
% Correct voxels in the TPM for CSF
csf(seg > 1) = 0;
fprintf(fileID, ['ok, with ' num2str(counter), ' iterations.\n']);
fprintf(fileID, 'Lesion belief maps ...');
% For the lesion belief map we use the original FLAIR image
f2_vec = f2(indx_brain);
tmp = f2_vec(I == 2);
f2_vec = f2_vec ./ mean(tmp(~isnan(tmp)));
% In order to calculate the correct distance (in mm) we need to % correct for different voxel dimensions. We do this by artifically % blowing the brain up until all voxels have a natural number as % voxel dimension.
fprintf(fileID, 'Factor ...');
% Find factor that gives a natural number for each voxel size
fac_rs = 1;
vs_rs = vs;
whileany(mod(vs_rs, 1) > 0)
fac_rs = fac_rs + 1;
vs_rs = vs .* fac_rs;
end fprintf(fileID, [' ok, ', num2str(fac_rs), '\n']);
fprintf(fileID, 'Translate coordinates ...');
% Create an empty image with the new voxel size
outerCSF_rs = zeros(size(f2, 1) .* vs_rs(1), ... size(f2, 2) .* vs_rs(2), ... size(f2, 3) .* vs_rs(3));
% Translate coordinate of the original image into coordinates of % the new image
coords = indx2coord(indx_brain, size(f2, 1), size(f2, 2));
coords_rs = coords;
for j = 1:3 if vs_rs(j) > 0
coords_rs(:,j) = round(ps_scale(coords(:,j), ... min(coords(:,j)), ... max(coords(:,j)) .* vs_rs(j)));
end end % Translate coordinates back to indx
indx_rs = coord2indx(coords_rs(:,1), coords_rs(:,2), coords_rs(:,3), ... size(f2, 1) .* vs_rs(1), size(f2, 2) .* vs_rs(2));
fprintf(fileID, 'ok.\n');
fprintf(fileID, 'Calculate distance ...');
% Fill new image
outerCSF_rs(indx_rs) = outerCSF(indx_brain);
% Calculate distance of all voxels to non-zero voxels
outerCSF_rs_dist = bwdist(outerCSF_rs);
clear outerCSF_rs;
% Put calculated distances back to original image
outerCSF_dist = 0 .* f2;
outerCSF_dist(indx_brain) = outerCSF_rs_dist(indx_rs) ./ fac_rs;
clear outerCSF_rs_dist;
fprintf(fileID, 'ok.\n');
end % Finally: delete all voxels whose distance to outer CSF is smaller % or equal than 4 mm fprintf(fileID, 'Delete voxels ...');
prob2 = prob;
prob2(outerCSF_dist <= 4) = 0;
fprintf(fileID, 'ok.\n');
% Correct for big lesions that are too close at outer CSF fprintf(fileID, 'Correct for big lesions that are too close at outer CSF ...');
indx_les = find(prob > 0);
bw = ps_bwlabeln(1. *(prob > 0));
bw_tmp = bw(indx_les);
p_tmp = prob(indx_les);
p2_tmp = prob2(indx_les);
gs1 = arrayfun(@(x)mean(p_tmp(bw_tmp == x)), (1:max(bw_tmp))');
gs2 = arrayfun(@(x)mean(p2_tmp(bw_tmp == x)), (1:max(bw_tmp))');
%gs1 = grpstats(p_tmp, bw_tmp, 'mean');
%gs2 = grpstats(p2_tmp, bw_tmp, 'mean');
indx_correct = find(gs1 > .5 & gs2 < .5 & gs2 > 0);
if ~isempty(indx_correct) for j = indx_correct'
prob2(bw == j) = prob(bw == j);
end end
prob = prob2; clear prob2;
fprintf(fileID, 'ok.\n');
% Delete small lesions with low probability fprintf(fileID, 'Delete small lesions with low probability ...');
bw = ps_bwlabeln(1 .*(prob > 0));
volfactor = abs(det(Vf2_tmp.mat(1:3,1:3))) / 1000;
for j = 1:max(bw(bw > 0))
indx_tmp = find(bw == j);
if(sum(prob(indx_tmp) > .1)*volfactor < 3*0.003)
prob(indx_tmp) = 0;
end end fprintf(fileID, 'ok.\n');
% Delete holes fprintf(fileID, 'Delete holes ...');
ch = 0;
iter = 0;
while ~ch
iter = iter + 1;
indx_tmp = find(prob == 0 & bp > 0);
nh = getNeighborhood2(prob, indx_tmp, 1);
indx_tmp = indx_tmp(sum(nh > 0) > 4);
ifisempty(indx_tmp) || iter > 10
ch = 1;
prob(indx_tmp) = mean(nh(:,sum(nh > 0) > 4));
end end fprintf(fileID, ['ok, with ', num2str(iter), ' iterations.\n']);
% A bit of growing fprintf(fileID, 'Grow a bit ...');
st = 0;
iter = 0;
while ~st
iter = iter + 1;
indx_tmp = find(Bf2_2 > 0.5 & prob == 0);
nh = getNeighborhood2(prob, indx_tmp, 3);
tmp_tmp = find(mean(nh > 0) > 0.25);
ifnumel(tmp_tmp) > 10
tmp = nh(:,tmp_tmp); tmp(tmp == 0) = NaN;
prob(indx_tmp(tmp_tmp)) = ps_quantile(tmp, .85);
st = 1;
end end fprintf(fileID, ['ok, with ', num2str(iter), ' iterations.\n']);
Ich habe oben aufgeführtes Script auf GitHub für die LesionSegmentationToolbox von SPM gefunden. Hier öffnet sich ein SPM-Batch in dem ich die Input files manuell auswählen muss.
Da ich diese Analyse gerne auf 40 Subjects anwenden möchte, würde ich gerne den Namen der Input-files definieren und dann das Script über alle Subjects loopen.
Hat jemand eine Idee wie ich das umsetzen kann?
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