edoixxx |

Beiträge: 5
Anmeldedatum: 18.05.08
Wohnort: ---
Version: ---
Verfasst am: 19.05.2008, 19:09
Titel: transofm distrubutionen
I need to generate a code in matlab or get the code if anyone have this , to do the transformation from uniform distribution pdf and cdf (pdf:=1/b-a) (cdf:f(x)=(x-a)/(b-a)for a≤x<b, for x from the interval(a,b) (0,x<a,)and (1,b≤x.) to translate that to the lognormal,weibull,cauchy and pareto distributions and distributions, and if it is possible with the "monte carlo" method .
plot the functions an show the differents about the uniform , pareto,lognormal,cauchy and weibull distributions. thank you
steve |

Beiträge: 2.029
Anmeldedatum: 03.09.07
Wohnort: Wien
Version: R2024a
Verfasst am: 20.05.2008, 08:45
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