Verfasst am: 09.09.2008, 10:19
Titel: Wie funktioniert delaunayn?
ich habe eine Frage zu delaunayn(X).
This example generates an n-dimensional Delaunay tessellation, where n = 3.
d = [-1 1];
[x,y,z] = meshgrid(d,d,d); % A cube
x = [x(:);0];
y = [y(:);0];
z = [z(:);0];
% [x,y,z] are corners of a cube plus the center.
X = [x(:) y(:) z(:)];
Tes = delaunayn(X)
Die Hilfe ist leider keine große Hilfe. Wenn du noch was herausgefunden hast, lass es mich bitte wissen.
>> help delaunayn
DELAUNAYN N-D Delaunay tessellation.
T = DELAUNAYN(X) returns a set of simplices such that no data points of
X are contained in any circumspheres of the simplices. Theset of
simplices forms the Delaunay tessellation. Xis an m-by-n array
representing m points in n-D space. Tis a numt-by-(n+1) array where
each row is the indices into X of the vertices of the corresponding
DELAUNAYN uses Qhull.
T = DELAUNAYN(X,OPTIONS) specifies a cell array of strings OPTIONS to
be used as options in Qhull. The default options are:
{'Qt','Qbb','Qc'}for 2D and 3D input,
{'Qt','Qbb','Qc','Qx'}for 4D and higher.
If OPTIONS is[], the default options will be used.
If OPTIONS is{''}, no options will be used, not even the default.
Formore information on Qhull options, see
X = [-0.5-0.5-0.5;
T = delaunayn(X);
errors, but hints that adding 'Qz' to the default options might help.
T = delaunayn(X,{'Qt','Qbb','Qc','Qz'});
To visualize this answer you can use the TETRAMESH function:
See also qhull, voronoin, convhulln, delaunay, delaunay3, tetramesh.
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