Zustandsregler - Ackermann - kein einschwingen - Simulink
Beiträge: 3
Anmeldedatum: 12.03.16
Wohnort: ---
Version: ---
Verfasst am : 12.03.2016, 20:46
Titel : Zustandsregler - Ackermann - kein einschwingen - Simulink
Hi Leute,
ich habe mit Hilfe von MATLAB mir einen Rückführvektor berechnen lassen der das System leider nicht stabilisiert. Ich weiss nicht woran es liegt. Vllt kann mir Jmd. von euch einen Tipp geben.
Es geht um ein Dreifachpendel. Ich habe dafür das mathematische Modell aufgestellt und es auf die Form: gebracht. Das habe ich nun linearisiert um eine Ruhelage: Gelenk1 oben, Gelenk2 unten, Gelenk3 oben. Mit der linearisierten Dynamikmatrix und dem linearisierten Eingangsvektor und ensprechender Polvorgabe habe ich mit dem Befehl:acker(A,b,pol) mit einen Rückführvektor berechnet.
Im Anhang befinden sich die Initialisations- und Simulinkdatei.
Ich habe versucht in den Dateien so gut mir möglich war zu kommentieren.
P.s. bin Neuling - bitte habt Nachsicht, falls ich die allg. Beschreibungsform noch nicht getroffen habe.
%Systemzustände definieren
syms x1; %Wagenposition
syms x2; %Wagengeschwindigkeit
syms x3; %Winkel von Gelenk 1
syms x4; %Winkelgeschwindigkeit von Winkel1
syms x5; %Winkel von Gelenk 2
syms x6; %Winkelgeschwindigkeit von Winkel2
syms x7; %Winkel von Gelenk 3
syms x8; %Winkelgeschwindigkeit von Winkel3
syms u; %Beschleunigung
% Modellparameter
%Pendelarm 1
l12 = 0.323 ; %Länge zwischen Pendelarm 1 und 2
ls1 = 0.2121 ; %Abstand bis zum Schwerpunkt Gelenk 1
mG1 = 0.8083 ; %Masse Gelenk 1
J_G1xx = 0.013 ; %Massenträgheitsmoment Gelenk 1
kG1 = 0.0297 ; %Reibungskonstante von Gelenk 1
%Pendelarm 2
l23 = 0.4190 ; %Länge zwischen Pendelarm 2 und 3
ls2 = 0.2929 ; %Abstand bis zum Schwerpunkt Gelenk 2
mG2 = 1.0040 ; %Masse Gelenk 2
J_G2xx = 0.0235 ; %Massenträgheitsmoment Gelenk 2
kG2 = 0.000 ; %Reibungskonstante von Gelenk 1
%Pendelarm 3
ls3 = 0.2276 ; %Abstand bis zum Schwerpunkt Gelenk 3
mG3 = 0.5080 ; %Masse Gelenk 3
J_G3xx = 0.0165 ; %Massenträgheitsmoment Gelenk 3
kG3 = 0.0003 ; %Reibungskonstante von Gelenk 3
g = 9.8144 ; %Gravitationskonstante
par_pendel = [ l12 ls1 mG1 J_G1xx kG1 l23 ls2 mG2 J_G2xx kG2 ls3 mG3 J_G3xx kG3 g] ; %Parametervektor für Simulinkmodell
%System mit x_dot=f( x,u)
f1=[ x2;
( ( ( ( 2 *l12*l23*ls2.^2 -2 *l12*l23.^2 *ls2) *ls3.^2 *( x6) .^2 *sin ( 2 *x7-x5-x3) +( g*l12*l23*ls2-g*l12*l23.^2 ) *ls3.^2 *sin ( 2 *x7-2 *x5+x3) +( u*l12*l23*ls2-u*l12*l23.^2 ) *ls3.^2 *cos ( 2 *x7-2 *x5+x3) +( g*l12*l23.^2 -g*l12*l23*ls2) *ls3.^2 *sin ( 2 *x7-2 *x5-x3) +( u*l12*l23*ls2-u*l12*l23.^2 ) *ls3.^2 *cos ( 2 *x7-2 *x5-x3) +( 2 *g*l12*l23*ls2-2 *g*l12*ls2.^2 ) *ls3.^2 *sin ( 2 *x7-x3) +( 2 *u*l12*l23*ls2-2 *u*l12*ls2.^2 ) *ls3.^2 *cos ( 2 *x7-x3) +( 2 *l12.^2 *ls2.^2 -2 *l12.^2 *l23*ls2) *ls3.^2 *( x4) .^2 *sin ( 2 *x7-2 *x3) -2 *l12*l23*ls2*ls3.^3 *( x8) .^2 *sin ( x7-2 *x5+x3) +( 4 *l12*ls2.^2 -2 *l12*l23*ls2) *ls3.^3 *( x8) .^2 *sin ( x7-x3) -2 *g*l12*l23*ls2*ls3.^2 *sin ( 2 *x5-x3) -2 *u*l12*l23*ls2*ls3.^2 *cos ( 2 *x5-x3) +2 *l12.^2 *l23*ls2*ls3.^2 *( x4) .^2 *sin ( 2 *x5-2 *x3) +( 2 *l12*l23*ls2.^2 +2 *l12*l23.^2 *ls2) *ls3.^2 *( x6) .^2 *sin ( x5-x3) +( 2 *g*l12*ls2.^2 -2 *g*l12*l23*ls2+2 *g*l12*l23.^2 ) *ls3.^2 *sin ( x3) +( 2 *u*l12*ls2.^2 -2 *u*l12*l23*ls2+2 *u*l12*l23.^2 ) *ls3.^2 *cos ( x3) ) *mG2+( ( -g*l23.^2 *ls1*ls3.^2 *sin ( 2 *x7-2 *x5+x3) ) -u*l23.^2 *ls1*ls3.^2 *cos ( 2 *x7-2 *x5+x3) +g*l23.^2 *ls1*ls3.^2 *sin ( 2 *x7-2 *x5-x3) -u*l23.^2 *ls1*ls3.^2 *cos ( 2 *x7-2 *x5-x3) +2 *g*l23.^2 *ls1*ls3.^2 *sin ( x3) +2 *u*l23.^2 *ls1*ls3.^2 *cos ( x3) ) *mG1+( ( 2 *l12*l23*ls3.^2 *x8-2 *l12*l23*ls3.^2 *x6) *cos ( 2 *x7-x5-x3) +( 2 *l12*l23.^2 *ls3*x6-2 *l12*l23.^2 *ls3*x8) *cos ( x7-2 *x5+x3) +( 2 *l12*l23.^2 *ls3*x8-2 *l12*l23.^2 *ls3*x6) *cos ( x7-x3) -2 *l12*l23*ls3.^2 *cos ( x5-x3) *x8+2 *l12*l23*ls3.^2 *x6*cos ( x5-x3) ) *kG3+( ( 2 *l12*l23*ls3.^2 *x4-2 *l12*l23*ls3.^2 *x6) *cos ( 2 *x7-x5-x3) +( 2 *l23.^2 *ls3.^2 *x4-2 *l23.^2 *ls3.^2 *x6) *cos ( 2 *x7-2 *x5) +( 2 *l12*l23*ls3.^2 *x6-2 *l12*l23*ls3.^2 *x4) *cos ( x5-x3) +2 *l23.^2 *ls3.^2 *x6-2 *l23.^2 *ls3.^2 *x4) *kG2+( 2 *l23.^2 *ls3.^2 *x4*cos ( 2 *x7-2 *x5) -2 *l23.^2 *ls3.^2 *x4) *kG1+2 *J_G2xx*l12*l23*ls3.^2 *( x6) .^2 *sin ( 2 *x7-x5-x3) -2 *g*J_G2xx*l12*ls3.^2 *sin ( 2 *x7-x3) -2 *u*J_G2xx*l12*ls3.^2 *cos ( 2 *x7-x3) +2 *J_G2xx*l12.^2 *ls3.^2 *( x4) .^2 *sin ( 2 *x7-2 *x3) -2 *J_G3xx*l12*l23.^2 *ls3*( x8) .^2 *sin ( x7-2 *x5+x3) +( 4 *J_G2xx*l12*ls3.^3 +2 *J_G3xx*l12*l23.^2 *ls3) *( x8) .^2 *sin ( x7-x3) -2 *g*J_G3xx*l12*l23.^2 *sin ( 2 *x5-x3) -2 *u*J_G3xx*l12*l23.^2 *cos ( 2 *x5-x3) +2 *J_G3xx*l12.^2 *l23.^2 *( x4) .^2 *sin ( 2 *x5-2 *x3) +( 2 *J_G2xx*l12*l23*ls3.^2 +4 *J_G3xx*l12*l23.^3 ) *( x6) .^2 *sin ( x5-x3) +( 2 *g*J_G2xx*l12*ls3.^2 +2 *g*J_G3xx*l12*l23.^2 ) *sin ( x3) +( 2 *u*J_G2xx*l12*ls3.^2 +2 *u*J_G3xx*l12*l23.^2 ) *cos ( x3) ) *mG3.^2 +( ( ( -2 *g*l12*ls2.^2 *ls3.^2 *sin ( 2 *x5-x3) ) -2 *u*l12*ls2.^2 *ls3.^2 *cos ( 2 *x5-x3) +2 *l12.^2 *ls2.^2 *ls3.^2 *( x4) .^2 *sin ( 2 *x5-2 *x3) +4 *l12*ls2.^3 *ls3.^2 *( x6) .^2 *sin ( x5-x3) +2 *g*l12*ls2.^2 *ls3.^2 *sin ( x3) +2 *u*l12*ls2.^2 *ls3.^2 *cos ( x3) ) *mG2.^2 +( ( 4 *g*ls1*ls2.^2 *ls3.^2 *sin ( x3) +4 *u*ls1*ls2.^2 *ls3.^2 *cos ( x3) ) *mG1+( ( 2 *l12*l23*ls2*ls3*x6-2 *l12*l23*ls2*ls3*x8) *cos ( x7-2 *x5+x3) +( ( 4 *l12*ls2.^2 -2 *l12*l23*ls2) *ls3*x8+( 2 *l12*l23*ls2-4 *l12*ls2.^2 ) *ls3*x6) *cos ( x7-x3) -4 *l12*ls2*ls3.^2 *cos ( x5-x3) *x8+4 *l12*ls2*ls3.^2 *x6*cos ( x5-x3) ) *kG3+( ( 4 *l12*ls2*ls3.^2 *x6-4 *l12*ls2*ls3.^2 *x4) *cos ( x5-x3) +4 *ls2.^2 *ls3.^2 *x6-4 *ls2.^2 *ls3.^2 *x4) *kG2-4 *ls2.^2 *ls3.^2 *x4*kG1-2 *J_G3xx*l12*l23*ls2*ls3*( x8) .^2 *sin ( x7-2 *x5+x3) +( 4 *J_G3xx*l12*ls2.^2 -2 *J_G3xx*l12*l23*ls2) *ls3*( x8) .^2 *sin ( x7-x3) -4 *g*J_G3xx*l12*l23*ls2*sin ( 2 *x5-x3) -4 *u*J_G3xx*l12*l23*ls2*cos ( 2 *x5-x3) +4 *J_G3xx*l12.^2 *l23*ls2*( x4) .^2 *sin ( 2 *x5-2 *x3) +( 4 *J_G2xx*l12*ls2*ls3.^2 +4 *J_G3xx*l12*l23*ls2.^2 +4 *J_G3xx*l12*l23.^2 *ls2) *( x6) .^2 *sin ( x5-x3) +( 4 *g*J_G2xx*l12*ls3.^2 +4 *g*J_G3xx*l12*ls2.^2 -4 *g*J_G3xx*l12*l23*ls2+4 *g*J_G3xx*l12*l23.^2 ) *sin ( x3) +( 4 *u*J_G2xx*l12*ls3.^2 +4 *u*J_G3xx*l12*ls2.^2 -4 *u*J_G3xx*l12*l23*ls2+4 *u*J_G3xx*l12*l23.^2 ) *cos ( x3) ) *mG2+( ( 4 *g*J_G2xx*ls1*ls3.^2 +4 *g*J_G3xx*l23.^2 *ls1) *sin ( x3) +( 4 *u*J_G2xx*ls1*ls3.^2 +4 *u*J_G3xx*l23.^2 *ls1) *cos ( x3) ) *mG1+( ( 4 *J_G2xx*l12*ls3*x8-4 *J_G2xx*l12*ls3*x6) *cos ( x7-x3) -4 *J_G3xx*l12*l23*cos ( x5-x3) *x8+4 *J_G3xx*l12*l23*x6*cos ( x5-x3) ) *kG3+( ( 4 *J_G3xx*l12*l23*x6-4 *J_G3xx*l12*l23*x4) *cos ( x5-x3) +( 4 *J_G2xx*ls3.^2 +4 *J_G3xx*l23.^2 ) *x6+( ( -4 *J_G2xx*ls3.^2 ) -4 *J_G3xx*l23.^2 ) *x4) *kG2+( ( -4 *J_G2xx*ls3.^2 ) -4 *J_G3xx*l23.^2 ) *x4*kG1+4 *J_G2xx*J_G3xx*l12*ls3*( x8) .^2 *sin ( x7-x3) +4 *J_G2xx*J_G3xx*l12*l23*( x6) .^2 *sin ( x5-x3) +4 *g*J_G2xx*J_G3xx*l12*sin ( x3) +4 *u*J_G2xx*J_G3xx*l12*cos ( x3) ) *mG3+( ( -2 *g*J_G3xx*l12*ls2.^2 *sin ( 2 *x5-x3) ) -2 *u*J_G3xx*l12*ls2.^2 *cos ( 2 *x5-x3) +2 *J_G3xx*l12.^2 *ls2.^2 *( x4) .^2 *sin ( 2 *x5-2 *x3) +4 *J_G3xx*l12*ls2.^3 *( x6) .^2 *sin ( x5-x3) +2 *g*J_G3xx*l12*ls2.^2 *sin ( x3) +2 *u*J_G3xx*l12*ls2.^2 *cos ( x3) ) *mG2.^2 +( ( 4 *g*J_G3xx*ls1*ls2.^2 *sin ( x3) +4 *u*J_G3xx*ls1*ls2.^2 *cos ( x3) ) *mG1+( 4 *J_G3xx*l12*ls2*x6*cos ( x5-x3) -4 *J_G3xx*l12*ls2*cos ( x5-x3) *x8) *kG3+( ( 4 *J_G3xx*l12*ls2*x6-4 *J_G3xx*l12*ls2*x4) *cos ( x5-x3) +4 *J_G3xx*ls2.^2 *x6-4 *J_G3xx*ls2.^2 *x4) *kG2-4 *J_G3xx*ls2.^2 *x4*kG1+4 *J_G2xx*J_G3xx*l12*ls2*( x6) .^2 *sin ( x5-x3) +4 *g*J_G2xx*J_G3xx*l12*sin ( x3) +4 *u*J_G2xx*J_G3xx*l12*cos ( x3) ) *mG2+( 4 *g*J_G2xx*J_G3xx*ls1*sin ( x3) +4 *u*J_G2xx*J_G3xx*ls1*cos ( x3) ) *mG1+( 4 *J_G2xx*J_G3xx*x6-4 *J_G2xx*J_G3xx*x4) *kG2-4 *J_G2xx*J_G3xx*x4*kG1) /( ( ( ( 2 *l12.^2 *l23*ls2-2 *l12.^2 *l23.^2 ) *ls3.^2 *cos ( 2 *x7-2 *x5) +( 2 *l12.^2 *l23*ls2-2 *l12.^2 *ls2.^2 ) *ls3.^2 *cos ( 2 *x7-2 *x3) -2 *l12.^2 *l23*ls2*ls3.^2 *cos ( 2 *x5-2 *x3) +( 2 *l12.^2 *ls2.^2 -2 *l12.^2 *l23*ls2+2 *l12.^2 *l23.^2 ) *ls3.^2 ) *mG2+( 2 *l23.^2 *ls1.^2 *ls3.^2 -2 *l23.^2 *ls1.^2 *ls3.^2 *cos ( 2 *x7-2 *x5) ) *mG1-2 *J_G1xx*l23.^2 *ls3.^2 *cos ( 2 *x7-2 *x5) -2 *J_G2xx*l12.^2 *ls3.^2 *cos ( 2 *x7-2 *x3) -2 *J_G3xx*l12.^2 *l23.^2 *cos ( 2 *x5-2 *x3) +( 2 *J_G1xx*l23.^2 +2 *J_G2xx*l12.^2 ) *ls3.^2 +2 *J_G3xx*l12.^2 *l23.^2 ) *mG3.^2 +( ( 2 *l12.^2 *ls2.^2 *ls3.^2 -2 *l12.^2 *ls2.^2 *ls3.^2 *cos ( 2 *x5-2 *x3) ) *mG2.^2 +( 4 *ls1.^2 *ls2.^2 *ls3.^2 *mG1-4 *J_G3xx*l12.^2 *l23*ls2*cos ( 2 *x5-2 *x3) +( 4 *J_G1xx*ls2.^2 +4 *J_G2xx*l12.^2 ) *ls3.^2 +4 *J_G3xx*l12.^2 *ls2.^2 -4 *J_G3xx*l12.^2 *l23*ls2+4 *J_G3xx*l12.^2 *l23.^2 ) *mG2+( 4 *J_G2xx*ls1.^2 *ls3.^2 +4 *J_G3xx*l23.^2 *ls1.^2 ) *mG1+4 *J_G1xx*J_G2xx*ls3.^2 +4 *J_G1xx*J_G3xx*l23.^2 +4 *J_G2xx*J_G3xx*l12.^2 ) *mG3+( 2 *J_G3xx*l12.^2 *ls2.^2 -2 *J_G3xx*l12.^2 *ls2.^2 *cos ( 2 *x5-2 *x3) ) *mG2.^2 +( 4 *J_G3xx*ls1.^2 *ls2.^2 *mG1+4 *J_G1xx*J_G3xx*ls2.^2 +4 *J_G2xx*J_G3xx*l12.^2 ) *mG2+4 *J_G2xx*J_G3xx*ls1.^2 *mG1+4 *J_G1xx*J_G2xx*J_G3xx) ;
-( ( ( ( 2 *l12.^3 *ls2-2 *l12.^3 *l23) *ls3.^2 *( x4) .^2 *sin ( 2 *x7-x5-x3) +( g*l12.^2 *l23-g*l12.^2 *ls2) *ls3.^2 *sin ( 2 *x7-x5-2 *x3) +( u*l12.^2 *ls2-u*l12.^2 *l23) *ls3.^2 *cos ( 2 *x7-x5-2 *x3) +( g*l12.^2 *l23-g*l12.^2 *ls2) *ls3.^2 *sin ( 2 *x7-x5) +( u*l12.^2 *l23-u*l12.^2 *ls2) *ls3.^2 *cos ( 2 *x7-x5) +( 2 *l12.^2 *l23*ls2-2 *l12.^2 *l23.^2 ) *ls3.^2 *( x6) .^2 *sin ( 2 *x7-2 *x5) +2 *l12.^2 *ls2*ls3.^3 *( x8) .^2 *sin ( x7+x5-2 *x3) +( 2 *l12.^2 *ls2-4 *l12.^2 *l23) *ls3.^3 *( x8) .^2 *sin ( x7-x5) +2 *l12.^2 *l23*ls2*ls3.^2 *( x6) .^2 *sin ( 2 *x5-2 *x3) +( 2 *l12.^3 *ls2+2 *l12.^3 *l23) *ls3.^2 *( x4) .^2 *sin ( x5-x3) +( ( -g*l12.^2 *ls2) -g*l12.^2 *l23) *ls3.^2 *sin ( x5-2 *x3) +( u*l12.^2 *ls2+u*l12.^2 *l23) *ls3.^2 *cos ( x5-2 *x3) +( ( -g*l12.^2 *ls2) -g*l12.^2 *l23) *ls3.^2 *sin ( x5) +( ( -u*l12.^2 *ls2) -u*l12.^2 *l23) *ls3.^2 *cos ( x5) ) *mG2+( ( -2 *l12*l23*ls1.^2 *ls3.^2 *( x4) .^2 *sin ( 2 *x7-x5-x3) ) +g*l12*l23*ls1*ls3.^2 *sin ( 2 *x7-x5-2 *x3) -u*l12*l23*ls1*ls3.^2 *cos ( 2 *x7-x5-2 *x3) +( 2 *g*l23*ls1.^2 -g*l12*l23*ls1) *ls3.^2 *sin ( 2 *x7-x5) +( 2 *u*l23*ls1.^2 -u*l12*l23*ls1) *ls3.^2 *cos ( 2 *x7-x5) -2 *l23.^2 *ls1.^2 *ls3.^2 *( x6) .^2 *sin ( 2 *x7-2 *x5) -4 *l23*ls1.^2 *ls3.^3 *( x8) .^2 *sin ( x7-x5) +2 *l12*l23*ls1.^2 *ls3.^2 *( x4) .^2 *sin ( x5-x3) -g*l12*l23*ls1*ls3.^2 *sin ( x5-2 *x3) +u*l12*l23*ls1*ls3.^2 *cos ( x5-2 *x3) +( g*l12*l23*ls1-2 *g*l23*ls1.^2 ) *ls3.^2 *sin ( x5) +( u*l12*l23*ls1-2 *u*l23*ls1.^2 ) *ls3.^2 *cos ( x5) ) *mG1+( ( 2 *l12.^2 *ls3.^2 *x8-2 *l12.^2 *ls3.^2 *x6) *cos ( 2 *x7-2 *x3) +( 2 *l12.^2 *l23*ls3*x8-2 *l12.^2 *l23*ls3*x6) *cos ( x7+x5-2 *x3) +( 2 *l12.^2 *l23*ls3*x6-2 *l12.^2 *l23*ls3*x8) *cos ( x7-x5) -2 *l12.^2 *ls3.^2 *x8+2 *l12.^2 *ls3.^2 *x6) *kG3+( ( 2 *l12*l23*ls3.^2 *x4-2 *l12*l23*ls3.^2 *x6) *cos ( 2 *x7-x5-x3) +( 2 *l12.^2 *ls3.^2 *x4-2 *l12.^2 *ls3.^2 *x6) *cos ( 2 *x7-2 *x3) +( 2 *l12*l23*ls3.^2 *x6-2 *l12*l23*ls3.^2 *x4) *cos ( x5-x3) +2 *l12.^2 *ls3.^2 *x6-2 *l12.^2 *ls3.^2 *x4) *kG2+( 2 *l12*l23*ls3.^2 *x4*cos ( 2 *x7-x5-x3) -2 *l12*l23*ls3.^2 *x4*cos ( x5-x3) ) *kG1-2 *J_G1xx*l12*l23*ls3.^2 *( x4) .^2 *sin ( 2 *x7-x5-x3) +2 *g*J_G1xx*l23*ls3.^2 *sin ( 2 *x7-x5) +2 *u*J_G1xx*l23*ls3.^2 *cos ( 2 *x7-x5) -2 *J_G1xx*l23.^2 *ls3.^2 *( x6) .^2 *sin ( 2 *x7-2 *x5) +2 *J_G3xx*l12.^2 *l23*ls3*( x8) .^2 *sin ( x7+x5-2 *x3) +( ( -4 *J_G1xx*l23*ls3.^3 ) -2 *J_G3xx*l12.^2 *l23*ls3) *( x8) .^2 *sin ( x7-x5) +2 *J_G3xx*l12.^2 *l23.^2 *( x6) .^2 *sin ( 2 *x5-2 *x3) +( 2 *J_G1xx*l12*l23*ls3.^2 +4 *J_G3xx*l12.^3 *l23) *( x4) .^2 *sin ( x5-x3) -2 *g*J_G3xx*l12.^2 *l23*sin ( x5-2 *x3) +2 *u*J_G3xx*l12.^2 *l23*cos ( x5-2 *x3) +( ( -2 *g*J_G1xx*l23*ls3.^2 ) -2 *g*J_G3xx*l12.^2 *l23) *sin ( x5) +( ( -2 *u*J_G1xx*l23*ls3.^2 ) -2 *u*J_G3xx*l12.^2 *l23) *cos ( x5) ) *mG3.^2 +( ( 2 *l12.^2 *ls2.^2 *ls3.^2 *( x6) .^2 *sin ( 2 *x5-2 *x3) +4 *l12.^3 *ls2*ls3.^2 *( x4) .^2 *sin ( x5-x3) -2 *g*l12.^2 *ls2*ls3.^2 *sin ( x5-2 *x3) +2 *u*l12.^2 *ls2*ls3.^2 *cos ( x5-2 *x3) -2 *g*l12.^2 *ls2*ls3.^2 *sin ( x5) -2 *u*l12.^2 *ls2*ls3.^2 *cos ( x5) ) *mG2.^2 +( ( 4 *l12*ls1.^2 *ls2*ls3.^2 *( x4) .^2 *sin ( x5-x3) -2 *g*l12*ls1*ls2*ls3.^2 *sin ( x5-2 *x3) +2 *u*l12*ls1*ls2*ls3.^2 *cos ( x5-2 *x3) +( 2 *g*l12*ls1-4 *g*ls1.^2 ) *ls2*ls3.^2 *sin ( x5) +( 2 *u*l12*ls1-4 *u*ls1.^2 ) *ls2*ls3.^2 *cos ( x5) ) *mG1+( ( 2 *l12.^2 *ls2*ls3*x8-2 *l12.^2 *ls2*ls3*x6) *cos ( x7+x5-2 *x3) +( ( 2 *l12.^2 *ls2-4 *l12.^2 *l23) *ls3*x8+( 4 *l12.^2 *l23-2 *l12.^2 *ls2) *ls3*x6) *cos ( x7-x5) -4 *l12.^2 *ls3.^2 *x8+4 *l12.^2 *ls3.^2 *x6) *kG3+( ( 4 *l12*ls2*ls3.^2 *x6-4 *l12*ls2*ls3.^2 *x4) *cos ( x5-x3) +4 *l12.^2 *ls3.^2 *x6-4 *l12.^2 *ls3.^2 *x4) *kG2-4 *l12*ls2*ls3.^2 *x4*cos ( x5-x3) *kG1+2 *J_G3xx*l12.^2 *ls2*ls3*( x8) .^2 *sin ( x7+x5-2 *x3) +( 2 *J_G3xx*l12.^2 *ls2-4 *J_G3xx*l12.^2 *l23) *ls3*( x8) .^2 *sin ( x7-x5) +4 *J_G3xx*l12.^2 *l23*ls2*( x6) .^2 *sin ( 2 *x5-2 *x3) +( 4 *J_G1xx*l12*ls2*ls3.^2 +4 *J_G3xx*l12.^3 *ls2+4 *J_G3xx*l12.^3 *l23) *( x4) .^2 *sin ( x5-x3) +( ( -2 *g*J_G3xx*l12.^2 *ls2) -2 *g*J_G3xx*l12.^2 *l23) *sin ( x5-2 *x3) +( 2 *u*J_G3xx*l12.^2 *ls2+2 *u*J_G3xx*l12.^2 *l23) *cos ( x5-2 *x3) +( ( -4 *g*J_G1xx*ls2*ls3.^2 ) -2 *g*J_G3xx*l12.^2 *ls2-2 *g*J_G3xx*l12.^2 *l23) *sin ( x5) +( ( -4 *u*J_G1xx*ls2*ls3.^2 ) -2 *u*J_G3xx*l12.^2 *ls2-2 *u*J_G3xx*l12.^2 *l23) *cos ( x5) ) *mG2+( ( ( 4 *l23*ls1.^2 *ls3*x6-4 *l23*ls1.^2 *ls3*x8) *cos ( x7-x5) -4 *ls1.^2 *ls3.^2 *x8+4 *ls1.^2 *ls3.^2 *x6) *kG3+( 4 *ls1.^2 *ls3.^2 *x6-4 *ls1.^2 *ls3.^2 *x4) *kG2-4 *J_G3xx*l23*ls1.^2 *ls3*( x8) .^2 *sin ( x7-x5) +4 *J_G3xx*l12*l23*ls1.^2 *( x4) .^2 *sin ( x5-x3) -2 *g*J_G3xx*l12*l23*ls1*sin ( x5-2 *x3) +2 *u*J_G3xx*l12*l23*ls1*cos ( x5-2 *x3) +( 2 *g*J_G3xx*l12*l23*ls1-4 *g*J_G3xx*l23*ls1.^2 ) *sin ( x5) +( 2 *u*J_G3xx*l12*l23*ls1-4 *u*J_G3xx*l23*ls1.^2 ) *cos ( x5) ) *mG1+( ( 4 *J_G1xx*l23*ls3*x6-4 *J_G1xx*l23*ls3*x8) *cos ( x7-x5) +( ( -4 *J_G1xx*ls3.^2 ) -4 *J_G3xx*l12.^2 ) *x8+( 4 *J_G1xx*ls3.^2 +4 *J_G3xx*l12.^2 ) *x6) *kG3+( ( 4 *J_G3xx*l12*l23*x6-4 *J_G3xx*l12*l23*x4) *cos ( x5-x3) +( 4 *J_G1xx*ls3.^2 +4 *J_G3xx*l12.^2 ) *x6+( ( -4 *J_G1xx*ls3.^2 ) -4 *J_G3xx*l12.^2 ) *x4) *kG2-4 *J_G3xx*l12*l23*x4*cos ( x5-x3) *kG1-4 *J_G1xx*J_G3xx*l23*ls3*( x8) .^2 *sin ( x7-x5) +4 *J_G1xx*J_G3xx*l12*l23*( x4) .^2 *sin ( x5-x3) -4 *g*J_G1xx*J_G3xx*l23*sin ( x5) -4 *u*J_G1xx*J_G3xx*l23*cos ( x5) ) *mG3+( 2 *J_G3xx*l12.^2 *ls2.^2 *( x6) .^2 *sin ( 2 *x5-2 *x3) +4 *J_G3xx*l12.^3 *ls2*( x4) .^2 *sin ( x5-x3) -2 *g*J_G3xx*l12.^2 *ls2*sin ( x5-2 *x3) +2 *u*J_G3xx*l12.^2 *ls2*cos ( x5-2 *x3) -2 *g*J_G3xx*l12.^2 *ls2*sin ( x5) -2 *u*J_G3xx*l12.^2 *ls2*cos ( x5) ) *mG2.^2 +( ( 4 *J_G3xx*l12*ls1.^2 *ls2*( x4) .^2 *sin ( x5-x3) -2 *g*J_G3xx*l12*ls1*ls2*sin ( x5-2 *x3) +2 *u*J_G3xx*l12*ls1*ls2*cos ( x5-2 *x3) +( 2 *g*J_G3xx*l12*ls1-4 *g*J_G3xx*ls1.^2 ) *ls2*sin ( x5) +( 2 *u*J_G3xx*l12*ls1-4 *u*J_G3xx*ls1.^2 ) *ls2*cos ( x5) ) *mG1+( 4 *J_G3xx*l12.^2 *x6-4 *J_G3xx*l12.^2 *x8) *kG3+( ( 4 *J_G3xx*l12*ls2*x6-4 *J_G3xx*l12*ls2*x4) *cos ( x5-x3) +4 *J_G3xx*l12.^2 *x6-4 *J_G3xx*l12.^2 *x4) *kG2-4 *J_G3xx*l12*ls2*x4*cos ( x5-x3) *kG1+4 *J_G1xx*J_G3xx*l12*ls2*( x4) .^2 *sin ( x5-x3) -4 *g*J_G1xx*J_G3xx*ls2*sin ( x5) -4 *u*J_G1xx*J_G3xx*ls2*cos ( x5) ) *mG2+( ( 4 *J_G3xx*ls1.^2 *x6-4 *J_G3xx*ls1.^2 *x8) *kG3+( 4 *J_G3xx*ls1.^2 *x6-4 *J_G3xx*ls1.^2 *x4) *kG2) *mG1+( 4 *J_G1xx*J_G3xx*x6-4 *J_G1xx*J_G3xx*x8) *kG3+( 4 *J_G1xx*J_G3xx*x6-4 *J_G1xx*J_G3xx*x4) *kG2) /( ( ( ( 2 *l12.^2 *l23*ls2-2 *l12.^2 *l23.^2 ) *ls3.^2 *cos ( 2 *x7-2 *x5) +( 2 *l12.^2 *l23*ls2-2 *l12.^2 *ls2.^2 ) *ls3.^2 *cos ( 2 *x7-2 *x3) -2 *l12.^2 *l23*ls2*ls3.^2 *cos ( 2 *x5-2 *x3) +( 2 *l12.^2 *ls2.^2 -2 *l12.^2 *l23*ls2+2 *l12.^2 *l23.^2 ) *ls3.^2 ) *mG2+( 2 *l23.^2 *ls1.^2 *ls3.^2 -2 *l23.^2 *ls1.^2 *ls3.^2 *cos ( 2 *x7-2 *x5) ) *mG1-2 *J_G1xx*l23.^2 *ls3.^2 *cos ( 2 *x7-2 *x5) -2 *J_G2xx*l12.^2 *ls3.^2 *cos ( 2 *x7-2 *x3) -2 *J_G3xx*l12.^2 *l23.^2 *cos ( 2 *x5-2 *x3) +( 2 *J_G1xx*l23.^2 +2 *J_G2xx*l12.^2 ) *ls3.^2 +2 *J_G3xx*l12.^2 *l23.^2 ) *mG3.^2 +( ( 2 *l12.^2 *ls2.^2 *ls3.^2 -2 *l12.^2 *ls2.^2 *ls3.^2 *cos ( 2 *x5-2 *x3) ) *mG2.^2 +( 4 *ls1.^2 *ls2.^2 *ls3.^2 *mG1-4 *J_G3xx*l12.^2 *l23*ls2*cos ( 2 *x5-2 *x3) +( 4 *J_G1xx*ls2.^2 +4 *J_G2xx*l12.^2 ) *ls3.^2 +4 *J_G3xx*l12.^2 *ls2.^2 -4 *J_G3xx*l12.^2 *l23*ls2+4 *J_G3xx*l12.^2 *l23.^2 ) *mG2+( 4 *J_G2xx*ls1.^2 *ls3.^2 +4 *J_G3xx*l23.^2 *ls1.^2 ) *mG1+4 *J_G1xx*J_G2xx*ls3.^2 +4 *J_G1xx*J_G3xx*l23.^2 +4 *J_G2xx*J_G3xx*l12.^2 ) *mG3+( 2 *J_G3xx*l12.^2 *ls2.^2 -2 *J_G3xx*l12.^2 *ls2.^2 *cos ( 2 *x5-2 *x3) ) *mG2.^2 +( 4 *J_G3xx*ls1.^2 *ls2.^2 *mG1+4 *J_G1xx*J_G3xx*ls2.^2 +4 *J_G2xx*J_G3xx*l12.^2 ) *mG2+4 *J_G2xx*J_G3xx*ls1.^2 *mG1+4 *J_G1xx*J_G2xx*J_G3xx) ;
( ( ( ( 2 *l12.^2 *l23*ls2-2 *l12.^2 *l23.^2 ) *ls3.^2 *( x8) .^2 *sin ( 2 *x7-2 *x5) +( 2 *l12.^2 *l23*ls2-2 *l12.^2 *ls2.^2 ) *ls3.^2 *( x8) .^2 *sin ( 2 *x7-2 *x3) +( 2 *l12.^2 *l23.^2 *ls2-2 *l12.^2 *l23*ls2.^2 ) *ls3*( x6) .^2 *sin ( x7+x5-2 *x3) +( ( -2 *l12.^2 *l23*ls2.^2 ) +6 *l12.^2 *l23.^2 *ls2-4 *l12.^2 *l23.^3 ) *ls3*( x6) .^2 *sin ( x7-x5) +( g*l12.^2 *l23.^2 -g*l12.^2 *l23*ls2) *ls3*sin ( x7-2 *x5+2 *x3) +( u*l12.^2 *l23.^2 -u*l12.^2 *l23*ls2) *ls3*cos ( x7-2 *x5+2 *x3) +( 2 *l12.^3 *l23*ls2-2 *l12.^3 *l23.^2 ) *ls3*( x4) .^2 *sin ( x7-2 *x5+x3) +( g*l12.^2 *l23.^2 -g*l12.^2 *l23*ls2) *ls3*sin ( x7-2 *x5) +( u*l12.^2 *l23*ls2-u*l12.^2 *l23.^2 ) *ls3*cos ( x7-2 *x5) +( ( -4 *l12.^3 *ls2.^2 ) +6 *l12.^3 *l23*ls2-2 *l12.^3 *l23.^2 ) *ls3*( x4) .^2 *sin ( x7-x3) +( 2 *g*l12.^2 *ls2.^2 -3 *g*l12.^2 *l23*ls2+g*l12.^2 *l23.^2 ) *ls3*sin ( x7-2 *x3) +( ( -2 *u*l12.^2 *ls2.^2 ) +3 *u*l12.^2 *l23*ls2-u*l12.^2 *l23.^2 ) *ls3*cos ( x7-2 *x3) +( 2 *g*l12.^2 *ls2.^2 -3 *g*l12.^2 *l23*ls2+g*l12.^2 *l23.^2 ) *ls3*sin ( x7) +( 2 *u*l12.^2 *ls2.^2 -3 *u*l12.^2 *l23*ls2+u*l12.^2 *l23.^2 ) *ls3*cos ( x7) ) *mG2+( ( -2 *l23.^2 *ls1.^2 *ls3.^2 *( x8) .^2 *sin ( 2 *x7-2 *x5) ) -4 *l23.^3 *ls1.^2 *ls3*( x6) .^2 *sin ( x7-x5) +g*l12*l23.^2 *ls1*ls3*sin ( x7-2 *x5+2 *x3) +u*l12*l23.^2 *ls1*ls3*cos ( x7-2 *x5+2 *x3) -2 *l12*l23.^2 *ls1.^2 *ls3*( x4) .^2 *sin ( x7-2 *x5+x3) +( 2 *g*l23.^2 *ls1.^2 -g*l12*l23.^2 *ls1) *ls3*sin ( x7-2 *x5) +( u*l12*l23.^2 *ls1-2 *u*l23.^2 *ls1.^2 ) *ls3*cos ( x7-2 *x5) -2 *l12*l23.^2 *ls1.^2 *ls3*( x4) .^2 *sin ( x7-x3) +g*l12*l23.^2 *ls1*ls3*sin ( x7-2 *x3) -u*l12*l23.^2 *ls1*ls3*cos ( x7-2 *x3) +( 2 *g*l23.^2 *ls1.^2 -g*l12*l23.^2 *ls1) *ls3*sin ( x7) +( 2 *u*l23.^2 *ls1.^2 -u*l12*l23.^2 *ls1) *ls3*cos ( x7) ) *mG1+( ( 2 *l12.^2 *l23*ls3*x8-2 *l12.^2 *l23*ls3*x6) *cos ( x7+x5-2 *x3) +( 2 *l12.^2 *l23*ls3*x6-2 *l12.^2 *l23*ls3*x8) *cos ( x7-x5) +( 2 *l12.^2 *l23.^2 *cos ( 2 *x5-2 *x3) -2 *l12.^2 *l23.^2 ) *x8-2 *l12.^2 *l23.^2 *x6*cos ( 2 *x5-2 *x3) +2 *l12.^2 *l23.^2 *x6) *kG3+( ( 2 *l12.^2 *l23*ls3*x4-2 *l12.^2 *l23*ls3*x6) *cos ( x7+x5-2 *x3) +( 2 *l12.^2 *l23*ls3*x6-2 *l12.^2 *l23*ls3*x4) *cos ( x7-x5) +( 2 *l12*l23.^2 *ls3*x6-2 *l12*l23.^2 *ls3*x4) *cos ( x7-2 *x5+x3) +( 2 *l12*l23.^2 *ls3*x4-2 *l12*l23.^2 *ls3*x6) *cos ( x7-x3) ) *kG2+( 2 *l12*l23.^2 *ls3*x4*cos ( x7-x3) -2 *l12*l23.^2 *ls3*x4*cos ( x7-2 *x5+x3) ) *kG1-2 *J_G1xx*l23.^2 *ls3.^2 *( x8) .^2 *sin ( 2 *x7-2 *x5) -2 *J_G2xx*l12.^2 *ls3.^2 *( x8) .^2 *sin ( 2 *x7-2 *x3) -2 *J_G2xx*l12.^2 *l23*ls3*( x6) .^2 *sin ( x7+x5-2 *x3) +( ( -4 *J_G1xx*l23.^3 ) -2 *J_G2xx*l12.^2 *l23) *ls3*( x6) .^2 *sin ( x7-x5) -2 *J_G1xx*l12*l23.^2 *ls3*( x4) .^2 *sin ( x7-2 *x5+x3) +2 *g*J_G1xx*l23.^2 *ls3*sin ( x7-2 *x5) -2 *u*J_G1xx*l23.^2 *ls3*cos ( x7-2 *x5) +( ( -2 *J_G1xx*l12*l23.^2 ) -4 *J_G2xx*l12.^3 ) *ls3*( x4) .^2 *sin ( x7-x3) +2 *g*J_G2xx*l12.^2 *ls3*sin ( x7-2 *x3) -2 *u*J_G2xx*l12.^2 *ls3*cos ( x7-2 *x3) +( 2 *g*J_G1xx*l23.^2 +2 *g*J_G2xx*l12.^2 ) *ls3*sin ( x7) +( 2 *u*J_G1xx*l23.^2 +2 *u*J_G2xx*l12.^2 ) *ls3*cos ( x7) ) *mG3.^2 +( ( ( 2 *l12.^2 *l23*ls2.^2 -2 *l12.^2 *ls2.^3 ) *ls3*( x6) .^2 *sin ( x7+x5-2 *x3) +( 2 *l12.^2 *ls2.^3 -2 *l12.^2 *l23*ls2.^2 ) *ls3*( x6) .^2 *sin ( x7-x5) +( g*l12.^2 *l23*ls2-g*l12.^2 *ls2.^2 ) *ls3*sin ( x7-2 *x5+2 *x3) +( u*l12.^2 *l23*ls2-u*l12.^2 *ls2.^2 ) *ls3*cos ( x7-2 *x5+2 *x3) +( 2 *l12.^3 *ls2.^2 -2 *l12.^3 *l23*ls2) *ls3*( x4) .^2 *sin ( x7-2 *x5+x3) +( g*l12.^2 *l23*ls2-g*l12.^2 *ls2.^2 ) *ls3*sin ( x7-2 *x5) +( u*l12.^2 *ls2.^2 -u*l12.^2 *l23*ls2) *ls3*cos ( x7-2 *x5) +( 2 *l12.^3 *l23*ls2-2 *l12.^3 *ls2.^2 ) *ls3*( x4) .^2 *sin ( x7-x3) +( g*l12.^2 *ls2.^2 -g*l12.^2 *l23*ls2) *ls3*sin ( x7-2 *x3) +( u*l12.^2 *l23*ls2-u*l12.^2 *ls2.^2 ) *ls3*cos ( x7-2 *x3) +( g*l12.^2 *ls2.^2 -g*l12.^2 *l23*ls2) *ls3*sin ( x7) +( u*l12.^2 *ls2.^2 -u*l12.^2 *l23*ls2) *ls3*cos ( x7) ) *mG2.^2 +( ( ( -4 *l23*ls1.^2 *ls2.^2 *ls3*( x6) .^2 *sin ( x7-x5) ) +g*l12*l23*ls1*ls2*ls3*sin ( x7-2 *x5+2 *x3) +u*l12*l23*ls1*ls2*ls3*cos ( x7-2 *x5+2 *x3) -2 *l12*l23*ls1.^2 *ls2*ls3*( x4) .^2 *sin ( x7-2 *x5+x3) +( 2 *g*l23*ls1.^2 -g*l12*l23*ls1) *ls2*ls3*sin ( x7-2 *x5) +( u*l12*l23*ls1-2 *u*l23*ls1.^2 ) *ls2*ls3*cos ( x7-2 *x5) +( 2 *l12*l23*ls1.^2 *ls2-4 *l12*ls1.^2 *ls2.^2 ) *ls3*( x4) .^2 *sin ( x7-x3) +( 2 *g*l12*ls1*ls2.^2 -g*l12*l23*ls1*ls2) *ls3*sin ( x7-2 *x3) +( u*l12*l23*ls1*ls2-2 *u*l12*ls1*ls2.^2 ) *ls3*cos ( x7-2 *x3) +( ( 4 *g*ls1.^2 -2 *g*l12*ls1) *ls2.^2 +( g*l12*l23*ls1-2 *g*l23*ls1.^2 ) *ls2) *ls3*sin ( x7) +( ( 4 *u*ls1.^2 -2 *u*l12*ls1) *ls2.^2 +( u*l12*l23*ls1-2 *u*l23*ls1.^2 ) *ls2) *ls3*cos ( x7) ) *mG1+( ( 2 *l12.^2 *ls2*ls3*x8-2 *l12.^2 *ls2*ls3*x6) *cos ( x7+x5-2 *x3) +( ( 2 *l12.^2 *ls2-4 *l12.^2 *l23) *ls3*x8+( 4 *l12.^2 *l23-2 *l12.^2 *ls2) *ls3*x6) *cos ( x7-x5) +( 4 *l12.^2 *l23*ls2*cos ( 2 *x5-2 *x3) -4 *l12.^2 *ls2.^2 +4 *l12.^2 *l23*ls2-4 *l12.^2 *l23.^2 ) *x8-4 *l12.^2 *l23*ls2*x6*cos ( 2 *x5-2 *x3) +( 4 *l12.^2 *ls2.^2 -4 *l12.^2 *l23*ls2+4 *l12.^2 *l23.^2 ) *x6) *kG3+( ( 2 *l12.^2 *ls2*ls3*x4-2 *l12.^2 *ls2*ls3*x6) *cos ( x7+x5-2 *x3) +( ( 4 *l12.^2 *l23-2 *l12.^2 *ls2) *ls3*x6+( 2 *l12.^2 *ls2-4 *l12.^2 *l23) *ls3*x4) *cos ( x7-x5) +( 2 *l12*l23*ls2*ls3*x6-2 *l12*l23*ls2*ls3*x4) *cos ( x7-2 *x5+x3) +( ( 2 *l12*l23*ls2-4 *l12*ls2.^2 ) *ls3*x6+( 4 *l12*ls2.^2 -2 *l12*l23*ls2) *ls3*x4) *cos ( x7-x3) ) *kG2+( ( 4 *l12*ls2.^2 -2 *l12*l23*ls2) *ls3*x4*cos ( x7-x3) -2 *l12*l23*ls2*ls3*x4*cos ( x7-2 *x5+x3) ) *kG1-2 *J_G2xx*l12.^2 *ls2*ls3*( x6) .^2 *sin ( x7+x5-2 *x3) +( ( -4 *J_G1xx*l23*ls2.^2 ) +2 *J_G2xx*l12.^2 *ls2-4 *J_G2xx*l12.^2 *l23) *ls3*( x6) .^2 *sin ( x7-x5) -2 *J_G1xx*l12*l23*ls2*ls3*( x4) .^2 *sin ( x7-2 *x5+x3) +2 *g*J_G1xx*l23*ls2*ls3*sin ( x7-2 *x5) -2 *u*J_G1xx*l23*ls2*ls3*cos ( x7-2 *x5) +( ( -4 *J_G1xx*l12*ls2.^2 ) +2 *J_G1xx*l12*l23*ls2-4 *J_G2xx*l12.^3 ) *ls3*( x4) .^2 *sin ( x7-x3) +2 *g*J_G2xx*l12.^2 *ls3*sin ( x7-2 *x3) -2 *u*J_G2xx*l12.^2 *ls3*cos ( x7-2 *x3) +( 4 *g*J_G1xx*ls2.^2 -2 *g*J_G1xx*l23*ls2+2 *g*J_G2xx*l12.^2 ) *ls3*sin ( x7) +( 4 *u*J_G1xx*ls2.^2 -2 *u*J_G1xx*l23*ls2+2 *u*J_G2xx*l12.^2 ) *ls3*cos ( x7) ) *mG2+( ( ( 4 *l23*ls1.^2 *ls3*x6-4 *l23*ls1.^2 *ls3*x8) *cos ( x7-x5) -4 *l23.^2 *ls1.^2 *x8+4 *l23.^2 *ls1.^2 *x6) *kG3+( 4 *l23*ls1.^2 *ls3*x6-4 *l23*ls1.^2 *ls3*x4) *cos ( x7-x5) *kG2-4 *J_G2xx*l23*ls1.^2 *ls3*( x6) .^2 *sin ( x7-x5) -4 *J_G2xx*l12*ls1.^2 *ls3*( x4) .^2 *sin ( x7-x3) +2 *g*J_G2xx*l12*ls1*ls3*sin ( x7-2 *x3) -2 *u*J_G2xx*l12*ls1*ls3*cos ( x7-2 *x3) +( 4 *g*J_G2xx*ls1.^2 -2 *g*J_G2xx*l12*ls1) *ls3*sin ( x7) +( 4 *u*J_G2xx*ls1.^2 -2 *u*J_G2xx*l12*ls1) *ls3*cos ( x7) ) *mG1+( ( 4 *J_G1xx*l23*ls3*x6-4 *J_G1xx*l23*ls3*x8) *cos ( x7-x5) +( ( -4 *J_G1xx*l23.^2 ) -4 *J_G2xx*l12.^2 ) *x8+( 4 *J_G1xx*l23.^2 +4 *J_G2xx*l12.^2 ) *x6) *kG3+( ( 4 *J_G1xx*l23*ls3*x6-4 *J_G1xx*l23*ls3*x4) *cos ( x7-x5) +( 4 *J_G2xx*l12*ls3*x4-4 *J_G2xx*l12*ls3*x6) *cos ( x7-x3) ) *kG2+4 *J_G2xx*l12*ls3*x4*cos ( x7-x3) *kG1-4 *J_G1xx*J_G2xx*l23*ls3*( x6) .^2 *sin ( x7-x5) -4 *J_G1xx*J_G2xx*l12*ls3*( x4) .^2 *sin ( x7-x3) +4 *g*J_G1xx*J_G2xx*ls3*sin ( x7) +4 *u*J_G1xx*J_G2xx*ls3*cos ( x7) ) *mG3+( ( 2 *l12.^2 *ls2.^2 *cos ( 2 *x5-2 *x3) -2 *l12.^2 *ls2.^2 ) *x8-2 *l12.^2 *ls2.^2 *x6*cos ( 2 *x5-2 *x3) +2 *l12.^2 *ls2.^2 *x6) *kG3*mG2.^2 +( ( 4 *ls1.^2 *ls2.^2 *x6-4 *ls1.^2 *ls2.^2 *x8) *kG3*mG1+( ( ( -4 *J_G1xx*ls2.^2 ) -4 *J_G2xx*l12.^2 ) *x8+( 4 *J_G1xx*ls2.^2 +4 *J_G2xx*l12.^2 ) *x6) *kG3) *mG2+( 4 *J_G2xx*ls1.^2 *x6-4 *J_G2xx*ls1.^2 *x8) *kG3*mG1+( 4 *J_G1xx*J_G2xx*x6-4 *J_G1xx*J_G2xx*x8) *kG3) /( ( ( ( 2 *l12.^2 *l23*ls2-2 *l12.^2 *l23.^2 ) *ls3.^2 *cos ( 2 *x7-2 *x5) +( 2 *l12.^2 *l23*ls2-2 *l12.^2 *ls2.^2 ) *ls3.^2 *cos ( 2 *x7-2 *x3) -2 *l12.^2 *l23*ls2*ls3.^2 *cos ( 2 *x5-2 *x3) +( 2 *l12.^2 *ls2.^2 -2 *l12.^2 *l23*ls2+2 *l12.^2 *l23.^2 ) *ls3.^2 ) *mG2+( 2 *l23.^2 *ls1.^2 *ls3.^2 -2 *l23.^2 *ls1.^2 *ls3.^2 *cos ( 2 *x7-2 *x5) ) *mG1-2 *J_G1xx*l23.^2 *ls3.^2 *cos ( 2 *x7-2 *x5) -2 *J_G2xx*l12.^2 *ls3.^2 *cos ( 2 *x7-2 *x3) -2 *J_G3xx*l12.^2 *l23.^2 *cos ( 2 *x5-2 *x3) +( 2 *J_G1xx*l23.^2 +2 *J_G2xx*l12.^2 ) *ls3.^2 +2 *J_G3xx*l12.^2 *l23.^2 ) *mG3.^2 +( ( 2 *l12.^2 *ls2.^2 *ls3.^2 -2 *l12.^2 *ls2.^2 *ls3.^2 *cos ( 2 *x5-2 *x3) ) *mG2.^2 +( 4 *ls1.^2 *ls2.^2 *ls3.^2 *mG1-4 *J_G3xx*l12.^2 *l23*ls2*cos ( 2 *x5-2 *x3) +( 4 *J_G1xx*ls2.^2 +4 *J_G2xx*l12.^2 ) *ls3.^2 +4 *J_G3xx*l12.^2 *ls2.^2 -4 *J_G3xx*l12.^2 *l23*ls2+4 *J_G3xx*l12.^2 *l23.^2 ) *mG2+( 4 *J_G2xx*ls1.^2 *ls3.^2 +4 *J_G3xx*l23.^2 *ls1.^2 ) *mG1+4 *J_G1xx*J_G2xx*ls3.^2 +4 *J_G1xx*J_G3xx*l23.^2 +4 *J_G2xx*J_G3xx*l12.^2 ) *mG3+( 2 *J_G3xx*l12.^2 *ls2.^2 -2 *J_G3xx*l12.^2 *ls2.^2 *cos ( 2 *x5-2 *x3) ) *mG2.^2 +( 4 *J_G3xx*ls1.^2 *ls2.^2 *mG1+4 *J_G1xx*J_G3xx*ls2.^2 +4 *J_G2xx*J_G3xx*l12.^2 ) *mG2+4 *J_G2xx*J_G3xx*ls1.^2 *mG1+4 *J_G1xx*J_G2xx*J_G3xx) ] ;
%Linearisierung und Zustandsrückführung
xv = { x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7,x8,u} ; %xv-Zustandsliste
xs000 = { 0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 } ; %xs000 dedeutet:Winkel1 oben, Winkel 2 oben, Winkel 3 oben
xs100 = { 0 ,0 ,pi ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 } ; %xs100 dedeutet:Winkel1 unten, Winkel 2 oben, Winkel 3 oben
xs010 = { 0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,pi ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 } ;
xs001 = { 0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,pi ,0 ,0 } ;
xs110 = { 0 ,0 ,pi ,0 ,pi ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 } ;
xs011 = { 0 ,0 ,0 ,0 ,pi ,0 ,pi ,0 ,0 } ;
xs101 = { 0 ,0 ,pi ,0 ,0 ,0 ,pi ,0 ,0 } ;
xs111 = { 0 ,0 ,pi ,0 ,pi ,0 ,pi ,0 ,0 } ;
xs999 = { 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ,5 ,6 ,7 ,8 ,1 } ;
x0_pendel = [ 0 0 0 0 pi 0 0 0 ] ; %Anfangszustand für Simulinkmodell
pol2 =[ -2 ,-2 ,-1.64 ,-5.38 ,-1.04 +6.8 *1i,-1.04 -6.8 *1i,-1.35 ,-8.97 ] ; %Wunscheigenwerte für RL xs010
pol3 =[ -2 ,-1 ,-1.008 +4 .56i,-1.008 -4 .56i,-7.81 ,-1.03 +8 .25i,-1.03 -8 .25i,-4.54 ] ; %Wunscheigenwerte für RL xs011
x=[ x1;x2;x3;x4;x5;x6;x7;x8] ; %Zustandsvektor
A=jacobian ( f2,x) ; %f( x,u) nach vektor x ableiten - ergibt Dynamikmatrix
b=jacobian ( f2,u) ; %f( x,u) nach u ableiten ergibt - Eingangsvektor
A_RL = double ( subs ( A,xv,rl) ) %Linearisierte Dynamikmatrix in RL-xs
b_RL = double ( subs ( b,xv,rl) ) %Linearisierter Eingangsvektor in RL-xs
%hier werden die Symbole x1...x9 in double umgewandelt -> die Ruhelage um
%die linearisiert wird, stehen in xv mit den Werten von rl
% -----------------------Ackermann------------------------------
k1=acker( A_RL,b_RL,pol2) %Zustandsrückführvektor nach Ackermann
% ---------------------------LQR--------------------------------
Q=eye ( 8 ) *3 ; %Geschwindigkeit mit der die einzelnen Zustände gegen Null getrieben werden
R=1 ; %R=skalar falls ein Eingang;Je größer DiaMatrix desto kleiner Stellgröße -> desto langsamer Regelung
k2=lqr( A_RL,b_RL,Q,R)
22.85 KB
590 mal
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547 mal
Beiträge: 3
Anmeldedatum: 12.03.16
Wohnort: ---
Version: ---
Verfasst am : 13.03.2016, 22:14
Titel : Solved
Problem gelöst. Man muss den Ausgang um die linearisierte Ruhelage abziehen.
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