Strem lines in Matlab --> Octave? |
Tommy7571 |
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Verfasst am: 10.11.2018, 13:31
Titel: Strem lines in Matlab --> Octave?
I wanted to run a script from Matlab displaying stream lines of vector fields, using the package symbolic , the program Python and a Python module called Sympy.
After several hours that I spent to make Sympy running and found by Python installing Anaconda, I finally got the error:
"error: 'stream2' undefined near line 48 column 20
error: called from
Streamlines_vector_fields at line 48 column 7"
Is a similar package for the function stream available? Will it be available probably in future? Has anyone an idea how to implement such a function?
Tommy7571 |
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Version: ---
Verfasst am: 26.11.2018, 09:37
Titel: Strem lines in Matlab --> Octave?
Geht das was mit Quiver? Ich kenne mich da leider gar nicht mit aus...
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