Verfasst am: 08.12.2011, 10:51
Titel: Re: zweite Gui oeffnen,wenn gui ohne guide
Hallo chris4aus,
Die Fehlermeldung besagt, dass "help_window_woguide()" keine Ausgaben erzeugt. Wieso das so ist, kann man nicht erraten. Der Debugger kann Dir aber weiterhelfen: "dbstop if error".
Ich habe jetzt ein wenig rumgespielt: Und du hattest Recht:
Ich musste die Figure-Einfuegen und jetzt laeuft es ohne Fehler.
Hier der Code:
function he_wi = help_window_woguide
% get screensize
scrsz = get(0,'ScreenSize');
% get main window
help_window1 = figure('MenuBar','none',...
'Name','GUI - erstellt ohne GUIDE',...
% tabs for help
h = uitabgroup('v0'); drawnow;
t1 = uitab('v0', h, 'title', 'Overview');
t2 = uitab('v0', h, 'title', 'Opening remarks');
% overview text
overview_text = uicontrol(t1,'Style','text',...
'Background',[.96 .92 .92],...
text_over{1} = 'Program can be used to set up a scaffold in the electrospinning machine.';
text_over{end+1} = 'It constructs a scaffold by setting up different major compound layers.';
text_over{end+1} = 'Each major compound layer consists of a specified number of minor compound layers.';
text_over{end+1} = 'Each minor compound layer consists of a certain number of layers, specified by the rotation angle.';
text_over{end+1} = 'Each layer within the minor coumpound layer consists of the same pattern though at different rotations.';
text_over{end+1} = 'It is built by using sub blocks which are placed next to each other.';
[outstring,newpos] = textwrap(overview_text,text_over);
% % enter graphic % axes_scaffold = uicontrol(t1,'Style','frame',... % 'Tag','axes_scaffold',... % 'Units','centimeters',... % 'Background',[.96 .92 .92],... % 'Position',[0.3,5.2,19,4]); % axes(axes_scaffold); % pick axes object
G1=imread('scaffold_111208_2.jpg','jpg'); % read in picture
hand1 = image(G1); % display picture % set(hand1,'OuterPosition',[10 10 100 90]); % axis image; axis off
G2=imread('xy-view_scaffold.jpg','jpg'); % read in picture
hand2 = image(G2); % display picture % set(gca,'OuterPosition',[10 10 100 90]); % axis image; axis off
% opening remarks
open_text = uicontrol(t2,'Style','text',...
'Background',[.96 .92 .92],...
text{1} = 'Enter name - if name already exists, you can load the existing values or choose to overwrite them';
text{end+1} = ['Choose either height or stage area to characterise scaffold. ',...
'The other option will then be calculated automatically.'];
text{end+1} = ['Trapezium option will ensure that the resulting scaffold ',...
'has a useful area as defined by the smallest layer width ',...
'(x axis). Otherwise the entered layer width might be reduced ',...
'due to the offset.'];
[outstring1,newpos1] = textwrap(open_text,text);
% ok button
handles.pushbutton1 = uicontrol(help_window1,'Style','pushbutton',...
% save structure guidata(help_window1,handles);
he_wi = help_window1;
function ok_callback(~,~) % close help_window close(help_window1);
end end
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