Was bedeutet diese Meldung? |
Markus8282 |
![](templates/vSpiralFull/images/spacer.gif) |
Beiträge: ---
![](templates/vSpiralFull/images/spacer.gif) |
![](templates/vSpiralFull/images/spacer.gif) |
Anmeldedatum: ---
![](templates/vSpiralFull/images/spacer.gif) |
![](templates/vSpiralFull/images/spacer.gif) |
Wohnort: ---
![](templates/vSpiralFull/images/spacer.gif) |
![](templates/vSpiralFull/images/spacer.gif) |
Version: ---
![](templates/vSpiralFull/images/spacer.gif) |
![](templates/vSpiralFull/images/_postbit_left_divide.gif) |
Verfasst am: 26.01.2010, 09:07
Titel: Was bedeutet diese Meldung?
![](templates/vSpiralFull/images/_postbit_header_right_right.gif) |
![](templates/vSpiralFull/images/_postbit_subheader_divide.gif) |
Morgen Forum,
habe ein Simulink Model erstellt und dieses Funktioniert.
jetzt bekomme ich aber beim Aufruf der Simulation und nach dieser folgende Meldungen ins Command Window geschrieben und kann nichts damit anfangen.
Könnt ihr mir sagen was es bedeuten soll?
Warning: "Simu_Model_Zähler für Meldungen/Triggered
To Workspace" is a parameterized link. To view, discard, or propagate the changes for this link, use
the "Link Options" menu item.
In general\private\openmdl at 13
In open at 154
In uiopen at 196
Warning: Block diagram 'Simu_Model_Version_7_OK' contains 8 algebraic loop(s). To see
more details about the loops use the command line Simulink debugger by typing "sldebug
Simu_Model_Version_7_OK" in the MATLAB command window. To eliminate this message, set
the Algebraic loop option in the Diagnostics page of the Simulation Parameters Dialog to "None".
Found algebraic loop containing:
>> sldebug Simu_Model_Version_7_OK
Warning: 'Signal storage reuse' is enabled for this model. Block I/O values displayed in the
debugger may not be correct.
In order to preserve block output signal values, consider disabling the 'Signal storage reuse'
option in the 'Optimization' page of the Configuration Parameters dialog.
Warning: 'Block reduction optimization' is enabled for this model. Some non-virtual blocks may not
execute due to optimization.
To be able to execute all non-virtual blocks consider disabling the 'Block reduction
optimization' option in the 'Optimization' page of the Configuration Parameters dialog.
Warning: Block diagram 'Simu_Model_Versiont_7_OK' contains 8 algebraic loop(s). To
get more information about the loops use the "ashow" commands in the command line Simulink
debugger (sldebug).
Found algebraic loop containing:
'Simu_Model_Version_7_OK/LO8' (discontinuity)
'Simu_Model_Version_7_OK/LO9' (discontinuity)
'Simu_Model_Version_7_OK/LO7' (discontinuity)
'Simu_Model_Version_7_OK/Counter2' (algebraic variable)
Danke Markus8282
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