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Speaker Verification in matlab - posterior function intepret




Beiträge: 1
Anmeldedatum: 31.08.14
Wohnort: ---
Version: ---
     Beitrag Verfasst am: 31.08.2014, 11:25     Titel: Speaker Verification in matlab - posterior function intepret
  Antworten mit Zitat      
My simplified code looks like:


params = 4;
%number of params to extract from spreach signal

components= 4;
% number of gmm components

for speaker = 1:212
    path = ['..\speaker_' int2str(speaker) '.mat']
    data{speaker} = X;
% end of preaparation known speakers from db

speakerID = input('Type your speaker ID: ');
if (isempty(speakerID))
    disp('Error - incorrect ID!');

declarationParams = get_speaker_params_with_microphone(params);
%returns params(in this case 4) parameters of speach signal for one windowed frame,
%for example matrix 200 x 4

Y = data{speakerID}(:,1:params);
% get speakerID datas from db to Y

gmm_DB_pattern = mggmmemfit(Y, components, 0, 0);
% compute (using EM) gmm from speakerID datas, function returns same object as
gmdistribution.fit, link to better desc is below



Here is the problem:

Can someone explain me how should I compute/intepret results of posterior to get percentage or value between 0-1 of probability that speakerID typed at the beginning is proper for speaker recorded with get_speaker_params_with_microphone(params)?


[P, nlogl] = posterior(gmm_DB_pattern, declarationParams);

I think this function is proper to solve my problems, but I can not properly understand how to use it to acomplish my goal.

To sum up, I would like to ask how to compute likelihood that declared (testing sequence) params is being uttered by declared speaker ??
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