Unterschied: ruler2num und datenum |
Hans5566 |
Beiträge: 4
Anmeldedatum: 20.03.19
Wohnort: ---
Version: ---
Verfasst am: 20.03.2019, 18:37
Titel: Unterschied: ruler2num und datenum
I understand the result of datenum in the following code is just the count of days:
>> 737508.5 737510.5
What I do not understand is the meaning of the numbers resulting from ruler2num if I use a datetime-axis
>>-0.5 1.5
What defines the result here? OK it's kind of positioning in the plot, but what defines the numbers here?
I see the interval length of the X-Axis is 2days, so the interval given by ruler2num also seems to be based on julian days, but the reference date is unknown ...?
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