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Reading Textfile




Beiträge: 5
Anmeldedatum: 10.04.20
Wohnort: ---
Version: ---
     Beitrag Verfasst am: 10.04.2020, 10:23     Titel: Reading Textfile
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Hey everyone,
I´m very beginner at Matlab and have some trouble with opening a textfile and cant´t find the mistake in my code..the textfile Information just doesnt open up.
I have to sort the textfile (4 rows and 4 columns) in 4 categories, and this is what I tried:

(I already added the textfile to the path)


fopen ('exercise.txt');
fid = fopen ('C:\exercise.txt','r+');
Format = {'Subject' 'Condition' 'Iteration' 'Score'};
C = textscan( fid, 'Format' );
fclose (fid)

Can you maybe see why it doesnt open the textfile content? I´m very stuck, thank you so much Smile


 Dateiname:  exercise.txt
 Dateigröße:  54 Bytes
 Heruntergeladen:  220 mal
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Beiträge: 24.496
Anmeldedatum: 26.03.09
Wohnort: Nähe München
Version: ab 2017b
     Beitrag Verfasst am: 10.04.2020, 10:49     Titel:
  Antworten mit Zitat      

first recommendation: read the doc! The format syntax you are trying to use is nothing close to what is shown in the examples for textscan.

Then, use tables. It's the most intuitive way to represent tabular data.
T = readtable("exercise.txt", "ReadVariableNames",false);
T.Properties.VariableNames = {'Subject' 'Condition' 'Iteration' 'Score'}

To systematically learn the basics of MATLAB, consider going through MATLAB Onramp.

This is a German language forum, thus if you speak German, please write in German.


1.) Ask MATLAB Documentation
2.) Search gomatlab.de, google.de or MATLAB Answers
3.) Ask Technical Support of MathWorks
4.) Go mad, your problem is unsolvable ;)
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