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Simulink Modeling 16 QAM with USRP




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     Beitrag Verfasst am: 13.12.2012, 09:58     Titel: Simulink Modeling 16 QAM with USRP
  Antworten mit Zitat      
I am using the Simulink Model QPSK-Receiver and QPSK-Transmitter. Right now i am trying to replace the modulation methode QPSK with 16 QAM and 64 QAM. Although i have borrowed the book < Digital Communications - A Discrete-Time Approach > from Micheal Rice, it didn’t really help me. As written in the book, the Structure of the time synchronization and phase synchronization of the MQAM is the same as of QPSK, there are just short kapitels related to the MQAM and i can’t find enough informations. I have given some thoughts about this problem, My guess is that i have to alter the parameters of those funktion blocks, like AGC, Fine Frequence Compensation and Time Recovery. The problem i have right now is, i can’t get to understand, how those parameters such as “desired amplitude”, “fine frequence compasition gain”,”kp”,”k0”,”k1” and so on, get to influnce the porformance of the PLL for the phase and time synchronization, and which values i should choose. I am very thankful when someone can give me some advices.


With best Regards

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